Fibroids & Pregnancy

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Between 20 and 30% of women in their childbearing years have them; fibroid tumors. It's possible they don't even know it.

"A fibroid is a benign mass that occurs in the uterus. And it's monoclonal, meaning its one cell that replicates itself over and over an over again. It can be small like a piece of rice or large like a cantaloupe," says Dr. Sarah DiGiorgi, ob/gyn on Lee Memorial Health System's medical staff.

Fibroids may present problems in pregnancy. First in conceiving.

"If there are a number of fibroids that are all within the lining of the uterus called the endometrium and it can make it difficulty for pregnancy to implant. The second complication, if they are growing near the tube or where the tube comes in from the uterus it can kind of block off that entrance and the sperm can't enter," says Dr. DiGiorgi.

If a woman becomes pregnant, they may impact her ability to carry.

"If they have a very large fibroid that can become a very large problem later on in the pregnancy. Sometimes fibroids can grow to a certain size and start to die in the center and that can cause different types of issues. And so depending on the clinical situation some patients are recommended to have their fibroid removed not because it might impact their ability to get pregnant, because it may make their pregnancy slightly more complicated, says Dr. DiGiorgi.

Should they stay or should they go? It's a question many women with fibroids ask themselves-especially if they're considering a family. A myomectomy is a surgery that removes fibroids without removing your options.

"For people who are having pain or discomfort having a myomectomy can allow you to preserve your fertility so if you're thinking 'I may want to have children some day in the future' the myomectomy allows you to still maintain your uterus but treat the problem that's is present in this time," says Dr.DiGiorgi.

The procedure can be performed robotically, which promotes faster healing with less downtime.

Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we've been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

Рекомендации по теме

I have intramural fibroid but I still manage to get pregnant. I'm 24 weeks pregnant. Please pray for us to get safe.😇😇


I have fibroids and I’m pregnant. Please don’t lose hope, avoid surgery at all cost, A friend of mine did surgery and her fibroids grew back quickly, even worse than before. Please think about it before you do surgery. I believe you can shrink fibroids, exercising daily, Eat plant based, veggies and fruit, cut off, sugary food, dairy products and meat. It’s possible you can shrink it, last time I went to do ultrasound, 2 of my fibroids Shrank, I was so happy, I couldn’t believe it.
I’m praying for everyone!!


Good grief at all of the obnoxious spam comments.


If you have the surgery, the fibroids may come back. That’s been my case. I had one large removed and now 6 years later, I have two of them. And, I cannot have a second surgery to removed them.


i have an extrememly large intramural fibroid at the top of my uterus and it stretches all the way to the back. I saw several OBs before getting pregnant just to see the risks involved with this fibroid if I were to became pregnant. From my understanding, a myomectomy would compromise the integrity of uterus too much to allow for proper flow of things to the fetus, and I would require a lot of cutting of the uterus to get the large mass out. I know my large fibroid was from eating large amount of chips, dairy products, and cured meats, and lots of stress... I'm now eating everything healthy and clean and in small portions, hoping that the increasing demand of the fetus will somehow shink the fibroid. There's a small chance that might happen. will update soon!


Anyone know what is Womezon Remedy about? I hear many people fix their fibroid issue inherently with this fibroid treatment.


Are there treatment options... The pain during pregnancy is extreme... The fibroid is on my cervix.


What is Womezon Remedy? Does it work? I hear a lot of people cleanse their fibroid issue inherently with this fibroid treatment.


I have two small size fibroid can I get pregnant, ?


Jan23 I had robotic hestorectomy( don’t know if I spelled that correctly.. I had a lot of small fibroids and a few very large ones.. the one in my abdomen had to be cut in pieces and taken out vaginally.. they had trouble removing it.. Lost so much blood I had to have a blood transfusion right after surgery.. I also develop an infection after surgery.. I’m finally back to work after 5wks recovery.. the infection went away 2wks ago.. now feel as though it’s trynna come back.. starting to feel pain again when I pee.. I’m not discharging though and urine is normal color.. I also still have no feelin on the left side of my stomach around and inside my navel..


Does Womezon Remedy really work? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about Womezon Remedy. But Im not sure if it's good enough to treat your fibroid issue inherently .


I must appreciate Dr igho on YouTube for helping Me and sister in getting in getting cured of fibroid permanently after so many years in pain God sent you to save my family with your natural herbs and roots all thanks to you doctor you are a God sent keep saving lives Sir, i really appreciate all you have done for me and my family my God bless you richly sir


What is Womezon Remedy? Does it work? I hear many individuals cure their fibroid issue inherently with this fibroid treatment.


Hi, you truly can shrink you fibroids in a natural way. Test it before taking any risky surgery


What do you think of fix your fibroid issue naturally with Womezon Remedy? I notice lots of people keep on talking about Womezon Remedy.


I have PCOS and I remember how I felt when the doctor toid me it would be hard for me to conсeive I now have 4 children very successful pregnancies God blessed me with use of herbs


Is Womezon Remedy helpful to fix your fibroid issue inherently ? We have read numerous good things about this fibroid remedy.


I`d struggled with 3 huge fibroids and my personal family doc tor said that I should have a hysterectomy. However by following fibroids treatment solution, ∪nique Sopomaz Slan (please Goo ogle), eighty percent of fibroid tumors are disappeared or has shrunk.


I’m 7weeks pregnant and I have a fibroid 😩


I'm investigating reducing fibroids quickly and found an awesome website at Kadyn Home Remedy (check it out on google)
