(87)Mistakes! Star Trek: TOS (S3 Part 2)

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In today's episode of Truth OR Myth we're taking a look the mistakes made in Star Trek: The Original Series Season 3, Episodes 6-10... Hope you enjoy!
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Title Sequence Created By Siren
A proud member of the TrekSphere Family, a website for ALL your Trek Needs!
*All Star Trek and Star Trek related material is used under the fair use clause in copyright law, no trademark infringement intended*
#TruthORMyth #StarTrek #SciFi
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Title Sequence Created By Siren
A proud member of the TrekSphere Family, a website for ALL your Trek Needs!
*All Star Trek and Star Trek related material is used under the fair use clause in copyright law, no trademark infringement intended*
#TruthORMyth #StarTrek #SciFi
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