5 WAYS Women Make Themselves LOOK Desperate (MAJOR Turn Offs)

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5 WAYS Women Make Themselves LOOK Desperate (MAJOR Turn Offs)... When it comes to dating and relationships, there are a few things that make women look desperate, like constantly seeking validation or going to greater lengths to impress your man. I want you to understand men better, know what men want, and how to avoid the things that make a woman look desperate. This relationship advice for women will help you avoid the things that make women look desperate so you can focus on building relationships based on mutual respect.

One thing that makes women look desperate is when they put themselves down or apologize for being themselves. When a woman looks desperate, she may unintentionally push his man away by appearing overly eager or needy in her interactions, which may hinder the development of healthy and balanced relationships. Women should learn from these things that make them desperate to avoid pushing good men away.

Things that make women desperate are embarrassing because they can be seen as signs of weakness, insecurity, and neediness. Women who look desperate should take time to reflect on the reasons for their behavior so that they can identify and address the underlying issues. Understanding these things that make women desperate is essential as it will help you overcome desperation.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Things that make a woman look desperate
- What makes a woman look desperate
- Make a woman look desperate
- Look desperate
- Online dating
- Why women look desperate
- How women look desperate
- Looking desperate
- What men want
- Desperate
- Dating advice
- Understand men
- Dating expert
- Relationship advice for women
- Relationship coach
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "5 WAYS Women Make Themselves LOOK Desperate (MAJOR Turn Offs)"


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"You wont be clingy to the man that wants to cling to you."


Rejection is God’s redirection to someone better in your life ❤


I don't think women's interests change all the time. I think a woman loses interest in a man when he starts to give mixed messages or draws back with no reason 🤷


Dealt with a man before, I expressed interest without being overboard. He still went out of his way to try to get me jealous and to try to chase him. I walked away . No time for immature men


Dating has become so complicated, physically and emotionally exhausting. I kinda want to give up and just accept the fact that I'm going to be forever alone with cats and travel the world.


If a man wants you to be the chaser, he’s a player! Period!


‘If you have to keep pushing for a relationship then you need to start walking.’ 🎯🎯🎯


If a man is genuinely showing interest in you and you like him too, don’t play silly games like “playing hard to get or making him jealous “. It’s as simple as that!


Listen Ladies…a vast majority of these men out here aren’t worth pursuing. They think they’re Gods Gift To a Woman…wanna be players both young and old! It’s not worth it if they’re not interested MOVE ON!!!!


Love the man who loves you, don't bend over backward for a man who doesn't pay you any attention


A decent man would say "no thanks" to a woman rather than be silent and leave her hanging, not knowing.
It's a bit revolting that rather than the man being honest and clear, the woman is expected to review her own behaviour and question whether she is going too far.


After working in sales I learned one thing about relationships: Always make the best offer. Never try to convince. And don‘t lower your value until it‘s very cheap and naw - never ever give anything away for free.


I would love to see good men get back to feeling confident enough to approach a woman he's interested in. Of course, women have to make this process more pleasant.


I told him "I'm not interested in being your friend, I'd like to date and get to know each other better. So you just let me know if you ever want to take me on a date" and then I left it alone. We shall see.


Some men move very slowly, and I do not think that we give ourselves enough time to get to know a person because we jump head-first into a serious relationship. If I had given myself enough time, I wouldn't have married the wrong man after a year of dating. I looked past so many things, red flags because I wanted to get married badly, mainly because I was 42. Now, I am taking my time before I jump into a relationship with someone because I need something more than now. A bond made of concrete and steel, a friendship, sounds healthy to me. And allow things to move organically. At 49 years old, I am too old to keep making the same mistakes of dealing with the actions of desperation.


…”Rejection is God’s redirection to something better in your life “…👏🏼💯💯💯
Stephan, that’s deep!
I love it❤️


Just make sure you're ok with rejection. Also be prepared for that argument when he says I DIDN'T EVEN LIKE YOU, YOU CAME TO ME!


My singing coach used to say “Don’t chase, attract”
Something I am working on as a young woman, is to put the same energy as he does. It’s hard to do this in practise, but it is worth saving yourself from the heartache.


Yes be yourself. Find the one who matches your energy 😊


I love the way you put God into everything
