Left for DEAD on an Island For 17 Years! (THE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE)

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Strick is back for a new Survival Challenge Series! He's re-visiting different survival stories while travelling up the remote stretches of the Great Barrier Reef. There's tales of heroic survival against all odds, and some tragic endings... Join him in the exact location of these scenarios to test his own survival skills and share their crazy stories.

In this Episode Strick is revisiting one of the craziest stories of survival against all odds... In 1858 A young French cabin boy was deserted on a remote beach in Australia and left for dead... 17 years later he sails back into France with the newspapers reporting him 'The White Savage'. But what happened during those 17 years is crazy! This is the story of Narcisse 'Pierre' Pelletier.

In order to survive on these desert islands they will need to catch Giant Mudcrabs barehanded, use bushcraft skills like making a handpear to catch fish and stingrays, making a friction fire and utilising the environment for shelter. Hope you enjoy coming along on this Survival Challenge!

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Hey Strick, you have shared bits and pieces of your life. Have you ever thought of putting together videos of an autobiography? You are so attached to the earth and your skills and knowledge are amazing. Life is grand.


I really love hearing the great stories from Australia's past.


I have seen a lot of survival channels but the fact you have history in a lot of your videos are just so amazing. Education and entertainment!!!


This video was terrific! It was longer than usual, but I didn't notice one bit. Watching you take us through history on a recreation of sorts of a real survival story that happened several hundred years ago, was fascinating. Seeing you eating off the land had me thinking, "I could do that"! I really enjoyed this video! Thanks!


love how much effort you put in to these videos, greatly appreciated


I dont know what the big secret is - the place where Pelletier was left is Cape Direction at a point known as "First Bed Rock Point" near Lockhart North Queensland.
A little more info: After 17 years with the tribe, Pelletier was rediscovered by the crew of pearling schooner the John Bull. He was brought aboard the ship and the crew claimed later that the tribe were holding him for ransom in exchange for trade. However, Pelletier maintained that this was not the case, and that he had greatly wished to return to his tribe but was afraid of the guns aboard the pearling ship.

After his rescue-turned-kidnapping, Narcisse Pelletier was quickly returned to France. Pelletier eventually married and became a lighthouse keeper, choosing to live in isolation. Dix-sept ans chez les sauvages, the only contemporary book published about his experience, includes some of the earliest sheet music to record Aboriginal songs, with the lyrics written phonetically in-language. The book also includes several copies of the letters he wrote home to his family during the return voyage to France in 1875.


These episodes are just wonderful ! Love watching them and hearing these tales . I keep looking out for your lovely girl Friday Fran 🙏 Happy New Year guys 🙏


Hope you enjoyed this Ep, thanks for being here legends! 🙏


been watching a few of your videos and I got too say your one of the most interesting people I have ever had the good fortune to come across on the internet, your a entertainer, a teacher, and story teller, and a survival expert all rolled into one package, thank you for sharing these stories with us.


You've just made a new subscriber my friend. I find your content very educational yet simplified enough to watch with the kids.
Keep up the good work mate 👍


Love these stories ❤ thanks foe sharing with us! Much love from the coast of Maine🤙🤙


Love hearing these story mate keep up the good work 👍


Incredible videos. Really enjoying them


I really enjoyed this episode. The history of 'Pierre' Pelletier was very insightful, as was some of your family backround Strick. Your knowledge of survival skills are spot on, and I believe you could have survived back in 1858. The best line I heard in this video was "As crooked as a politician". 🤣 How true a statement.


One of the most interesting channels on YouTube !! Thanks for your hard work Strick !!


Love these episodes of tales from long ago brought to life. Your own life is pretty interesting too, Please keep them coming!


Honestly one of the best channels on Youtube.


One of your best videos mate! Thank you!!!


Another great vid. Such a cool story and how your life touched it. Well done 👍


Great story telling and skills Strick! Thank you!
