There Are No Good Women Left

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Women say there are no good men left all the time, but we never hear men say there are no good women left. In this video, Kara explains how dangerous this kind of thinking is to a woman being able to find a good man.

One of the fallacies about finding a good man is that there aren't any left. But any decent man can become more of what you want by what you do and how you behave. You'd be surprised by the power you have, but you need to learn how to use that power to get what you want, which I hope, is to be happy and experience more love.

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There are amazing, quality men out there. I gave up on women already, but for all you reasonable, level headed gals out there, there are great men out there. For all you men out there, play it safe, eight times out of ten you will be happier single.


''There are no good men left'' TRANSLATION: There's no men that out there that meet my high expectations


You're asking women to take responsibility for who they select. They will not do this.


The problem is at ages 18 to 22 whenthe women were young and beautiful and highly desirable, they had lots of choices, but they rejected the nice young men to chase after Alpha males that would only f**k them.

Now after a dozen years of going nowhere relationships with guys out of their league that would f**k them, but not marry them, the women look around and ask where are all the good men they rejected at age 20, to chase after unobtainable Alpha males? The men are still there, but the women waited to long and now they are no longer young, beautiful, and highly desirable. The men they rejected at age 20 are either married or else they are interested in younger prettier women.


God i hate dating, it's like a job interview you have to pay for lol


Sorry but anything involving sex as far as I'm concerned is long term. I don't want casual sex and I don't want a woman who does. I'm not running around trying to force anyone to be like me, but that is how I feel and I cannot find a woman who is the same.


Men like myself (age 57 cancer survivor) have given up on women our age and settled for dogs and cats. At least THEY are AT HOME and HAPPY to see us walk in after work.


This is what i have noticed so far about women not all but a lot of them: The women who look good have bad personalities. And the ones i have seen who look good with great personalities have something wrong with them such as a STD or Hep-C and no we never did nothing because they told me in advance and i left them because of that reason. The real question is this: Are there any good women left who do not have some type of STD or some kind of deadly transferable disease? Because women today that i have seen make me feel better off staying single. It is hard to find clean, safe, trustworthy people these days..


How can I be considered a good man if I'm not rich and handsome ?


The biggest misunderstanding is we think there's such a thing as 'relationships, love. etc'.
Humans are not interested in others but themselves by design and will not waste energy on anyone who doesnt show to deserve it.
Women dont get (because they dont see men attractive) they need to be totally submissive and to serve their man for the man to serve them back.
Start with 'Hey, I like you. Can I clean, cook for you, keep you company?' and if he agrees, he takes you in.
Thats literally all it takes to 'ask anyone out'.


Feminism pretty much kilked off anything left that was appealing about woman kind. I no longer recognise the modern woman.


If you want to see good women then we most resort back to the good old days when a womans only schooling was at home.At home the young women learned how to run a home, cook, clean, take care of people.Young women also learned the value of respecting the man of the house, sadly but true most women don't respect men.


there are tons of good men left, the problem is that a very few women deserve these men.


The realest thing she said is 'it's your(women) job to be a good picker'!


Ive met a good girl (a friend of mine in hs) who said she just wants to get married and have a family before her siblings do, its pretty sweet. I find that most good girls come from a christian family or a poor country. Dont lose hope guys, good girls exsist.


I'm so lucky I'm not out there today. Nobody stays together anymore. First sign of hard times and grown up responsibility people bail. To many people not willing or able to commit to one person.


Here is my input. The modern women from 29-49 have evolved into weird, surreal alien like beings who are unrecognizable from say, women of the swinging' 70's when women actually seemed to love men. Remember Saturday Night Fever or Urban Cowboy? Women at those nightclubs were there looking for love. Not today. Recently I was in Vegas and the trend seemed to be large groups of young females, dressed to the nines who waited in lines for hours to stand with each other and dance with each other at these weird dub-step clubs and listen to a DJ. Women these days, ages 29-49 seem to want GNO only, and over and over. They love (as friends) their platonic male party pals or their gay guy pals, but they have zero interest in actually dating. They seem to all love the single life and shun any semblance of intimacy. It's a nightmarish scenario for a single man who is not a billionaire or Shaq O' Neal.


Kara; you have a pretty face and earnest dismeanor but telling men who've been dealing with women as a bachelor for more than 30 years, is just another episode of a long line of bullsh*t. We're no longer interested. I can rent poon (legal in AZ) with no alimony, child support, new car, mortgage nor ugly to fill it up with. Now, I will work on my business that the courts have not taken to give away to a 'helpless' woman.


What ever happened to the good women? The women who save themselves for marriage?


After watching about 10 or 15 of Kara's videos, it seems there is this common theme of generally saying some good things due to a good question being asked... however the problem comes from the fact that she then answers the question at some point with inaccurate, ignorant, or poorly thought out things that can easily shown to be wrong.

for example, the answer here is that there are no good men to choose from any more, because women broke the system and the "good men" reject the system breakers
