The race for semiconductor supremacy | FT Film

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The US is bidding to regain a leading role in advanced chip manufacturing, to de-risk critical supply chains, and to combat China's rise as a technological superpower.

#semiconductors #microchips #Intel

00:00 - The race for semiconductor supremacy
02:28 - Chips Act
04:32 - Arizona
06:33 - Tomorrow’s workforce
08:59 - Intel
10:29 - Dawn of the silicon age
12:57 - De-risking
14:10 - The rise of TSMC
16:14 - The flashpoint
19:11 - China
21:40 - The consultant
25:07 - Artificial intelligence

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Intel lost coz it kept employing MBAs and finance to run the company, it's doing better now that engineers are back at the helm.

It's engineers who understand the market that do it best, not bean counters who worry more about short-term profits over long-term sustainable growth.


The FT saying that Intel lost its edge in the last 5-8 years is a joke. They missed every single structural shift in the industry in the last 20 years, beginning with the change into mobile devices. It’s perfectly defensible for the US to protect its security with support to onshore production of chips but to see Intel’s CEO, who still has not delivered on any of his promises to shareholders, posing as the great strategist while he milks public money is a bit rich (he pulls the same act in Europe)! It suffices to look at the performance of Intel’s stock and compare it to its peers.


How USA is so comfortable monopolising heavy industries, but quickly criticise and scared when other countries monopolies such industries.


Intel said "Without the Chinese market, there is no point of building the chip factory expansion"


I'm certain $NVDA is a no-brainer for the next few quarters, but $TSM is a better option too, as is $PLTR, with $AMD also performing well. I keep increasing my shares manageably, l'd add more into giant tech players who are solid in their own hardwares like $META and $GOOG


Fascinated by AMD s effort currently. I think Lisa Su s joining into AMD was quite transformative


The factory is just a building with expensive equipment. The essential components are those highly skilled chip engineers that is willing to work long hours in the lab and on call 24/7. I am not sure that there are enough such engineers in the US. TSMC will have bring tens of thousands of them from Taiwan. US domestic students are not interested in hardware engineering. We will see how the US and Arizona attract and accommodate these foreigners.


I work as a supplier for Intel, visiting the Ronler Acres campus in Hillsboro weekly. The capital investments they are making into R&D and fab is incredible.


The immigration policy needs a complete revamp. We educate foreigners in our top universities and kick them out without much options to remain in our country. What an idiotic thing to do. Anyone who wishes to work hard and contribute to our country should be given the opportunities to do so.


The rise of the MBA in industry resulted in a drop in scientific and engineering innovation. When accountants took over, the plot was lost.


Arizona has a shortage of water a lot of which is needed for chip manufacturing. A better choice would be the Great lakes, ie the rust belt. But these companies, despite being willing to accept government money, don't like paying taxes....


By the way, the TSMC Arizona fab is now 2 years behind schedule. /nfc


This is protectionism 101. The US demands free market policy from developing nations but then does this.


Floks, TSMC tried to set a new site in US, and what happened? US workers are protesting on the management and the whole process is slowing down. The fact is that having chips made in the US is much more expensive in Taiwan. You cannot find skilled TSMC alike workers in other place with the same cost out of Taiwan. Face it. Not to mention the management of Intel is a disaster!


Eventually America will shoot itself on foot by restricting advanced chip technologies to China. The recent launch of 5G smart phones with 7nm microchips by Huawei is a case in point. No matter how difficult to manufacturing advanced chips, as long as the chips are made based on physical and chemical principles, China will make them just give it a little bit of time.


The US and Europe should have started reindustriasing their semiconductor industry a long time ago


pretty muddled presentation -no context, random sound bytes, hyperbole mixed with facts, back & forth commentary. Confused between promoting US R & D and the current state of manufacturing!


The person behind 7nm chip in China is the previous R&D director from TSMC. How are u going to sanction on talent?


The USA had been leading in chips manufacturing & has now been caught up by others and this shouldn't be or deserve to be put down using the US military.


I don't think that ASML was mentioned once. But without their litho machines not much would happen.

So is this a lack of understanding is the actual production chain? Or does it but serve the strategic interest of a program like this? Or is it sheer nationalism, assuming that the world only knows USA interests and companies directly serving those?
