The Black Origins of Sumerian Civilizaiton

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Research shows that the Original Sumerians were Black!!!

Sumer, Sumerians, ancient Sumer, ancient Mesopotamia, Bronze Age, Bronze Age empires, Sargon the Great, Ur, Uruk, Eridu, Ubaid, Halaf, Samarra, Lagash, Urukagina, Lugalzagesi, Neo-Sumerian Empire, Shulgi, Ur-Nammu, Ur-Namma, ziggurat, Sumerian religion, Sumerian King List, ancient history, Bronze Age Mesopotamia, first farms, first cities
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We need to stop s saying if they Black they African. Black Indigenous presence is global


The ancient Sumerians were an indigenous Middle Eastern people of Mesopotamia resembling their descendants, the Assyrians, Marsh Arabs, Iraqi Arabs, Mandaeans and Yazidi.


Hermel Humstein has basically proved beyond doubt, that the Sumerians were not only African, but were a Niger - Congo culture. Further, they spoke a language related to Proto Bantu.


On a spiritual side, I have seen Prophet Muhammad PBUH 19 times now), and I say it with no boasting. I dreamt of the Prophet PBUH and I am standing beside him, and I was told I am not a sayyid. I ask the Prophet PBUH about the Indian people, he PBUH had a big smile on his face and this is why I started to find out about the Indian people, particularly the dark ones. Twice I dreamt the Dravidians are the Sumerians, and they are from Canaan, and the Blacks( who also have various shades of brown to very dark) and Ethiopians((*the word I saw was Abyssinians)) are from Cush, ibn Ham. After a yr I came across something in Prophets and Patriarchs which said Nimrod was son of Cush, son of Canaan, son of Ham. There are two Cush's and people have gotten them mixed up. I dreamt an explanation of the Dravidians. I was told in the dream that they are Hamitic in type; with straight hair and they were also Egyptians. Then after some time, I dreamt the Dravidians came from the fertile crescent in Syria, close to the sea. After this I dreamt they came from Egypt, close to the sea, and I see arrows showing their travel. One arrow goes up into the fertile crescent in Syria, and the other goes east through south Iraq and southern Iran until the arrow reached northwest India! Also, I dreamt of a migration in the shape of a U on the river Nile, though nowhere did I see anything to do with the horn of Africa. And that the migration came from the East.( there is Nimrod bin Arphaxad bin Shem 2) Nimrod bin Canaan bin Ham 3) Nimrod bin Cush bin Ham. The Dravidians are Canaanites who were in the West and East

On 13/11/11 I dreamt the Dravidians are Phoenicians. A branch of Dravidians did settle in the fertile crescent in Syria, close to the sea. (*Dravidians were mixed with the Akkadians and Amorites(Imliq

Also maybe around 2011 -12 time it was early I dreamt of a Dravidian man in North Africa with an Arab guitar, I saw him as being very dark with straight lank hair straight nose bridge, and upside-down v eyebrows

on 28/12/11 I dreamt of the Phoenicians in North Africa and I saw Italy and there is an interaction between them both also I dreamt a sprinkler and the water coming out of it was from Sumerians ( it watered the Europeans

I dreamt On July 15th, 2018 of Akkadians in Babylon they were mixed with Dravidians

Also without date, i dreamt of the Amorites(Imliq) migrating from the West to Babylon and were mixed with Canaanite people same as pure Native Americans and i saw the mix made the Amorites strong( i did not see the lovely Turkic or Mongolian people)

On 20/03/13 I dreamt that the Thamud are from Nabi HUD AS (Or just royalty

On d/m/y 13/08/13 I dreamt the Assyrians are Adites successors of the Thamud

On On m/d/y 10/01/13 I dreamt the Thamud mixed with the Assyrians

Friday 25/06/2016 i dreamt of the descendants of Prophet Hud pbuh and I was on a boat, i was wearing all white and i saw the Akkadians

