Dr. Karen Becker - Ultimate Pet Health: The Best Diet For Your Dog Or Cat

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Dr. Karen Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. Her approach seeks to save you and your pet from unnecessary stress and suffering by identifying and removing health obstacles before disease occurs. Karen works with Dr. Mercola, providing cutting edge holistic pet information over on his website, Healthy Pets.

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About the Podcast
Jesse Chappus and Marni Wasserman have in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!
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I absolutely adore that you named your little baby Goji! Awesome podcast, I'm so glad I found you!!! Dr. Karen Becker is, I think, one of the best things that have ever happened to our canine & feline companions <3


Pet Health is such an important topic for our fur babies many diseases are manageable if done correctly 🥰


The links in the downbar don't work. Love Dr. Becker! Thank you for having her on your podcast :)


Dr Becker, Is your concern regarding the traditional spaying in city shelters of removing both ovaries and uterus applied to kittens as well?


I was told to have my German Shepherd neutered at 6 months, but I waited until he reached 1 year of age. Is that a good thing?


Looked for this book on Amazon $125. looked on your website and it's been out of stock for quite a while.


So which commercial raw foods are horrible? she needs to name names. They are very expensive and for cats you need to right balance


I appreciate the fact that some vegans care so much about animals but to deprive a pet of its natural diet is wrong. Just about every area of this country has small family farms that have grass fed beef and other livestock available that are humanly raised and humanly slaughtered on site and not taken to horrific slaughter houses. Take a little time to go online to seek out these farms. Your local farmers markets can also help direct you to good ethically raised livestock.
I totally disagree with Dr Becker’s idea of vasectomy for male dogs and cats. A male dog or cat that has had a vasectomy still has those sex hormones and when there is a female dog or cat in heat anywhere within miles of your pet it will be putting out a scent that attracts that male. He is going to continue to be effected by that NEED to mate. Animals do not mate by sexual attraction as humans do. They mate due to hormones that drive them to do so. You will not be able to keep that animal inside! Every time you open the door that pet is going to be slipping out the door and seeking the source of that scent which could be a very long way away! You and any members of your family also track in that scent on your feet after unknowingly stepping in areas where a cycling female has been. This is a huge problem for you and your pet. If you have children there is no way that they are going to be able to stand guard duty for you at the door. Your male cat will still spray and stink up your home.
I feed my pets ethically produced and slaughtered livestock but I will not put my pet through the kind of torture that having their sexual hormones intact produces. My pets have lived very long, healthy lives as fully spayed and neutered animals. I do not agree with spaying and neutering so early as most “experts” do, but vasectomy is not a solution. It just leaves the door open to the many other problems of owning a fully whole male. Your female dog and cat that have their ovaries intact are still going to attract whole male cats and dogs when they have their heat cycle. Whole animals will come from miles around even if you keep your pet inside all the time. You open your doors, don’t you? The scent is in your house and on your shoes and is tracked outside. Male cats and dogs have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. They pick up that scent and will target your home.
American life is busy for most people and few people ha e time to put the welfare of their pet before the other demands of everyday life no matter how much they love their pets. Do your pet a favor. Spay and neuter as he/she approaches sexual maturity. Let them live their lives as happy healthy family members that have no sexual hangups. I have had many pets of various species over the years and they have lived long healthy lives as spayed and neutered parts of our family. They don’t need their sexual organs. They need you. They need your time and they need to be close to you. They don’t need hormones that frustrate them and cause behavioral problems.
