What Is A Large Fibroid Size?

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Uterine fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors of the uterus composed of smooth muscle found normally in the uterus. They are also called myomas or leiomyomas. Fibroids are located in different parts of the uterus.

Fibroids are small, dense nodes consisting of muscle fibers and connective tissue. A woman may have one such node or multiple nodes. Overtime these fibroid nodes increase in size and lead to deformation of the uterine walls, which causes unpleasant symptoms.

UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization) – is a minimally invasive, nonsurgical procedure for the treatment of uterine fibroids, which reduces the risks of complications and relapse of the disease to almost zero, allowing a woman to return to her usual life back in a short time, preserving the patient’s fully functioning uterus, and the ability to become pregnant and bear a child.

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Brilliant video but didn't answer the question. Was wanting to know which size in cm is considered to be large.


This was so informative Dr! Thanks so much for this easy to understand video


Your genuine contribution towards healing the sick show's how good you are at heart we so much appreciate all your efforts sir🙏


I'm pretty sure I have them in all these places. Everything hurts. I always have to pee. I'm planing on making a try to the ATL to come see you as my insurance covers your clinic! I'm so excited!


Thank you this gives my mind some peace knowing how my body had changed from going to the restroom often to having sciatica. I find out today my fribrods is huge.


I have a fibroid of 7.1 *5.6....tried all medicine... trying to conceive..


Thanks for the information.
Can a 4.8cm fibroid below the cervix make a pregnant woman not to have normal delivery?


I use to have to wear paper towels and I would just gush blood. I never had fibroids until I had my son. I had one they said was the size of a six month baby. I had the procedure where they shrank them. I was awake and I have my life back. I was so depressed and had no life. I still thank God, all these years later.


I been going though this for 13 years now thanks


I have numerous fibroids, with the dominant one being 8.9 cm (size of orange) I've accidentally pee'd on myself a few times trying to make it to the bathroom, from the pressure, can't have sex due to the pain (been over a yr) frequent bouts of painful constipation, and my periods are so heavy, I bleed out an "ALWAYS" brand #5 over night pad in 30 minutes (they suppose to offer 10hrs of protection), I wear then thruout the day and I can't sleep at night for fear that ill ruin my mattress and sheets. So I get up every other hour to change pads. Had to consider wearing diapers at one point of time. My companion doesn't want to deal with me seriously bcz of no sex. He refuses to understand my situation. Life for me has been miserable and I'm slowly giving up. I'm scheduled to do the procedure hopefully I can get my life back. The stress and depression associated with uterine fibroids can't be explained. The first solution I was offered was a hysterectomy which I didn't want to entertain bcz my uterus is a part of me no matter how old I get. Im 46 with 7 children even though I'm not having anymore and my tubes are tied, I'd still feel empty without it. Looking forward to some relief 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Should a women have surgery to remove a 2mm fibroid & has tested positive for low risk HPV? Fibroid is causing symptoms of right pelvic pain & is located in the uterus. Or should she wait until HPV is gone?


I have 41×40 mm subserosal myoma in anterior wall on left side of uterus.Pls recommend treatment...


Mine is multiple fibroid n cyst ..but my doc .said nothing to worry..see u next year .. 11 months to wait..why?


I've had massive multiple fibroids, I actually have tried to visit your practice but couldn't get pass the MRI....I realized I was clostaphobic. Tried to find larger one but to no avail. I really need these things out...they have caused me heart problems, because I bleed like a slaughtered animal. Tooth loss due to iron deficiency. Tired constantly. Have had a cat scan and ultrasound..which I was told my fibroids have taken over my whole uterus. They look like aliens from the movie Aliens. Very scary to see that's what is inside me. They also said some have calcified. I look 8 to 9 months pregnant for a couple years now. Please help!


Hello Dr I have large fibroid around 10 CM please tell me remedy without surgery and to get pregnant


Sir I am recently detected with a fibroid of 6.7 cm...is it quite big and will it be difficult for me to conceive? please tell me


Hello doctor 👨‍⚕️ I have a fibroids in my uterus size 5x4.3 Doctor said this is normal but I have a problem in the tummy pain in the left side and bleeding 2 times


I was diagnosed with a 3cm fibroid in the fundus of my uterus in 2005. It causes no problems and has been asymptomatic. It's been 10 years now since menopause and I experienced spotting. The doctor found a cervical polyp which is benign. Next week I go for a hysteroscopy. Is it better to leave a fibroid alone long as it's non cancerous? I don't want a hysterectomy unnecessarily unless it's for lifesaving procedures such as cancer. I have heard 90 percent of hysterectomies are unnecessary. What are your thoughts on this?


Told I have 12+fibroids that includes 5 large ones


Thanks for the information , Dr pls I have Fibroids of 34mm*30mm*85mm.
its dangerous ?
Did I have chance of getting pregnancy. pls reply.
