Man Saves Woman From Creepy Stalker..

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Bro literally broke Stalker 101:

Letting her know he was following her.


Only tiktok users could take such a cut and dry scenario and turn it into some big complicated thing with all sorts of questions. He was following her, she got her pepper spray ready and stood next to a guy that looked decently strong.

"But why didn't you do this other exact sequence of events? Why aren't you

She handled it fine.


Stalkers should know their place. Their behaviors aren’t okay.


This young lady handled this situation very well. People questioning her every action is ridiculous. Asking why she ran up to a man for help?! What even is our society right now?


I can confirm that it does not matter what you are wearing. I dress like it's the 1890s and I think that somehow attracts even more creeps.


Here's a tip:
Know your strength. If you're going against someone bigger than you, don't take your chances unless you're a pro boxer


Don't threaten anyone with whatever weapon you have. Don't let them know what you have until you're using it. Otherwise they can take it from you, or something.


A guy (around 30 maybe) followed me in the park in broad daylight when I was 18 (but I look younger, people still think I’m in high school now. He might’ve thought I was a kid.) I was alone and I tested it by changing direction back and forth down the same path 4 times. He followed me every time, changing directions down a straight path but keeping his distance since people were still around. If I stopped to let him pass while there were people around, he stopped too so he would never end up passing me. Stay safe out there everybody, creepy stuff doesn’t just happen at night


Shes independent, not stupid. That dude has at least 50lbs on her. What is wong with people


Guy just casually admits to stalking her wth


As a person if I ever witnessed someone getting stalked I would intervene like joe. Regardless of whether they were a women or a man. It’s just the right thing to do.


I had a man do something like this when I was walking but he was in a car and he WOULD NOT stop trying to offer me a ride and kept driving slowly beside me as I kept trying to walk away. I ended up after the 15th time he asked screaming "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" as I unhooked the pepper spray on my purse and pointed it at him. Fortunately he got really wide eyed and spooked and quickly drove away. Idk what I would have done if that hadn't worked because nobody else was around and I'm pretty sure the cops wouldn't have gotten there soon enough if he decided to try and force me into his car and even if they did the cops in my area give so little of a shit beyond reaching quotas for pulling people over they probably would have brushed me off and done nothing. Now every time I walk I'm paranoid especially when men will pull over and try to offer me a ride and its ALWAYS men too, maybe one time it's been a woman so I feel like there's a specific motive behind it.


He's so confident because he knows the police won't do anything until it's already too late. So many victims try to report stalking but law inforcement won't do Jack shit until a crime happens and/or the victim is physically harmed


Our society is so backwards... we shame victims and praise perpetrators.... like anyone who justifies stuff like that is a huge Red Flag


I never leave my house without pants and a jacket, I burn from the sun and just prefer layers of clothes.
I've had creepy encounters when I'm covered up like that, it literally has nothing to do with what women are wearing.


LA is a scary place, not worth living in anymore.


Lol, people actually asked what she is wearing, wtf.


I see a tactic where women go up to bigger men or women in groups, and pretend that they’re her brothers, partner or friends. It’s a smart idea for situations like these.


3:59 I love when I hear a man say this type of statement. I feel like that thought process has double the impact on minds when it’s not a woman saying it, cause then certain people think it looks like we’re being overly defensive or “overly liberal” and then they just go, “Okay, yeah sure— you totally asked for it.”

When a man says it, other men take note and question themselves, even if they won’t admit to it. So Pegasus, thank you for being a REAL MAN and saying that. 👏🏻❤️


It is a little suss, but yeah finding help is your #1 best bet. Especially for women. You likely cant handle or outrun a man who wants to hurt you, so dont try. Go to the first person you see, or start door knocking (dont go inside unless its necessary), and say "this guy is following me, can I stay here with you while I call the cops?" Just the sight of a second witness is usually enough to deter a creep.
