PROJECT 2025's Plan To Fix the 'Woke' U.S. Military

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Pentagon expert Commander Bryan McGrath, USN (Ret.) rejoins the channel for a deep dive into PROJECT 2025's plan for the Pentagon in the event the Republican nominee wins the next election.

And as an audiobook here:

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This is so bad for the country, our troops, our vets, it doesn’t matter what side of the spectrum you’re on. This sure isn’t freedom


You guys are both off about recruiting. Young people see how vets get fucked over. You think no one knows about vet suicide rates? Veteran homelessness or PTSD? Isn’t food insecurity a problem on bases? Maybe young people realize the military can be a terrible career choice. If you want to fix recruitment, maybe start improving the quality of life for people who serve.


My father was a ww2 vet, 101'st airborne, he warned me when I was a young man to beware of these chickenhawks, the heritage foundation is a chickenhawk coop,
Thanks dad


If they could change the fact that “the private who loses a rifle is in more trouble than a general who loses a war” would be a great place to start.


"We love our troops." "We are cutting away VA funds". Sounds pretty interesting.


"It proposes criminalizing pornography" And with that, the dweebs lost every enlisted combat arms soldier in the Army.


Mate I just wanted to jump straight on a comment by Cdr McGrath about expecting Australia to do more for defence in the Asia Pacific.
Australia’s population is less than that of California however we are F-35 partners, Nuclear Submarine partners (AUKUS), Five Eyes security partners, we have a formal security treaty with the USA (ANZUS), and we have cooperated with the US on operations for decades with many Australians serving in Coalition headquarters in senior roles. We fly US aircraft, sail US ships, and our ground forces have forces structures that largely train and comply with the US doctrine. We host many US defence + NASA facilities. We also spend 2.04% GDP on defence (2023-24). Australia is pulling its weight.


About aptitude tests. I can only talk about my experience. I was 17 in 1972 and joined the Navy on the delayed entry program so I could finish high school. My school was troubled by race riots, my brother was wounded badly in Vietnam. I guess you could call me dysfunctional. Went from 4.0 to 1.3 in record time. I remember my senior counselor telling me I couldn't take electricity as an elective even though I had two years each of physics, algebra and trigonometry (I went to a technical high school)(today STEM). I took the aptitude for the Navy. BINGO, high aptitude for electrician. Off to Aviation Electrician school. Did well got out worked in Avionics. became a pilot attained 14, 000 hours. Retired at 58 and can even fix a fan when it breaks. Last laugh.


14:10 I was in the military 40 years military has ALWAYS had vaccine mandates. They marched us DOWN to the medical we going Sarge?" Sargent says "To get some shots !" The clinic told us it was vaccinations. That's as much as we were told. Bottom military has ALWAYS had mandatory vaccinations. This is ridiculous to even discuss it.


Doesn't utilizing the US military in law enforcement actions on US soil violate the Pose Comates act against such use? Extremism, regardless of the political party, does more harm than good.


So the P25 folks are arguing civil service reform is bad and we need to go back to political patronage? A political issue settled over a century ago after widespread government corruption. P25 writers think party loyalty is more important that competence.


This should alarm every one of us liberal and conservative alike. We are not a theocracy and yet it seems that is just what the heritage foundation is attempting to create!


I am considered by most to be hardcore conservative, but there are too many parts of this that extend beyond reasonable and there’s no way I would support it.


When I saw the title of this video, I was really worried. Because; Ward has impressed me greatly in how neutral and careful he has been on reporting on sometimes controversial topics. I should not have worried. He is the epitome of informed and balanced expertise. Wherever you are on the political spectrum, you would be privileged to align with - or work alongside, Ward and people like Bryan McGrath. A very good video.


"Reestablish a culture of nonpoliticization"

Proceeds to call for the strict enforcement of their own political beliefs and punishment of anyone with differing political opinion.



President Grant focused on the problem of patronage, becoming the first President to recommend a professional civil service to combat the vices of the spoils system. He appointed the first Civil Service Commission, which recommended administering competitive exams and issuing regulations on the hiring and promotion of government employees. Grant put their recommendations into effect in 1872.


can you imagine how broken everything will be once its run by political appointees. Holy crap nothing will work. Can you imagine the infrastructure problems like dams bridges and roads.


Vaccines have been mandatory for deployments in the military for a century. Imagine the extra casualties in the pacific and Korea and Vietnam without vaccines?


If more than half of the document is absurd, maybe excusing the rest away is a super dangerous!!


Thank you for discussing this subject. I had heard "Project 2025" as a buzzword, but had no idea what it was about. It is a bewildering array of things i can agree with and things that make me nauseous. There is a lot I can comment on. Let me just mention this. I am West Point class of 1979. I saw the transition of the Academy from an All Male institution and proud of it, to a gender diverse institution. One thing I learned is this. Talent is the most valuable resource we have. We cannot afford to waste any of it, if we expect to remain free and independent. Sure we need to balance "good order and discipline" with diversity and inclusion. But standards do change as our society changes. We need to figure out a way to use the talent in our nation no matter where it comes from and no matter what it looks like.
