4 Reasons for Talkative Introverts | Short

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I love that you posted another shorter video. So INFP. Right on! :-)


Do you know what's weird, Sherman? I just noticed I already made a comment to this video several months ago and laughed about how randomly making "YET" another comment can be seen as talkative. Wow, I hate catching myself doing these things like you started to catch yourself continuously talking at the end of this video but you couldn't just STOP yourself mid-sentence. I know you were being more-so funny but I totally get it!

I realize I sometimes type too many paragraphs at once in texts/comments/emails or I am too wordy like I am right this very minute. It annoys me so much when I am not as concise as I could be! Argh! I feel like am overzealously bonding with you right now Sherman. We are like besties 4 errr. I am being silly btw, I forget you don't totally know my humor yet. hehe.

But I just want others to know that we introverts who get talkative even through text alone are not alone.

I like how you mentioned that many times the extraversion hasn't been touched much and just comes out. With me I am currently more solitary getting through depression and social anxieties so I think I overcompensate at times like here. I think even if one other person comes across my comment here they will know others definitely have to deal with this annoying habit of sometimes being too chatty. With introverts I think text/online messages can be so easy we overdo it sometimes like I am now. AND YES, it is very weird for me talking about this right now as well.

I will stop while I'm ahead but wait. I was not ahead like 10 minutes ago. Oops! Me and my INFP head in the clouds getting social. But seriously, I think sometimes it has to do with just wanting to be an IDEALIST and getting all the GOOD information out of us? Or maybe we have an underlying need for perfection? Not you Sherman but I have seen sometimes I get nit-picky and a bit analytical and "idealistic" about being perfect saying everything I need to say.

This may just be a talkative introverted thing, Sherman? An INFP thing? Or maybe it has to do with people like me who have social anxieties (I technically have a social anxiety disorder, others you have come across, maybe yourself have maybe just had less than a disorder but I think I remember you talking about your social anxieties before? Maybe that is why we end up getting chatty. It is to over-correct when we were maybe too solitary or felt more alone when younger? I can only say that about myself. I don't know your personal history, Sherman. But Thank you for this awesome video. I watched it a FEW times. I seriously am trying to get all the tips I can to be better myself. It's taking an awful lot of time, Sherman. lol (yes, I know... it is HARD to grow as a person... usually like you have said we grow the most during the touch times?)

Peace and take care. Have a great upcoming November-Dec-January. You, your kiddo and the wife. Thanks for trying to make the world a better place. You are doing great. You are very inspirational/helpful but I don't want to over-compliment (see I think too much) because I don't want you thinking I am being mister happy go lucky fake person. lol, but that is an entirely different subject. :-P Peace/take care, blessings... all those things you say at the end of a talkative/wordy text msg(comment).


I find myself struggling with 'am I e or i nfp?' but I think I've resolved I'm infp... but I find when I'm nervous, I talk waaay too much.. saying things without thinking them through, then ruminating for DAYS after about how I may have made someone else feel or how I didn't portray how I actually felt.. that in itself, trying to describe with accuracy, all the different feelings around each side of the 16sided die is cause alone to talk too much. I have not many friends at all, but I still have a few. not active in social media, but need to communicate about deep existential meanings.. I try to get connected to certain others. if in my rambling I detect uninterest or condescension, I will stfu then and in the future. and just be nervous silently. or, I'll know it will be unwelcome and say it anyhow if i see its harming others and I need to tell them. usually dont do well in those environments to the point of being pushed out or getting it through my thick skull that I'm not wanted and then leave. . i also notice, because of cptsd and attachment style based on childhood, I try to impress those I'm unsure if they like me or not, you know, people who act like they like you when you're around but their actions in private or at a distance prove otherwise. I keep trying. learning I dont need it. when comfortable and confident in acceptance I can be quiet with my friends - or talk, depending on what they too want. I am a good listener and understand through imagination and compassion so much of what others share, despite never having experienced certain things. I do find myself surprising others when I'm out detecting "safety" such as being scammed by presenters or speakers. I will 'interview' others involved to see what their thoughts about the presenter of information are, to gather more input that will help me formulate a decision. this usually generates more thought from others as well. but I would not really have gone out of my way to interact with words. though I feel this need to acknowledge all existence with my eyes, at least in passing. I hate turning away from a thoughtful gaze, sharing life comradeship as I pass a stranger. I want to communicate that their existence is not ignored. and if they want to talk, sometimes briefly we do. it's so strange. when in conversation with people I know it is harder to keep eye contact. ehhh.. talking too much right now.
