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Sola Scriptura? They mock Baptism for the Dead as Demonic Lies... But what does the Bible Say?
Dr. James White...quotes one third of one sentence of the demonize Baptism for the verse of the 31,102 verses....this is TRULY "Sola Scriptura" at it's worst....
I use a few minutes of Dr. James White's audio, under "Fair Use", as News...and to offer Commentary and will be seen. Lets have a a man considered to be one of the foremost authorities on the supposed "deceptions" of "Mormonism" as he holds forth on how "Sola Scriptura"...the BIBLE... supposedly disqualifies Baptism for the Dead and the Preaching of the Gospel to those who have passed beyond the veil...
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

First...this one verse, contrary to what is being maintained.. this one verse doesn't even say ANYTHING that disqualifies the possibility of Baptism for the Dead and that those in the spirit world can still hear the Gospel and respond.

But more importantly....there are a number of verses in the Bible,that make clear that Baptism for the Dead...and the Gospel being preached to the Dead, those in spirit not only possible, but NORMAL and fully supported by the Bible, as taught by the Prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

First, Our Savior Jesus Christ...preached the Gospel to the Dead!...and "led captivity captive"...setting free from spirit prison those that responded to the preaching of the Gospel, when He "descended into hell" upon his death...and for three days, "preached the Gospel to the spirits that were in prison".
What would be the point...of Jesus preaching the Gospel to them...if they couldn't respond? What was Jesus problem? Didn't He realized that "it is appointed to men once to die...and after this the judgement?" means that evangelizing those who have passed through the impossible?
Apparently, those who imagine that Hebrews 9:27 disqualifies any possibility of evangelizing on the other side of the veil...think they know better than Jesus Christ....and of course, if HE did this...those who follow Him in truth...will also do this...for as John teaches in 1 John 2:7 "He who claims to abide in Him, ought to walk even as He walked"! To be a to follow Him and learn to live as He lived, do as He did, and walk as He walked.

Here are the critical verses.
1 Peter 3:19 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing....

1 Peter 4:4 Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: 5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. 6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

Ephesians 4:7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? 30 And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?
2 Peter 1:20-21 ...knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
The Sola Scriptura christians...apparently do not "know this first" that "no scripture is of any private interpretation" the record of God speaking to His Covenant People through His Prophets...that is WHAT IT IS!...and "private" individuals have no authority to interpret it for the Church. It comes to us through God's Prophets...and it is only rightly divided, understood, and interpreted for today...the very same way...through God's Prophets.
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When I was 10 and being raised a Southern Baptist, the subject of baptism was taught quite fervently in church. You must be baptized by immersion or you will go to hell. Mark 16:16 was practically quoted in every sermon. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned"
This verse struck in my heart and as a bi-racial child, I wondered about my ancestors on my mother's side who died and never heard of Jesus Christ nor even knew what baptism was. What would happen to them? This bothered me so much that after church service one Sunday many years ago, I went and asked my Pastor this very question. His opinion of children was that they were to be seen and not heard. First of all, he had no need for children, and second of all his look at me, like I was a gnat who deserved to be swatted away, surely gave me the first clue that my question was not worthy of his time. But he decided to answer me right away. He said as he briskly walked past me "they're going to hell".

What I just wrote about up above has stayed with me for 55+ years. I am now 65 years old and remember that moment as if it happened yesterday. The instant shock and grief that came over me was real. I felt so defeated, sad, angry, and felt that there was no hope. How couId Jesus Christ, who died for everyone's sins allow people to burn in hell forever and ever where they are burned forever and ever and their skin is on fire forever and ever yet they will never be consumed but be in horrific agony forever where no relief will ever happen for them. How couId this same Jesus Christ allow for this to happen simply because they never even heard of Him before??? It didn't seem fair or logical .... AT ALL! Where in all of this did a 10-year old bi-racial child find comfort? Please tell me because there wasn't any. I remember crying my eyes out. I remember thinking how unfair this was. Why did Jesus even bother dying for us all then?

