The FIRST Space Marines. The Dark Angels | Warhammer 40k Lore Abridged.

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Warhammer 40k Lore Made simple and easy for newcomers. Who Where the first space marines and where did they come from? The Dark Angels were the first legion of space marines, and to this day remain one of the most mysterious. these guys have an absolute metric ton of secrets. Their story is amazing but theres ALOT of it. this video will serve as a quick summery to get you up to speed.

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If you know any other cool facts about the Dark Angels that you think are important, share them here! Let's help the new people get a better understanding of the first legion!


It’s worth to note that the Rock is insanely massive. Speculated to be about the size of Pluto massive. It’s gained its own atmosphere because of it.


One interesting thing is one of their recruitment processes
They have the aspirants stand outside the fortress for 24 hours. During this time they can’t move, for any reason whatsoever. And if they are seen moving even the slightest bit, they fail.
And to up the ante, they have people walking the line trying to break them and make them move. By either insulting them to try and get them to lash out, to being nice and saying they’ve passed already and don’t have to do this.
While not the most extreme recruitment compared to other chapters, it would definitely be tough, as they’re children when they do this


Lion el Johnson just keeps hitting the snooze button on his alarm clock and next thing you know 10'000 years went by.


If only the Watchers would actually let the Dark Angels find the Lion and wake him up.

Granted, I can only imagine the sheer level of "Disappointed Dad" energy that he'd radiate after he gets brought back up to speed on how his sons are acting.


Here's a few extra 30k tidbits if they couldn't get cooler.
The dark angels had a boat load of archeotech and nukes. Which they got from terras various conquered warlords.
This included enslaved Men of Iron, I believe the term castrated is used in reference for how bound and broken they where.
This explains part of why they have a health stockpile of plasma weapons.


Another fun fact about The Lion, is that he could fight out off pure instinct, complete muscle memory no thoughts involved in his movements, this was rather helpful when fighting opponents that could either see the future or predict the movements of their opponents


I think the reason the Rangdan Xenocide isnt mentioned much is because the “Lost” Primarchs happened to take part in them……

Which probably means detailed records of this conflict had to be expunged from history, along with them.


I should thank you. Thanks to you and your videos/shorts, I got into warhammer, both in lore and the game itself. Thanks for changing my life for the better!


something cool-
The knightly order of Caliban had a position called 'The lord Cypher' this was a secretly elected individual whom if chosen would give up their name being referred to as 'Cypher' from then on. the individual would give up not just name but all parts of their personality becoming a mystery. This individual was in charge of maintaining the knights customs and ensuring they do not stray from their purpose. the Cyphers were held in high standing being advisers to Lion and Luther.

In current 40k lore "Cypher" is an actual reoccurring character in the lore appearing and disappearing at different points in time and space. it is unknown if he is a force of good or evil. What is known is that they are incredibly powerful killing political targets, chapter masters, Chaos lords, Inquisitors, daemon princes, etc.

some unreliable info / speculation.
A squire turned full knight by the name of Zathriel (I likely misspelled this if someone can correct me i will gladly edit it) is the most recent known Cypher, but this was just about when Lion was found by the emperor. Zathriel was showing signs of psionic powers and was taken in by the chapters librarian for training. There is a strong chance that he is the current day Cypher.


Please do a lore dive into Lord Cypher? I love his story and mystery. Also thank you for covering my favorite Legion!


One thing to note about Caliban before the Imperium found them. They weren't exactly stuck with medieval tech but rather had kept the advanced weaponry and armor but pretty much everything else about them regressed. They had power armor, power swords, and bolt guns but also rode jacked up horses into battle, lived in massive castles, and were stuck on planet without the means of interstellar travel


Imperial guards are severely underestimated


As a Dark Angel and one who only last month found out about your content, I am happy that you are doing a video on them. You've got a uniquely engaging and artistic presentation style that captivates an audience. Thanks...


So basically... The Dark Angels were the embodiment of the saying "Jack of all trades, master of none."


Love the Dark Angels the whole medevial style is awesome


You failed to mention that although all Fallen followed Luther, not all of them were corrupted by Chaos


My head cannon about Lion is he just lazing in his room, eating popcorn while watching -Rob- Roboute on his huge flatscreen.

*Lion:* _Ha ha ha, that's what you gets for destroying (broke in half) my sword, good luck handling them (Ecclesiarchy) when father return. You (Watcher in the Dark) bring me more snack!_


My favorite Legion! Thank you for covering them. "For the Lion!"


The lion is also arguably the greatest primarch swordsman. When he fought Konrad despite him seeing the future still messed him up.
