Why Does NO ONE Play These Specs? | Wrath Classic

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Class balance in Wrath Classic is a step up from TBC, and certainly better than Vanilla. But theres a few specs that almost no one seems to want to play...
Today we look into the weird world of people who play to parse on "meme" specs.

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The Runeblade on Warcraft Logs is likely counting a lot of Blood tanks who just didn't tank for a certain fight as they weren't needed, but they didn't bother switching to a dps spec.


Thanks for making this, I love seeing off meta specs given some shine. It's so hard to find guides for them


What a bummer! I was looking forward to a video about Shaman/Rogue tanks, Smite Priests, Shockadins, and Warriors, and instead all we got were genuine specs built into the game.


Raiding as Subtley is fantastic in ulduar. 15 second CD on an instant reposition, double cloak of shadows and cheat death. As someone who raided BFA and SL as sub (before it was good) it feels natural. Retail raiding had a lot of movement at times and shadowstep kept me doing melee dmg!


I remember "Dry Blood" (blood dps that didn't use diseases) being super good with lots of arpen, just pumping huge oblits. I guess in the classic release they killed that because the internet seems to have memory holed it


This is splitting hairs a bit, but you probably only want one point in go for the throat, even as BM. There's only so much focus your pet can spend, so the second point doesn't add much value.


good to see all these memes specs do better than arms warrior! very nice! buff feral and ret!


Back in original wrath, it was not entirely uncommon for DK's to be blood dps if they were going for shadowmourne. I know how silly this sounds in the current day, but I was there and remember it distinctly haha


I used to do this in vanilla 15 years ago. Played a moonkin before boomkin form existed and a BM hunter.
The hunter was fun since your pet could live through fights while with MM you wouldn't do the trouble of having it active. Since your pet was important, it was also way more important to learn proper pet control so that you didn't pull half of molten core on your raid when teleporting or jumping shortcuts. The moonkin was also fun because it made a bigger challenge to gear your char. lvl40 boe greens, having to get people together for the magi staff from dm north, getting the lucifron neck for cheap dkp because all casters had it already.
It's not something you can do in struggling raids. But in raids of 40man where most of the dps are drooling on their keyboard, you can come out at top5 by just putting in the effort.
And then when TBC came along, those specs were suddenly good and you already had them in your muscle memory. MM hunters struggling with pets while you had the experience in pet control to let your pet tank heroic dungeons and rush is with 4 dps and a healer that got bored because hunter healing pets was so crazy OP under the new mechanics.


Ahh the times when a game could be played with the fun in mind and not everything min maxed at mind


When Arpen starts to stack, blood dps becomes a monster just like Fury Warriors.


Frost is fun to play in PVE, Deep Freeze does MASSIVE damage on targets it can't freeze. I remember doing 80-85k crits with it back in retail days in ICC


>Very nice, patient guild.
Scene transition to <Drama>
Thanks for that, I giggled.


I made a Rogue to have an Inscription alt and I decided to try leveling in Subtlety. It's actually really really good when doing solo questing content, though once you reach the mid 50s and start heading to Outlands it basically drops into a pit. Like, I reached Outland, started a fight with an Infernal for a Hellfire Peninsula quest, and quickly realized how cheeks Sub is once mobs actually have more than 2000 HP


Blood DPS isnt as bad as people make out, the real issue is that it has no visibility on things like warcraft logs and wowhead so people assume its awful.


Wrath was a really fun expansion for my hunter when it was live. At the beginning BM was so powerful the BiS shoulder piece was from Mount Hyjal. Then survival took over and explosive shot was a killer. Finally armor penetration became important enough that marksman became the best by far. Minmax hunters got to experience all three specs.

I can't wait to see how marksman vs survival will shape up in classic wrath


As a God-fearing rules-compliant multiboxer who pretty much only does 5-mans I love frost mage and BM hunter because they bring a lot of utility and passable damage in relatively few button presses. I can frostbolt or steady shot all day while healing and keeping threat.


Consistently one of the best WoW content creators! Been watching for years now. Keep it up!


I hope there will be a 2nd part follow up with showing up more Meme Specs.. i mean i have literally never heard about Gladiator warrior.


classic/tbc/wrath content is easy enough you can clear any content as any spec, wish more people tried fun shit more often