Thank goodness for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ where hope, logic, and fairness is foremost. Heavenly Father would not make baptism a requirement for all of His children unless He provided a way for ALL of his children to be able to have a chance to be baptized, yes, even for those who died and never even heard of Jesus Christ. Was God setting up of His children for failure? It sure seemed like it to me. How is this reconciled?

For all those who scoff at our beliefs, what kind of comfort can you give to that 10-year old? You Yet you scoff at us. What have you got to You have no answer but yet scoff and mock our beliefs and practices and lecture us. At least we have an answer that gives hope and makes sense. Our baptism work done by proxy for those who are on the other side of the veil is done with pure love and joy. It is truly sacred and holy work! To do and have the temple work done for my ancestors gives me great peace and pure joy!!!! I love my ancestors and honor them. Yet they still have their free agency to either accept or not accept this work that is done on their behalf. The choice is theirs. It is so beautiful. It is done with pure love and respect for them. It makes so much more sense than the words of that pastor who said "they're going to hell".

I'm so blessed to be a member of
the church that teaches true gospel principles. How great our Heavenly Father is and how great that He provides a way. He never has, nor will He ever set us up for failure! I put my trust in Him and in the church that bears His holy son's name - the only true and living church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If it weren't for this true gospel, I would have ended up an atheist because of that experience I had as a 10 year old.


At age 16, as a recent convert, I was baptized for my father who had been killed in an accident at age 35. This occurred in the Washington DC Temple. I had been told there was no hope for those who died who had not been religious. The restored gospel had the answers.


I have greatly enjoyed watching your channel since you started it David. I love that we can appeal to the Bible in addressing Evangelicals however, they need to understand, that the Bible is NOT the final authority to LDS. Instead, we must ultimately appeal to the authority that brought about the scriptures in the first place, revelation. Only revelation is actual power. All scripture points away from itself and instead points to its divine author. Evangelicals need to realize that they risk worshipping a book instead of Christ and revelation from Him


Evangelicals like White and Durbin has nothing to offer to me or any other Latter-day Saint. Their theology simply sucks,


Man, it's insane that James White is saying that we need to ignore our spiritual experiences and visions in order to conform to HIS interpretation of the Bible! (These types always act like their interpretation of the Bible is just manifestly obvious, but that is seldom the case.)
Also, it is very tenuous to base an entire religious eschatology on the phrase, "And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). How long after? The passage doesn't say. Immediately? Why, that's an assumption. I could say, "I went to Walmart, and after I went to Costco." And that well might be true, but my statement does not preclude at all the possibility that in-between I might have gone to Dairy Queen. By that statement alone, how could we know definitively that I never went anywhere other than Costco after Walmart? We would need additional information.


On a channel called Keystone there is an episode of an LDS guy who studied different religions and stuff & he said this to maybe help when LDS and other faiths are trying to understand each other & discuss:

“We are not based on the Bible. We are not even based on scripture. We are based on what the scriptures itself is based on: living prophets”


2 Nephi they are learned they think they are wise 🙄


The testimony of the young woman about baptism for the dead was pure. God often reveals His will to an innocent unlearned. Dr. James White is one those ever learning who thinks he is called of God. Dr. White is a modern pharasies.


“Latter Day Saints don't play by the rule book Protestants play by. We are not based on the Bible. We are not even based on scripture. We are based on what scripture is based on--living prophets.” -Ben Spackman


Gee! The preaching of the Gospel to the dead as noted by Peter and proxy baptism for the dead as noted by Paul is all Sorry Dr. White. I will take what is there in the scriptures rather than your private interpretation. Of course, you do not tell everyone about all of the early Christian writings on those subjects either.

