3 (Weird) Traits That Will Make Him Pursue You

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There are three traits in a woman that make a man pursue you, and I would say that these are so counterintuitive to what all of you sexy, single ladies are probably doing out there that I would go so far to say that these are weird. And if right now you're struggling to get the right man to pursue you, chances are you are doing the opposite of these things, hate to say it.

The first trait that'll make a man pursue you is being the type of woman who is just happy and content being single. Now, this is weird and kind of counterintuitive because if you're going on a date, shouldn't you be talking about how you want a relationship and potentially marriage? Maybe not with that guy but marriage in the future and that white picket fence stuff. Yeah, sure you can talk about that as you progress along. I'd say that's date three to five, or certainly beyond if you're talking about marriage. That's more like once you're in a committed relationship. You keep that type of conversation to that point in time. But when you're first starting to meet people, people are looking for a feeling, a vibe that they get from you, and if that's the vibe that they are putting out there is that I'm not happy with my current situation. I need you to be in my life to feel happy; then, they are going to instantly be repelled because they are going to think that you are a little bit desperate.

The second weird trait that will make a man pursue you, and this one is very counterintuitive as well, which is calling a guy out on his bull. Now, you'd think that the classic Southern belle charmer and polite woman who says yes to every single thing that a guy ever asks for, you'd think that that would be the woman who gets pursued by all the men, but it is not necessarily the case. The type of woman that men are generally drawn to are the challenge and the kind of woman who will challenge them on not only an emotional level but also on a spiritual level.

Finally, the third weird trait that will make men pursue you is just being a little bit mysterious. You would think that if you're going out and meeting someone for the first time, that it would make the most sense to tell them everything about your life so that they understand who you are, your background, what it is that you're interested in, what it is you're not interested in. All of the best stories of all of the best things that have ever happened in your life, where you've traveled. And, yeah, that is all well and good, but what that doesn't do is leave any mystery in the relationship. The way to keep getting someone coming back, and by the way, this works on you women as well, when we guys are a little bit mysterious, is to leave a little bit of a question in the person's head, be like who is this person?

Рекомендации по теме

1. Happy content being single.
2. Excited about her own life. Women who can call him out.
3. Be mysterious. Hold yourself back.


If he really likes you ...he will persue you no matter what


I am at a point of just getting a few cats. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Dating is so complicated.


I overshare. I'm a writer. I usually feel judged and misunderstood by others so I try to explain myself.


-talk about marriage in date 3-4
-don’t be desperate : don’t need a relationship for happiness
-don’t be too polite: challenge
-be mysterious


I've been doing all the three signs. Didnt talk about marriage and kids for a good three months, I'm actually a confident person and I'm not desperate. I love being single but nothing. I guess they're just not into me no matter. Ladies, a guy who is not into you sometimes has nothing to do with you but a lot to do with him and his insecurities. He could love you and think you're great but if hes not ready to pursue you in the long run or he just doesnt feel it no matter how confident and how happy you are being single and how mysterious you are, it's not your fault.


I'm doing all these things and met someone last month. He pursues like crazy and has never gone a day without talking to me. We'll see what happens!


This is so entirely true!! On my first date with my husband...(I wasn't really attracted to him at the time) I told him that I wanted to just be friends and not ready to be serious yet and after that he wouldn't stop asking me out and for a shot.. we were friends for 2 years and he never gave up until one day I realized that I wanted to be more than friends... ❤🥰


I appreciate number 1.
I need to work on that.

As for number 2 ....based on my personal experiences, men (especially black men) consider that to be masculine, too challenging and argumentative.

Number 3...me being mysterious was perceived by men as a sign that I had another man, too much to hide or they were getting too frustrated to "figure me out" and gave up.


Be genuinely happy being single; call a person on their bull****; be a bit mysterious.

In other words, be happy and grateful with your life as it exists first, don't put up with garbage from anyone and don't feel like you have to be an open book all the time. This is actually good advice for most friendships and relationships I think :)


I wouldn't be me if I wasn't confident and I'm naturally secretive, I love fact that I'm single a little to much I think lol.


All men are about is games... omg it's so tiring ....


Awesome video. #3 made me smile. I unintentionally do this. I am quick to ask men personal questions but rarely reveal details about my life.💋


A man always remember the woman that made it hard for him


Calling men out on their bs and 'being real' works as a novelty, once in a relationship that is kne of the things they begin to h8 about you and switch on you over.


A strong woman who doesn't let anybody step on her toes including a potential mate or husband


I mostly struggle with the first one. For some time I enjoyed being single, but whether it's family or friends have told me that I would be so great in a relationship, that my life would be better if i had a boyfriend, suddenly feel like my life was lacking. I've fought low self-esteem for many years...well actually still fighting it daily, but it's just hard to feel like you have worth when there are people regularly telling you "you are not enough". People will tell you it doesn't matter what other people think, but for me fighting low self-esteem it's harder to just ignore other people's comments.


Everything he says makes sense but I can’t help to not act desperate when I like a hot guy and it’s so off putting. 😾😔💕


Calling him on his shit is a good way to filter narcissists. Great tips!


You hit all the right points! Also, it's best not to share your whole life story to just anyone because they will use it to hurt you and go against you.
