25 Most Incredible Recent Discoveries & Mysteries To Blow Your Mind | Compilation

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25 most incredible recent discoveries & mysteries to blow your mind | compilation. Today, we take a look at these 25 most incredible recent discoveries to blow your mind.

As technology and exploration in the modern day continues to grow and improve, it's allowed us to uncover various secrets. Although some of these get explained, some remain a mystery. Sometimes the more we know the more questions that are put forward. So today, we'll be taking a look at these interesting discoveries and mysteries.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
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Like him or loathe him, but something that Uri Geller was reputed to have said when he was given a piece of alien metal to hold & asked to give his impression, really made me sit up
& listen!

Many years ago while studying the ancient Sanskrit texts of India ( & there are thousands!)
There was more mention of the ancient flying craft called Vimanas

I was familiar with the history of these flying crafts but this part i read about went into more detail
And it described a craft that was made of LIVING METAL!

But even more alarming was, it said that the pilot " plugged" into the living metal of the craft & allowed the craft to fly via the thoughts of the pilot!!

I was flabbergasted!
It explained the metal could read the thoughts of the pilot & as fast as a thought came from the pilot, the flying craft was able to move, turn, fly up or down, speed up or slow down or hover!

The pilot didnt need to touch any controls or programme anything in except himself & his mind flew the craft via his connection into the living metal!

There was another part describing the fuel for the flying craft which sounded like yellow Mercury but wasnt.
I have forgotten which of the many Vedas this info was in but
It was definately described as such!
You couldnt make something that incredible, up!
It also links in with what Uri Geller said about this "living metal"

These Vedas are thousands & thousands of years old
So im thinking this info was from a previous civilisation
The Vimanas could fly very fast across oceans & continents & also into space!

Dont know if anyone will read this after 6 months, but ive texted this for what its worth!
Im pretty amazed!


Just because someone allegedly chooses to remain “anonymous” doesn’t mean they’re above hoaxing videos or photos; it simply means they didn’t do so for attention. But people fake content all the time. Some do it for attention, out of sheer boredom, or to see how far it’ll spread on the internet, etc. But a lot of people have become so delusional that they believe if it’s on the internet then it’s automatically true.

I’m not saying it’s definitely fake, but from a picture alone no one can say for sure what it is. Also, people really need to realize the internet is full of fake content. No, not all of it is fake, but a lot of it is.


Quote 'Such detail footage of 'the dogman' man I find It hard to believe In the year 2022 the best someone can do Is a blurred film of a guy In a dog suit sat posing on the edge of the woods, especially after you just told us they are sooo quick and therefor so hard to photograph, I would say 99% of phone camera's can produce better quality Images than this so I have to conclude It Is Intentionally blurred as to not give the game away. What trash.


Grabbed his gun?… shoulda just grab some jack links and beer and headed out to the yard…


I’m in love the narrator’s voice, he makes it more interesting ❤


I was having a hard time sleeping this week. But now, I'll get there tonight! Love these long form videos!!


The guy that supposedly seen Bigfoot in PA. said that he was scared to leave his house for days afterwards. I can understand being scared when you are actually looking at it and not wanting to go in the woods anymore but what did he think that Bigfoot was going to drive his car to his house and knock on the door? 😆 You would have never made it out of the woods if Bigfoot wanted to get at you.


Oh dear. Thank you but life's too short for me to watch this.
I hope you've included the puzzle of the blue sky.😊


'Google moon' isn't the most reliable tool ?
That's funny, neither is


Yes, give me more of these three hour posts.


Im not sure if this is your normal voice or if your purposely playing it whispery.. but thank you. I love listening to these right before bed and ur voice telling these stories puts me to sleep So fast


That first one is an owl looking down at trail camera


The narrator's voice made this very boring


The first one is a Wendigo or skinwalker trying to look human.


This is by far my absolute favorite YouTube channel! This story teller is both informative and calming... very thought provoking!


The story about the birds dying in their thousands. All of the sudden but sometimes these birds seemed to fly sound in circles before just falling from the sky. Then one person said she noticed a few birds flying erratically before finding a few dead birds in her yard then that night whilst in bed said her and her husband heard some loud bangs and then when they woke up they found many dead birds in their back yard. She said she remembered seeing the army around the area and thinks it might have something to do with them she did say she could not prove that in any way.

However when I heard that the army was in the area the first thing that came to mind was futuristic sound wave weapons.


I mean look at film like Avatar 2 and Black Panther 2. 2 films about underwater civilisations. These films are like films with ufos in that they help warm up the public to the idea of these possibilities


My mind is open to most suggestions ... " Just because I cannot see or hear something doesn't mean it is not there "...
However I do question events, facts, or what are considered to be until proved otherwise - UFO, USO, etc cetera.
However, why is EVERY photograph I'm presented with, ALWAYS & WITHOUT FAIL blurredand out of focus.? Are they travelling so fast we don't yet possess a camera that can capture one clear image. It's not tooo much to ask ... nor do I expect an image clear enough to show littered " Aliens " waving out a window.
As for these objects that may belong to anr. country and are military secrets ... Hmm. It really only boils down to two possible candidates. USA & CHINA.
Are we not supposed to be working toward a more peaceful planet?
I DONT condone secrets, they always lead to misunderstandings.


Does anyone else when hearing about organism 46B just think its the despair squid from Red Dwarf? 😬🤭


Thew two british guys who claimewd they made cropcircles could not recreate the simplest of designs. Nobody really knows how they are created. The two elderly gentlemen just wnated fame. They also admitted to not having made cropcircles but came up with the plank idea at the pub..