I think that having everyone be taught and judged on the same standard no matter where or when they lived and whether or not the full Gospel was on the Earth or not is awesome. Everyone has the same opportunity. So much better than the capricious God of post-Nicean Christianity who consigns most of humanity that is thought to have been created out of nothing (per Aristotle) to be tortured forever for either rejecting Jesus Christ or just never hearing of Him.

However, I am especially greatful for the revelations given directly to modern day prophets and apostles that give the details of these doctrines and practices more than what is noted briefly in the New Testament.


The story of that 13yo girl sharing her temple experience is exactly why you don't cast your pearls before swine. He took that beautiful experience and trampled on it.


I can ask my parents questions in the spirit world and they did not join the church in this life. I do the temple work for for them. When I ask my father if he receive the gifts I give them. He said Yes and it was a great day at the temple. Great gifts from God are coming to us this day!


I can't help feeling that Dr. White has the same mindset as the ancient pharisees and sadducees. He says he cherishes Sola Scriptura, and is firmly opposed to adding anything to the bible, yet as soon as his own beliefs are challenged, he starts adding to the bible in his exegesis. Further, he doubts/ignores clear passages when it's not convenient to his position.

Christ called out the scriptural hypocrites in His day. Would He do any less today? Thank you, David, for doing what Christ would do if He were on YouTube today.


Many refuse to understand and admit that EVERYTHING in the new testament and old testament were new scripture at that time. They may believe what they want - they'll end up with an eternal glory and joy that they'll be willing to accept.


Love this video. Thank you for your testimony and helping to bring others to Christ. There’s so many lies out there about the gospel the true gospel. We need more David’s like you!


Thank you for this video. So glad you made it home safe.
I have a question for you- I was recently listening to The Glenn Beck Show and he had on a Christian Minsiter who was sharing many wonderful words. It is quite faith promoting but he was talking about the Rapture in such a way that it was making me think of the First Resurrection our the Resurrection of the Just at the Second a coming of Christ. I was wondering if this is an example of using differing terms that we often find between Latter-day Saint doctrine and mainstream Christianity. Any thoughts on this?
Thank you! I was praying for you on your travels. Many of us feel like you are a friend. I am trying to follow your example and just starting to write down, record and post my testimony. I’m so terrible at it but no matter what, I know my kids and grandkids will enjoy hearing my words. Thank you for your example, faith and commitment to the work. I LOVE missionary and sharing faith!!!


We believe the Bible to be more correct than those who actually believe the Bible is infallible .. we actually believe the Bible, in a sense, to be more correct and literal than they do.. that's amazing

Isn't it ironic that to hear how Jesus preached to them that were in prison and how he descended below all things, and how that the gospel was preached to them that were dead, yet Christians say that doesn't mean that in the literal sense, that it's a matter of interpretation and understanding the bibles' author intent of what, "to them that were dead" means..

And because we believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly is somehow damnable heresy, yet here they are every time they deny the literal words on the bibles pages by matter of interpretation.. case in point.. when Jesus Christ testified that he is God's Son.. We actually believe that quite literally.. they on the other hand, by way of interpretation have come up with obscure Trinitarian doctrine mumbo jumbo..

And it's their interpretation of these verses why they don't believe in a continuation of preaching the gospel beyond this mortal life..


Well there will be a pre-judgment otherwise how does one go to the spirit prison or Paradise so what are he was saying is a half truth, but it's not going to be the final judgement which is explained in the Book of Revelations. Then everyone will get the kingdom they deserve!


What Dr James won't find in the Bible is Sola Scriptura


So happy to see your video today.

Kaylynn and I met you in the Layton Temple on a Wednesday morning with Kaitlyn from Anticipating Christ's Return.

I'm looking forward to the FIRM conference in Oct.

We've always been bemused by the antagonism to a doctrine they don't believe. If they truly didn’t believe they wouldn’t care. Some other power compels them to fight that truth. They have so much truth but cannot abide more. Watching your videos has helped us to understand the evangelical mind.

Thank you for your great videos and have fun driving the spud truck.
