Our Gut Bacteria say 'Go Vegan or Else!'

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This video touches on the science showing that our intestinal flora do best when eating a vegan diet. The less animal products, the better our litter critters do.

And highjack our vagus nerve to play with our emotions lower our stress levels.

2014 Nature study:

The benefits of propionate from Fiber:

Vegan Diet study review:

Science article on the Hadza:

Hadza eat 80% plants (Yale):

Carnitine and Choline to TRimethylamine study:

Trimethylamine podcast:

Trimethylamine increases chance of death from Prostate Cancer:
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I was struggleing with gastritis (pretty severe one at that) before I went vegan. I took my medication as I was told but I basically ate what I always ate minus a lot of grease from frying and the long periods of not eating (mostly due to uni stress). If I ate I would get nauseaus, and If I didn't I will get nauseaus as well. That was because of what I was eating. I was a HEAVY meat eater (I could eat half a baked chicken by myself and eat nothing but that for a meal). Ever since I went vegan my stomach has felt much better. I still struggle here and there (Not the healthiest eater even withing veganism and I think the walls of my stomach are not completely healed yet) but the difference is HUGE. I've been vegan for 3 months and my symptoms are almost gone. The funny thing is, I went vegan for the animals and the enviroment. This was actually an amazing bonus (Probably would not have stopped eating meat solely for my health back then. I knew fried stuff were poison for me and I still cheated).


Thank you! The gut microbiome is my current favourite topic (100% serious) and this video was very informative. I feel like like it's the next great frontier in understanding our bodies.


PLEASE talk about low stomach acid and leaky gut more


Thank you! I've suffered from bloating and IBS for an entire year going in and out of doctors offices, trying so many different medications/supplements and changing up my diet but not once did they ever recommend me to cut meat products out. Once I went vegan I no longer have these bloating problems and my stomach is back to normal! If you have IBS or bloating issues go vegan! 🙌🏾


Hi Mic. I've been binge-watching your videos as I try and move back to veganism after being a lapsed vegan (and vegetarian) for the past couple of years. Would you consider doing a video on candida overgrowth? I've struggled with it, and the suggestion I've received from medical personnel is to reduce sugar intake including sugar from fruits, grains, and beans. It makes for really depressing eating because it's primarily vegetables only with 1-2 fruits occasionally (incidentally also why I fell off the vegan band wagon because I could at least add eggs to my diet ... one thing led to another and cheese and other dairy happened, and I was back to being a vegetarian ... :/ ). Anyhow, I'd really appreciate your insights on candida if you have the time. Thanks for making all the videos you've already made. It's definitely making the transition back easier. :)


this video is such important info for all even for the well-informed vegans!!


You're amazing. I want to work in this field of/with psychobiotics, that's all so interesting.


So true! Just went to ER and Colitis was the diagnosis. Went vegan for the last 3 weeks. Feeling so much better!!!


I am feeling a little confused by some statements in this video. Already the table that Mic is showing regarding the Hadza people's diet, refers to the food they are bringing into camp, not sure if this translates directly to the food they consume, and important information is lacking such as total caloric intake, or and if they have other sources of food inside the camp (probably not). If let's say the table really translates to what they are eating, it's still 19% calories from meat, which is slightly lower than the FDA recommendation (aroound 25% if I recall correctly, if someone can give me the right number, I would appreciate it). I am not sure if it is correct to label it a plantbased diet, otherwise we can consider even the FDA recommendation as a plantbased diet since most calories come from plants. The biggest take I get from this is that having a high fiber diet with whole plants (even alongside meat) is what makes for a good microbiota. There is a lot of junkfood that is vegan compatible, stripped of fibre and full of sugar that surely isn't good for you (oreos, chips etc.). Furthermore, I am not sure about the claim that meat eating promotes dysbiosis. Already the Hadza people are meat eaters, and they seem to have the best microbiota according to that magazine. I would have loved to see a comparison between their microbiota and let's say Jain people, or even vegans, to see who has it better. Mic's next arguments against meat, focus more on other negative impacts of meat on the heart and colon (cancer and other stuff), but not it's direct effect on microbiota diversity. He stated that vegans have better microbiota, but it just might be that they are eating more fiber, as they are more health conscious and consider wholefoods rather than junkfood


I "read" a paper yesterday that bacterials cultures from vegan and vegetarians guts could degrade phytate more efficiently than the omnivore subjects, but I'm not sure how big was the difference.


I wonder how vegetable oil affects people's microbiome.


In 1:44 you say Hadza get 80% of their callories from plants, but the table you show says 19.3% from meat and 14.2% from honey, or do I read it wrong?


Hey Mic!
Perfect video, since you're speaking of Gut Bacteria, have something to share and obviously inquire about:
"Natasha Campbell-McBride is a medical doctor with two postgraduate degrees: Master of Medical Sciences in Neurology and Master of Medical Sciences in Human Nutrition." She is known for developing the GAPS concept which is the Gut And Psychology Syndrome she says humans are omnivores because she claims the human gut does not have what it takes to extract the nutrients from plants while it is easily be done in laboratory through chemicals and all other methods and that is why people think they can get all their nutrients from plants and eliminate meat from their diet.

"But what about all the research published in popular nutrition books, which shows that plants are full of nourishment? Yes, when we analyse different plant foods in a laboratory, they show good amounts of vitamins, proteins, fats and minerals. This information is then published in common nutritional literature causing confusion. Why? Because, in a laboratory we can use all sorts of methods and chemicals for extracting nutrients from plants: methods, which our human digestive system does not possess. Human gut has a very limited ability to digest plants and to extract useful nutrients from them. People knew that plant foods are hard for humans to digest, that is why all traditional cultures have developed methods of food preparation to extract more nutrition from plants and to make them more digestible, such as fermentation, malting, sprouting and cooking. Unfortunately, in our modern world many of these methods have been forgotten and replaced with recipes which suite the food industry's commercial agenda."

I'm kind of sceptical here because of every evidence you have provided in your channel about the benefits of a plant-based diet and I want to know what is your opinion on this and you ever came across research/studies that would counter this argument?



I love your channel! So, I was eating an ungodly amount of spinach.. it's my absolute favorite green.. and I ended up with a 3mm kidney stone. BUT it never actually passed.. it dissolved some how. I've been vegan for a year now, could that be why?


Thanks for your videos Mic, they're really quick & informative. Are there any studies you can share that back up what you mentioned at the end of the video regarding the 24-hour basis change in your gut biota?


can you make a video on how much fiber and food what type of each fiber should be consumed to build your gut bacteria


Hi Mic, could you do a video on IBS, and how a plant based diet could help cure it? All the traditional advice for people with IBS is to AVOID insoluble fiber, but I trust your research and I want to hear your opinion!


What are your thoughts on taking probiotics (in pill form) every day regardless of food being consumed?


I'd b interested to hear your explanation of dr natasha of gaps diet she states the collagen and fats etc are necessary to heal a leaky gut...this needs to be specific as we are dealing with a 5yr old...


Yea my body is still adjusting.... I still been having head aches, back pain and gas issues any suggestions what I can do my energy level is better I haven't been eating any meat products.... it seems like my gut is still not I am trying to figure out what foods are causing my head begn vegan for a couple of 3 months
