LIVING FOREVER BY 2035 | New Aubrey De Grey Interview

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Is it possible for humans to live forever. More and more scientists believe so and in a recent interview, Aubrey De Grey said that there's a good chance for immortality by 2035. Young people on the other hand have a almost 100% certainty of living forever and never dying.

Reversing aging is no longer science fiction and will soon become a reality with advances in stem cell therapy and advanced injections that stop the aging process in young and old people. So what would a world without death look like? It's definitely something the government has to look into.

Aubrey de Grey is an English author and biomedical gerontologist. He is the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation and VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. He is editor-in-chief of the academic journal Rejuvenation Research, author of The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging and co-author of Ending Aging. He is known for his view that medical technology may enable human beings alive today not to die from age-related causes. He is also an amateur mathematician who has contributed to the study of the Hadwiger–Nelson problem.
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Would you want to live forever or are you fine with having a finite lifespan? Do you believe any of this is possible in the first place?
Please tell us in the comments below and don't forget to like the video if you enjoyed it! :)


One of the biggest reasons why I want this to be possible is because I want everyone to have a fair chance in life. If you think about it, millions of people around the world grow up in poverty, many have disabilities, diseases etc.

The wealthy people are living the best life possible whilst the less unfortunate have to do whatever it takes to survive. It breaks my heart everytime I see someone struggling whilst others are living the best life so if this becomes a success, everyone would have the chance to live a healthy life and have the time, the opportunities to do everything they ever wanted. I know it will become a success, sooner than you think.


Despite being Christian, I'm in favour of not aging. A finite life doesn't allow us to experience and become everything we would like to on this world, til we are one day "called upon"


We all humans want to be immortal.. And that's true.. So everyone support Aubrey..


Living forever or immortal life for everyone was a dream and expectation and hope of mine right from my childhood. Best
wishes for all who work
and dedicate for this cause which greatly give a
meaning to life


This is a good video by Aubrey De Grey on immortality. He is basing his work on solid research and principles, I have been working on science projects which lead to this basically all my 83 years. Having documented much related information over the years. I do see one big problem though, to make progress through technology and documentation of procedures we need to stop mis-information and be able to communicate honestly with truth full good intentions, nor solve problems with ignorance and wars upon each other. Truth not politics is part of the answer.


I love Aubrey. I don't know what i would be without him.


I don't want to live forever, but I don't mind choosing how long I stay here.


I Fully believe in Dr. Aubrey de GREY.
And, others that talk about living forever.
They are giving people so much hope.
All this is extremely important & positive.


I want to live for ever or to have a chance in being immortal and never dying. I believe in Aubrey ..


I will want to live forever. Trying to stay healthy for awhile already, work towards 2035 and hope it will come true


Immortality IS Possible. We are the first generation to live til the end of the universe.


I want this to be possible so everyone can live a happy life forever. I think this could also make a peaceful world eventually.


There is so much to do in the world that "forever" sounds just right!


I want to live forever with my parents


Let us reach longevity escape velocity asap to save the lives of the people that we love most and ourselves. That is the most important subject of these times. These scientists are showing through their work that it is possible.


In short, while the strides made in this field are fascinating, we should approach this future with cautious optimism. It's a thrilling time to be alive, witnessing the scientific community inching closer to conquering death, but we must be prepared for the massive changes such a breakthrough would bring about.


I would love to extend my life maybe not live forever but definitely longer than the average now. if we could extend life to 120-140 would be awesome.


Biological immortality that includes age reversal and far less suffering the affects of old age is what I want for myself and people in general. Other forms of immortality do not seem to include our true selves or the continuity of our consciousness as we right now are experiencing it but rather a digital copy that continues on and has experiences that for that copy of ourselves would be fun and awesome to exist in a virtual world in some digital paradise but not something we would experience because we might enter oblivion and our awareness of anything & everything no longer continuing. The digital copy of ourselves will be obvious to this reality and might not even believe that has happened and would be convinced they underwent a digital conversion rather than simply a digital copy of their original self. The distinction even if realized would not even matter to most because at least THEY are "alive" and this death experience happened to someone else as if it was their twin. They may mourn then move on. There is a lot of philosophical questions and implications to consider and explore and questions to be asked and in time answered. Ultimately I wish for biological immortality that one day perhaps centuries from now a shared experience between a digital copy and our living organic consciousness (enhanced with some sort of Elon Musk NeuraLink) will become a reality.... of course the sooner the better!


I want to go back to 22 years old and be there forever ....
