FASTEST Way To Level ALL Skills | Kingdom Come Deliverance Guide

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Kingdom Come Deliverance is an amazing game with a great storyline, but the grind can be a real pain. In this video, I'll show you the fastest ways to level up each skill so you can get back to enjoying your run!

0:00 - Intro
0:15 - Bow
1:08 - Sword, Axe, Mace, Unarmed
1:44 - Lockpicking
2:50 - Stealth
3:42 - Pickpocketing
4:36 - Speech
5:00 - Drinking
5:34 - Herbalism
5:53 - Horsemanship
6:21 - Reading
6:43 - Alchemy
6:53 - Maintenance
7:35 - Hunting
8:16 - Warfare
8:33 - Defence
9:03 - Strength & Agility
9:29 - Vitality
10:05 - Paid Training

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Unintentionally hilarious guide. Who knew running around poking civilians in the head with a sword would be this funny


When I played this game a year ago, I definitely felt the lack of a content creator like you for this game. Noone else does as good of a job as you while explaining these things


I always felt is weird that Henry starts with just as much skill in Theresa in maintenance considering who he is. If there's any skill that should start above level 1, it's that one.


Alchemy is probably the most overpowered skill in the game and after you level it up it is very easy to use.


In my 6 or 7 playtroughs, I never ever killed a sheep, a domestic dog, horse, pig, civilian, guard. You sure can make people feel like a boy scout, sunny.


for vitality, if you put down your armor and find the right spot you can jump without animation, so you can jump like 20 time per second till your stamina is depletet. depending on your total Stamina, thats 12-25 EXP per round


for someone who played this game a while (1500 hours) this is exactly what i needed :)


For locking picking very hard chests, get the "luck of the drunk" perk asap (simply get drunk a few times to level up drinking), picking locks will be 30% easier after drinking alcohol, which for lower levels in lock picking means you'll be able to pick very hard lock picks


This video single-handedly made me give this game a second chance - only with no psychopathic leveling up for course.
I'm nearing the end now and it was a blast! Very immersive world filled with things to do, challenging start, and some surprising quests!


I found an alternative way to power level maintenance skill
1. save up your groschen and buy 50 small blacksmith's kit (just to be safe)
2. after that, buy at least 10 cheap axes or swords from the blacksmith
3. find a grindstone
(here's a pretty tricky part)
4. what you want to do is use the grindstone to damage all of the axes or swords that you have, but make sure you only damaged it until the health of the weapon not below 70
5. i would suggest you to just put as much pressure as you can and position the weapon at the worst angle possible and then tap spacebar 3 times, this way the weapon will be damaged from 100 until 70 ish health.
6. repeat for all the weapons
7. after you've done damaging all your weapons, repair it with the blacksmith kit.
8. repeat steps 5 - 7 until you reach max lvl
i hope u guys can understand, with this broken english of mine lol


Absolutely more KCD content, I love this game. Great video!


Here is a tip i found: after knocking an unkillable character unconcious (i used the prior from sasau monastery) You can keep beating his corpse with any weapon and it will give you xp like youre hitting them during combat. if i remember correctly it will give you combat xp, vitality xp and xp for the weapon type used to beat the corpse lol. That was a long time ago and might have been patched but you can check it:)

on the side note massacring the entire monastery whether its stealthily or in open combat can give you a ton of xp (and fun) overall because the monks literally cannot escape cause they dont have a key and guards cannot go inside for the same reason lmao. Im telling you this in confidence since you proved youre a fellow psycho like me with your previous video good luck!


Great all encompassing guide. Most of the stuff is what I normally do to level up like a madlad.

The one thing I did not recognize until finishing your video was that the goal to leveling up a lot of things is killing. Just kill everything.

This truly justifies playing psychopath Henry.


Imagine being that guard who spends 20 seconds talking while watching Henry pull back a whole assed longbow to dome him


Glad to see this game still gets the love and attention it deserves


The best way to get xp for drinking is moonshine. Or Lethean water, depending on if you are close to level 10 drinking for the Safe Passage perk. Lethean water will make you pass out. Most drinks will give around 1.8 xp per percentage(hardcore, all negative perks), and the higher the alcohol percentage on a drink, the higher the xp per percentage. Moonshine and Lethean water are higher then 1.8 xp per percentage of alcohol. I suggest you get the wine bibber as soon as you can, and drink as much without passing out. Preferably at night, before you go to sleep, so you can wake up refreshed in the morning without a hangover.


I don't think I could ever bring myself to play kcd this way. I've always tried to play with maximum immersion. I am Henry and he is me. I'll knock people out and pick some locks but if I went around killing innocent animals and people I'd be a true sinner. Jesus Christ be praised!


For bow, playing Chumps (shooting logs in the river) with the dude in Ledechko I think is the fastest way to raise the skill. It gets easier as you raise it ofc, but I remember winning it even from lv 3 or 4, haven't replayed it in 2-3 years . (edit: for weapons I just practiced with the captain)


My favorite Bannerlord YouTuber making a video for one of my other favorite games? This video was great!


this is what i've been looking for. You're the best, definitely keep doing more guides on KCD!!
