'The Bible and the Quran: A Logical Dilemma'

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This gripping video showcases a compelling dialogue between two individuals discussing the Quran's stance on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As the conversation unfolds, the inherent contradictions between the Quran and the Bible come to the forefront. The video explores the Quran's claim that Jesus was not crucified, while also acknowledging the Bible as a previous revelation from God. This raises a critical question: If the Quran asserts that the words of Allah cannot be corrupted, and it affirms the truth of the Bible, how can the two books have conflicting accounts?

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Dude went to this event jsut to ask this question 😂


Imagine praying to a man instead of the actual God and calling him God's only son and setting him up in a nonsensical way of calling him both a son and the father in human incarnation and sometimes saying it's the divine essence of God in him, that is Jesus. Man, if polytheism has a name, it's this one.


I’ve seen this before. This dude is so cocky and actually think he stumped him for about a second and a half 😂


The previous book that is mentioned in the quran (that muslims believe in) is the one that was given to Jesus ... not today's one (or ones because there are different bibles with different chapters)


Is that all you can argue on? Let start with the basic concept. Do you believe in God? If yes then you are a believer. 2nd is The God One, more or trinity? Is you are truly monotheism than you are half a muslim. 3rd if you said God is One then who is Jesus? If you believe he and prophet Muhammad is a prophet than you are true muslim. And lastly Quran doesn't said follow the bible. Its said We have send down Al-Qur'an that allow the previous book.


The Quran doesn't say to believe in the bible 😂. It says previous scriptures were sent injeel to Isa and Torah to Musa.

Quran also says they were not preserved and have been corrupted sp what u have today is NOT the injeel and not the torah that were given to said prophets


Lets see what the Quran says about the Bible:

1. "They distorted the words of the Scripture and neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold" Quran 5:13

Here, when the Quran talks about  " words of the Scripture", it refers to the "teachings of Jesus."

Christianity now is not about the teachings of Jesus. It is about the teachings of  Paul. Paul teachings  are different from the teachings of Jesus. Paul's understanding of Jesus' importance is not in line with what Jesus himself said about himself.

It's no longer about what Jesus teaches, but who Jesus was. The focus is not on God, the Creator, but on Jesus himself.

Paul  distorted the teachings of Jesus. Christians basically follows  the teachings of Paul . Paul' teachings, some of which directly contradict  those of Jesus, are not holy scripture.Paul abolished the law, the same law which  Jesus came to fulfill.

Paul never met Jesus.He is credited with having much authority and knowledge about someone he has never met. And yet right from the beginning, his teachings have overtaken those of Jesus.

2. "So let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the rebels." Quran 5:47

Here, the Quran commands average Christians to go back to the Bible and to judge for themselves (not what church fathers say) what was revealed to them in the Scripture (of Jesus 'teachings—what remains of it).
And to not follow teachings not in the Bible.

The Nicene Creed is not in the Bible, but it is more important than the Bible, as the church fathers made believing in the creed an article of faith, but not in the Bible. WHY? Because the church wants you to believe what they want you to believe.

3." Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord [i.e., the Qur’ān]." (Quran 5:68)

You are standing on nothing until you uphold the law, follow the prophets, and submit to God, your Creator. And not to associate partners with God.  These are Jesus and the prophets teachings.

4. How do prophets submit to God?

a) "Abraham fell on his face in awe, humbling himself in front of God in submission." (Genesis 17:3)

b) "Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped." ( Exodus 34:8)

c) " And he (Jesus)  went a little further, and fell on his face,  and prayed,  " (Mathew 26:39)

d)   This is how all Muslims  pray and submit to God -  the way of the prophets. Muslims pray five times a day.
If the prophets and Jesus prostrated themselves and prayed to God, why don't you? Why are you not following Jesus? These are from your Bible but you don't follow and  we follow. Because you follow Paul.
The law or scripture no longer matters to you because Jesus' death (by believing in him dying for your sins) already brings salvation.


Jesus spoke Aramaic, the oldest transcripts written by the disciples are in Greek, the Quran was passed down through mass transmission and has been preserved for ages. Simply put the Bible isn’t reliable, while the preserved Quran is accurate
