She Slashed Her Prescription WITHOUT Eye Exercises!

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🔍 Ready to ditch the specs and embark on a natural eyesight boost? Marcy's vision improvement journey shows it's possible to cut your prescription without hardcore exercises. Discover her secrets NOW! 🌟

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Eager to improve your eyesight but tired of tedious techniques? Join Marcy and me as we delve into her remarkable story. Marcy managed to slash her myopia from -3.75 to -1.75 without typical eye exercises! If you've ever dreamed of natural vision correction, watch and find out how she did it.

Marcy's transformative experience wasn't just about ditching glasses; it was a full-body health revolution. From balanced nutrition to managing stress, her holistic approach to self-care played a crucial role in her vision improvement. Be inspired by her journey and learn that improving your eyesight goes beyond just eye-focused practices.

For those seeking a shift in their own eyesight, this video is a goldmine of motivation. Find out more information about Marcy's methods and how she tackled challenges like stress and nutrition to better her vision. Remember, this isn't just a quick fix—it's a full lifestyle adjustment that could potentially help you see a clearer world.

If I told you 5 things you could do to prove that your eyesight can get better naturally and you could see changes quickly, would you take me up on that offer?

Who knows, you might just find yourself seeing the world through a whole new lens.

For more information on my vision improvement journey visit me at:

To learn more about the Advanced Journey Guide click here:

Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only, based on personal experiences. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice.
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Thank you for having me! It was a pleasure to share my story with all of you.


Yes being without glasses can make colors look more pleasant to your eyes. I remember being without glasses for a few days and enjoying nature.


So eyesight really is the top of the pyramid reflecting your overall health, both physically and mentally.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I too, have improved my eyesight as well. I started wearing my contacts and glasses less. I did incorporate eye exercises, and also stretching my eyes on a daily. Going outside. etc. My diet has has been the same for about 5yrs now, all organic foods, lots of veggies and waters. good for you, and thank you for sharing!


I got eyeglasses when I was 16 years old. I strengthened my eye muscles by exercising them 3-4 minutes morning and evening by just rolling my eyes around. Within 30 days, my vision was perfect and there was no need for glasses. This was 50 years ago.
Later life, eye problems can be prevented or cured with nutrients.


Beautiful couple!!!! I went from -7.25 to -2.00 so far partly due to Mark's teaching <3.


I heard that it is possible to lose weight just by visualizing that you are training. It is possible that this happened to your wife listening to all your insights :) I will definitely try adding that kind of mental training to the physical ones, including for my eyes :) Thank you. I like your energy and will follow your videos. Good luck!


people who live together will often sub consciously pick up each others habits. is it possible your wife is doing many of the habits you are doing and not really knowing it consciously? is it possible your entire household has a much lower stress level that helps the sight of everyone in it?

my mom at 55 retired from a microbiology lab. Her stress levels went down. She bought a small dog. and started going outside a lot with this small, playful, fast dog. Her new bf had perfect vision and preferred she not wear her glasses. She wore her glasses less and less. From age 55 to 60 her lens went from -4 to not needing glasses at all.
i believe my mom chasing around her small dog in a busy suburb forced her to triangulate several objects in the distance. I believe she started picking up the vision habits of her new bf.

It took me a while to piece together the habits you recommend with how my mom's vision changed for the better.


I have a man friend who told me that he had been in his home when suddenly his eyesight completely cleared. He saw the items around his house in the sharpest vision that he had ever seen anything! His vision out the windows was suddenly clear. This clear state only lasted for maybe 10-15 sec. and then his vision returned to "normal', slightly blurry. He realized in that moment that eyesight is not a function of the physical eyes, but of the brain. The physical eyes are just the vehicle that receives impulses from the brain through the optic nerves. Interesting! And I'm so happy that your own eyesight has cleared up! Nice!


I love both of your methods and have tried a combination. My eyesight has also gotten better through faith in Jesus as my healer. I have exercised off and on my eyes and added more vitamin A through cod liver oil. I notice when I don't take it I get blurry. My sight is blurry to read but ok otherwise. I was 2.5 and dropped to 1-1.5 depending. If is get tired my sight sometimes gets really blurry to see anything close or far. I will continue to just improve lowering stress and wear the lowest glasses level I can. I just buy over the counter and I did notice the more I wore them the worse I got so, often now I put my 1.5's at the end of my nose so I am probably 1.25. God is my healer!


Recently I have been learning to relax, realizing just how important it was! You’re right! Definitely getting more releases!


Stress and nutrition no doubt play a role in proper bodily functions. This video supports that. There are no doubt other aspects of Marcy's health that have improved as well.


After rewatching I realized you had brought up my comment about the feeling of my eyesight worsening after putting my glasses on! Nice to know!


Incredible video! I loved it! 💟
You guys have a great and positive vibe and also a beautiful smile. 😊
Keep smiling and laughing no matter what life brings into your lives. These also release eye and mental tension.
It was a great content with profound insight and sharing funny moments during your ~Back to clear vision~ journey is so helpful when we forget to enjoy the present moment and we get depressed.
I hope to see you both together in the next videos.
Great team!💕


Hi Mark and Marcie, lovely talking to you both ladt group call. I do the eye exercises, but not as much as Mark. It's incredibly encouraging to hear Marcie (sp?) making so much progress without doing the exercises.


Love you guys, much blessings and thank you for all you do!


The vitamin A with the antioxidants is also key, plus getting active outside forced the eye to look at longer distances. I think the nutrition, the vit A, antioxidants, omega 3, plus the lack of the eye crutches and looking at distances.


My personale experience starting Reading about all the exercises of improving eyesight - and it made me take of my glassets when walking in Nature and I really enjoyed it - and I must admit that and relaxing my eyes become my primary exercises and my vision did become better just from looking in Nature and remember to relax changing naturally between close and far alway looking - and enjoying walking in Nature especially during sunrise and sunset - that I really enjoy 🙏🍀💚🙂


If you must pay attention to ur vision, looking/noticing objects moving in the foreground and background, that is indeed an exercise


I really like Mark's approach to eyesight improvement. His technique is good and his attitude is great. Improvements are guaranteed. Changing habits and taking care of vision will lead to a better eyesight for sure. We need to say that 20/20 vision is not that easy to optain. A cristal clear vision without glasses is pretty impossible. We must be honest. A life without glasses is the reasonable goal, but this doesn't mean 20/20. I say this because I think that Mark's method is really great and anyone should follow this technique.
Good luck to anyone willing to improve his/her own eye sight.
