7 Ways Women Make Themselves Look Desperate | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and 5 Ways Women Make Themselves Look Desperate

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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Beautiful things don’t beg for attention ❤


1:43 complaining that there are no good men out there
3:01 over-communication
4:35 bending over backwards to meet him
6:31 excessive gift-giving
8:09 assuming the future
9:23 over-agreement
10:27 not holding your boundaries


This video is fabulous. Not only do we need to pay attention to other's body language, we must pay attention to our own body language.
I read a quote (anonymous) years ago that said, " Love is like a fart; if you push too hard, it's shit."


Things that come on as desperate from a guy, is if he is rushing. He cannot wait to get together, or be invited home to your place. I see such behavior as desperate or that he probably is a player. Or if he is nagging about meeting up and are not taking things slow. Thank you for sharing. 💓🙏


I did all of this lol, but I don't regret anything, it's just the way I was or am. :)


Some women put themselves up as “bargain sale” or at worse, “ free”. Have self respect and don’t devalue yourself.


Saying they love me in the first week of meeting me


Matt, I was going to throw you back to you. Just as I was about to hit the comment button you beat me to it. Lol
"The right one won't run."


This reminds me when my former partner was soooo disappointed because I don't like motorbikes. He wanted me to buy all the equipment to go biking with him at high speed when I actually find it silly and dangerous. When he left, he said this was one of the reasons why he didn't feel like a "team" with me.


Thanks for this clarifying video 🌟 I’m new to the game - very late bloomer - and I’ve done all of these things even with a platonic guy friend because my life before was so lonely I didn’t know it was desperate…he also had a lot of baggage from previous relationships so was projecting that onto me and my authenticity but that’s just my first situation out the gate 👍


One of the most off-putting first dates I ever had was a guy pestered me for a date until I said yes (I've since grown and learned better boundaries and conflict management), then at the date he agreed that he also loved absolutely everything that I said I enjoyed (can't possibly be true). When we parted ways he asked for a kiss because he knew that I'd had a date with someone else and that guy probably got a kiss (that other guy didn't). He said he needed to get a kiss because he's 'a competitive guy'. No, I think he was just a desperate guy. He then called me daily for a few weeks until I politely told him I was not interested. Lots of signs of desperation. Really quite off-putting.


Thanks. I'm a giver. Never thought of giving coming across this way.


When a guy sends me a picture of them showing off their muscles before we've even gone on a date yet...it shows me that's what HE thinks is the best thing about him or what HE thinks is the reason I'm interested in him. And I IMMEDIATELY lose interest!


Package of candy and car decorations remind me of "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"


Desperate from a guy can look like:

1. being overly complimentary
2. agreeing too much
3. over sharing too soon
4. maintaining too much contact in the very early stages (as if already in a relationship)
5. Overly anxious every time they don't get a response to a message for eg and seeking constant validation...are u ok? are we ok?
6. Using too many emojis or GIFs in a bid to be cute
7. Creating a false sense of intimacy too soon (this also gives off player type vibes to me)


I’ve done a lot of these and now I feel like omg what an idiot I’ve been now wonder he lost interest and we broke up. Thanks for the video Mat so I know what to not do going forward in the future. Your videos are so helpful, thank you!


Years ago a guy I just began dating spent way too much on Valentine's day. It made me very uncomfortable. I ended it shortly after for other reasons too.


Great advices matt they sound like quotes from Why men fall in love with smart women by Sherry Argo, great book and awesome video. Fantastic reminders


Goodmorning: That person's not looking hard enough. They basically choosing the wrong guy.That over communication thing is funny 😆. That literally does sound desperate. I truly love body language says alot. I don't think ppl believe it does. Body language speaks volumes. Just like a picture.