I dreamt the morning of April 18th, 2018 that the Akkadians are the Arameans

On 02/11d/14 i dreamt the Arameans are the Chaldeans

on 13//11m/2014 i dreamt it was Imliq and Akkadians who carried the blessing

01/Tuesday/2015 i dreamt Imliq are from Nabi Saleh PBUH and Akkadians are from Nabi Hud PBUT

01/3d/15 i dream the Imliq and Akkadians are the Nabateans ( In the Dream I saw the Amorite and Akkadians but both looked similar and Amorite I saw mixed with Canaanite same as pure native Americans and Akkadian mixed with Dravidian, I saw them both with long lank hair one fair (Amorite) and the other dark (Akkadian)

i dreamt 15/12/15 i saw the original Hebrews are from Saleh Pbuh

on 11/12M/12 i dreamt the Arameans mixed with hebrews on 07/15d/13 I dreamt the Amorites (imliq) are the hebrews

07/07/12i dreamt the Arameans absorbed the Amorites( not re if all were mixed or absorbed)

on 02/17/13 i dreamt all the imliq are from Ad ( it should be Akkadians as well because Adite conquered Iraq and Syria and the Akkadian empire stretched to Jericho, Adites were before the formation of Assyrians, the Thamud were the same time as the Assyrians

on 08/15/12 I dreamt there is no such thing as the Amalekites the Imliq are from the Ad I have also dreamt of the people of Lud in Saudia Arabia and I saw nur(light)…

On 23/11/11 i dreamt the amlaq(imliq) were the giant people

on 23/05/2015 I dreamt of Imliq is from Aws and I saw a man from Imliq wearing a turban with an oval face straight nose bridge upside v eyebrows and a tanned type skin tone

on 10m/15th and 16th/2014 i dreamt of North Africa and i see a sayyid of Morocco and that all of North Africa is from Nabi Saleh ( or maybe just royals) the Sayyid I saw is Mustafa Bassir ra

on 10/28/2012 i dreamt Nabi Hud is from Arfakhshaad also something to do with Nabi Saleh pbut(( although i dreamt this Nabi Hud is from the tribe of Ad he is Awsi but there is no contradiction as nothing is mentioned about his mother(🌟And to 'Ad (people We sent) their brother Hud. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, you do nothing but invent (lies)!

I dreamt on may 17th 2017 that Prophet Muhammad is from Prophet Hud i saw a line with nur Hud at the top, then Saleh then Abraham PBT

I dreamt may 31st 2017 i dreamt all Prophets descend from Nabi Hud pbuh

On 08M/19/2017, I dreamt of a shaykh or man saying the descendants of Prophet Hud PBUH are cousins to the Hashimites

****without date and i don’t know why i did not record it but i dreamt the descendants of Prophet Hud are like the descendants of Prophet Abraham PBUT

2017 without date i dreamt of the Prophet's PBUH face and i saw the two Canaanite faces I mentioned going into his face Allah knows best. ( the Canaanite faces i saw were Dravidian and a people same as pure native Americans same type of culture and I'm not referring to the nice Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, or Turkic people who have different movement than Native Americans

2017 without date, I dreamt of those two Canaanite people entering Egypt from the

evening of 06/09th Day/2016 I dreamt we are from the same race as Sayyidina Ibrahim PBUH( he was a Chaldean( Aramean)

31/01/13 I dreamt I am more like Akkadian mixed with Sumerian mixed (with imliq mixed with Aboriginal Canaanite) and I saw the Prophet PBUH is more like this((🌟the Prophet PBUH and Abraham pbut did not look like me)

on 05/02/12 i dreamt of someone telling me I am from people of Ad and that i am a descendant of Nabi Hud and I said i know and then I said Salih PBUT and I saw the faces of the Iraqi Kurds and the faces of the Indian

on 01/12/15 I dreamt the Edomites are the Chaldeans and that the Kurds and Indians are from Chaldeans (In India has nothing to do with color whether fair or an actual brown color skin))

30/08/12 I dreamt the Greeks & Kurds are same & that the Kurds are from Edomites

dreamt on August 15th, 2018, I dreamt that the Romans and the Greeks are from Edomites

On 04/01m/ 15 I dreamt the of Indo aryan Hittites their origin is from Akkadians.I saw a Hittite face and black hair.)

