The WORST Smash Bros. Game

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Compared to the rest of the series, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U feels a bit messy and soulless. It’s missing something. Let’s talk about that.

For nearly 40 minutes.


“Results Display Screen” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Online Practice Stage” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Training Mode” from Super Smash Bros. (N64)
“Quick Man Stage” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Replays/Album/Records” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Master Orders: Ticket Selection” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Menu” from Super Smash Bros. (N64)
“PAC-MAN’s Park / Block Town” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“The Great Cave Offensive” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Boss Fight 1” from Kid Icarus: Uprising
“One Winged Angel” from Final Fantasy VII
“Boss Theme Medley (Kirby Series)” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“Town Hall and Tom Nook’s Store” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr. Medley” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Magicant / Eight Melodies” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Gallery / Hoard” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Trophy” from Super Smash Bros. Melee
“Trophy Shop” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Duck Hunt Medley” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Free the Spirit!” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Menu 1” from Super Smash Bros. Melee
“King Bowser - Super Mario Bros. 3” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Chill (Dr. Mario) Ver. 2” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Trophy Gallery” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“The Light Realm: March” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Master Fortress: First Wave” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Boss Battle” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“Multi-Man Smash” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“All-Star Rest Area” from Super Smash Bros. Melee
“Classic: Map” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
“Classic: Map” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Crazy Orders: Ticket Selection” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Events” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Wi-Fi Waiting Room” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Step: The Cave” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“Smash Tour: Map” from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
“Menu (Melee)” from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
“All-Star Rest Area” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“The Light Realm: Prologue” from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
“Classic: Final Results” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Trophy Rush” from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
“Let’s Hit the Climax!” from Bayonetta


0:00 Introduction
1:34 The Characters & Hype Cycle
4:46 Smash: More Than Characters
6:01 The Stages
10:44 The Collectibles (Trophies)
14:32 A Brief Menu Rant
15:24 The Collectibles (Custom Parts)
19:08 The Modes & “The Illusion of Content”
28:21 Smash Tour & Smash Run
34:01 Conclusion
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20:24 You mean, five. It depended on the Classic Mode level you played.


the most criminal feature is the touch screen doesn't let you press the menu buttons.


"Smash without substance" is another term for Tinder


It really did feel like the 3ds got the better modes to entice people to buy it since they knew competitive players would obviously favor the one that was compatible with the Gamecube controller. Even StreetSmash, despite having pretty much nothing in common with the main gameplay, was far more fun than what Smash Wii U was offering.


I respectfully disagree on the trophy part. For me, a kid who really only got Brawl in middle school for Sonic and wasn’t super familiar with most of Smash’s franchises, the trophies were such a fun and addictive way to learn about the other series in the game. I was introduced to so many characters and stories through the trophies. Even if the models themselves are downgraded I’d rather have that way than not have them at all. It’s like you said it made Smash feel like a video game museum of sorts. I feel like I’d be a lot less salty about Ultimate getting rid of them if the spirits at least had a paragraph description for each character like the trophies do. That’s a little thing that would’ve gone a long way. Either way I get your point but I still deeply miss trophies


To defend New Pork City feeling like it’s been designed by a child, that’s incredibly lore accurate and fitting to the idea of New Pork City


It’s definitely the one game in the series that I have no reason to go back to after the sequel came out. It kind of feels like a beta version of Ultimate.


To this day, I will always love Smash 3DS/Wii U. Better time in my life, very nostalgic for me. Was the last Smash game I loved before my health took a spiraling decline in my 20s. I will always love my memories of enjoying Smash 4 and playing it with friends.


Smash 4 isn’t necessarily a bad game just an obsolete game. Like you said there’s just nothing to go back to when compared to the other games. Which sucks because this was the only smash game I stuck with through its entire community hype cycle. I’ll always have a soft spot for it because of that though.


Fun fact regarding the ported trophy models thing: Brawl Zelda characters were also lifted from TP entirely. You can even give them original TP textures with no effort because the UVs are all left untouched.


I feel like Smash Run needs to return with more and improved content, it's a shame it got cut from Ultimate.

Edit: There's also the fact that some characters got very little balance changes. Mario managed to make it out fine, but poor Jigglypuff was left in the dust.


"it's not like rehashing green hill is not faithful"
made me laugh more than it should


Smash Run and customs with friends were far-and-away the most fun I’ve ever gotten out of Smash 4.


The main thing I love about Smash 4 is the artstyle... specifically the Wii U artstyle (the cartoony look that the characters have, the shadows, the character icons, everything about the artstyle just attracts me). I also find some of the stages in the game memorable along side Smash Run. The last thing I adore about Smash 4 is the shop (the whole concept where you are going to the store and going to buy a minifigure is just really adorable). Other than yeah, the other games in the series are better.... although, I really liked the custom moveset aspect of the game (even if it was tedious)


You're forgetting the worst part about Wii U Classic: the AI is programmed to ALWAYS prioritize striking the player if they're within a certain range instead of other CPUs, which means that if you're playing against 7 CPUs, you're basically playing a 1 vs 7 with friendly fire on.

Most 9.0 deathless runs devolve into praying you get low player count games and then being forced into a 6-man Smash on a stage small enough where all of the CPUs are in their player aggro range and then dying to a stage hazard.


When it comes to trophies, I'm much more interested in the little blurbs that come with them and gives some background
My biggest problem with spirits are the direct lack of that and part of why i prefer the trophies. They might be asset rips, but its fun to learn about the characters and sometimes get trivia you wouldn't know otherwise plus it feels great being able to fill out the collection.
Seriously the fact that not only do they not tell you a little about them and they are expendable making them a pain to collect, but don't even tell you what franchise they're a part of is why I do not care about them at all in ultimate.
Also they're just slightly better stickers from brawl which no one cared about.


Brawl was hands down the most impactful smash game for me despite all its flaws. At the time, it seemed like it majorly stepped up its visuals and roster and I had replayed subspace emissary at least 100 times. It just felt like so much heart was put into making it the greatest game it could be and solidified my love for the series.


I actually like how they implemented The Great Cave Offensive; it perfectly recaptures all the frustration that game mode gave me as a kid!


I knew before I even clicked on this video that it was gonna be either 4 or Brawl.

I'm so glad it wasn't Brawl.


Trophies peaked in Melee because they were basically a showcase of what iconic Nintendo characters were going to look like in an exciting post-N64 era of 3D gaming. There was a huge novelty to it that I don't think any of the other Smash games could have recaptured (though they could have tried harder than just throwing a bunch of old assets together and calling it a day)