On 09/30/12 I dreamt the Kurds and Indians (Indians) are from Hittite royalty)

11/12m/12 I dreamt the Hittites were in West Coast of India.)

( on 03/08m/14 i dreamt that the Indo Aryan Hittites mixed with the Kurds ⭐Kurds are from the Medes (Iranic ) Mitanni had relation to Hittites and Mitanni either became the Medes or same origin and Medes mixed with the Lydians(Neo-Hittites)

on 07/18/2016 I dreamt of the Italians and Greeks who are from the Lydians looking very handsome with black hair and not resembling a Punjabi (*that is what is saw some Italians and Greeks have an Indo-Aryan feature like Punjabis but what I saw is that the ones who came from the Lydians did not look like Punjabis )

on 05/22/12 i dreamt of opening a door and I saw faces of the Greeks and Italians and i see we are same and we come from Hittites


not good enough.. you are misleading by keeping out fundamental information how the different cultures of
Asia Minor developed.. the different migrations by thousands of years & how it evolved.


Thanks. Great. I had suspicion about the Sumerian culture! What a magnificent history to have and behold! Celebrate with high esteem🎉


your names checks out. there really isnt any history in this channel


According to the historians referring to these similar language facts,  Sumerian is an ancient Turkish language. Although Sumerian language has common typological peculiarities with Altay languages, this theory has been put forward for the first time by a historian named Julius Oppert


A good book to read on this Subject is "Black Sumer the physical evidence - part 1" by Hermel Heimstein.The Linguistic and Anthropology evidence is second to none.


الامر سخيف لدرجه انهم لا يعرفونه ان العراق في قاره أخرى بعيد عن أفريقيا لقد فقد هؤلاء صوابهم غدا ليرتدي الصينية حراب الصيد المرقطه يصبحون حضاره أفريقيا انتم تخرجون انفسكم العالم ليس في العصور الوسطى العراق لديه اربعه حضارات وممالك خمسه حتى اليوم العراقين بشرتهم سمراء بفضل الشمس القويه انت احمق بمجرد النظر الى طبيعة الجو العام العام السابق بلغ درجه حراره احد المدن 50 درجه لاكن اعتقد زمن التعاطف قد ول واصبحتم مثل الوحوش الضاريه بفضل قناعات غبيه تنظر بعين دنيئه نحو ثقافتها الخاصه لذا تخاول النيل من الآخرين انتم مثيرين لشفقه فعلا


According to the bible Nimrod the son of Kush went on to build Neneveh what would have include Mesopotamia, so it is possible the Sumerian's could be decendance of those people.


Not one video I've come across with a black person explaining this subject... I find that really weird that YT folks are the only ones teaching about this.


hhahahahaha stealing hisyory right and left 😂 just accept that midle east in not you history .


"We wuz Sumerians n sheeet!" 🤣


do people really believe is this stuff???


See we are the Babylonians remember father Abraham was told to leave Iraq Babylon genesis 12


They had bleach even then.. great work!


I want to see where black people take DNA tests and it shows they have Mesopotamian DNA. I haven’t seen any black American on YouTube have it.


the most likely birthplace of the Sumerian people. The Arabian Peninsula: The simplest and most obvious conclusion is that the Sumerians were a Semitic people, just like their Akkadian neighbors and everyone else in the region (bear in mind that Semitic doesn't just mean Jewish, it also means Arabic


Who is Black, and where is the ancient map depicting the BLACKIA continent?
