What is electron? A quick answer

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As you know the electron is a part of the atom. Electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle
electron can be either free (not attached to any atom), or bound to the nucleus of an atom.
In conductor current flows due to the movement of electron.

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When was the electron discovered? 1897
Who discovered it? J.J.Thomson
What is an electron? An electron is a negatively charged sub atomic particle. Electrons exist in the volume of atoms that surrounds the nucleus. It can be either free ( not attached to any atom) or bound to the nucleus of an atom.The number of electrons in an atom is the same as the number of protons in an atom. An electron has a mass of approximately 1/1836 of a proton.


To clarify; Joseph John Thomas did not discover the electron. He just presented a theory of an idea that until today no scientist has found any evidence of. That is why he couldn’t determine what an electron is made of. Do electrons exist? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Finally some clear straight forward no jokey atomic truth!!


This video is gooder if there is any word like that


The photons with transverse waves over 0-180---180-360° are in resonance with every spin ½ electron.


1. Positrons and electrons are also waves.
2. When a positron and electron meet they annihilate into pure energy just like destructive interference of two mirror waves.
3. That suggests that positrons and electrons are mirror image waves.
4. That suggests that  positive  and negative charge are the same waves with this difference; they are mirror images of each other.


Free electrons are saturated with more stationary photons. Therefore whenever current flowing through a filament of a light bulb, light will be emitted out in which those dissipated photons are derived from those flowing free electrons. Therefore free electrons are saturated with more photons. Higher potential free electrons (free electrons that produced by higher potential difference) will be saturated with more stationary photons. Therefore at higher potential difference, anode has stronger suction for free electrons that emitted from cathode of a cathode tube. Thus, without any doubt that photons must be negatively charged particles since more saturation of photons onto higher potential free electrons will perceive to be more negatively charged therefore stronger suction for them by the anode. So, an electron must consist of a positive lepton (where negatively charged photons can adhere onto) and a negative lepton therefore an electron is not an elementary particle. Anderson discovered antimatter positrons at a mountaintop in California with the aid of a cloud chamber under an intense sunlight. The energy level of the sunlight is far below the one within the nucleus of an atom. Therefore those emitted positrons must derive from electron-shell rather than from the nucleus. Only negatively charged particles are within the electron-shell. Thus, positrons must be negatively charged particles. If positrons were positively charged particles then they will constantly being kicked from atom to atom since protons within the nucleus are constantly opposing them. Positrons have opposite magnetic configuration than the one of electrons because positrons have opposite intrinsic spin direction than the one of electrons. If you are interested in real discoveries, I would recommend you to read my book, The Unification Theory - Volume One and you will be amazed with lots of new, interesting discoveries. In God I trust.


I see (read) that a few/many in the comments have ideas for how to improve the video. Examples: add voice. Slow it down. Make it faster. Etc. And though I too had one problem with the video - the music - I really thought your video was GREAT. Thank you!!! We can’t all get what we want. Job well done💪🏼☺️♥️


You messed up. You were supposed to tell us what an electron is, not the history of it. You failed the test. Go to your room.


This is a very simple explanation. Electrons are quantum based element...


A conjecture that makes various approximations of reality more or less exact.


Electron is the invisible God.
electron < elektor - Helios Nikator - Sol Invictus
Helios is Elios, Eli, El, Elohim, the ancient greek name of Saturn, Sol in latin
Electron, Neutron and Proton, is the Holy Trinity, and together they are Atom < Atum Ra - supreme divinity in Kemet.
Electron is married to Neutron < NTR - Netjer, primordial mother divinity in Kemet. nature. nascor.
Neutron is the mortal mother of Proton < Protos - First Born over all creation
The other Son of Electron is Photon < Phaethon - Son of Helios, who fell in the waters of the earth. How you have fallen, O, Lucifer, son of the morning.
Electron is described as a point, that is, it has no volume, no spatial dimensions - no width, no height, no length.
Electron is also described as a wave, that is, a sphere of infinite size. Therefore the Electron is nowhere and everywhere.
Electron is out of this world. Supernatural. Creator of all.


I just find it tuff to believe electrons have amazing functions and plays a big key role amongst the atom but has no “known components” or “substructures”. Nah either there’s something that’s not being seen or the info is hidden


Electronul este o unda stationara de mare amplitudine, care se propaga cu viteza c/137 (m/s) pe cercul de raza electronului. Unda stationara a electronului, formata din doua semiunde diametral opuse, se comporta ca un rotor electric bipolar, care se roteste cu turatia de 10^20 rot/s. Rotorul electronic are puterea de 1080 W, cate 540 W pe fiecare semiunda, la tensiunea de 27 V si curentul de 20 A.

The electron is a high-amplitude standing wave, which propagates at a speed of c / 137 (m / s) on the circle of the electron's radius. The standing wave of the electron, consisting of two diametrically opposed half-waves, behaves like a bipolar electric rotor, which rotates at a speed of 10 ^ 20 rpm. The electronic rotor has a power of 1080 W, 540 W on each half-wave, at a voltage of 27 V and a current of 20 A.


How did u do this animation Bro which editor did you use??


Are you an electron?

I think so, I’m not positive

Of course you are, don’t be so negative


So....an electron is something that exists within an atom in an appropriate conductor which can be encouraged to travel one way along/inside said conductor imposed by a chemical reaction, assuming that that flow along its path/conductor is
uninterrupted all the way back to the chemical source?


An electron is a quantum object and not a "classical" particle as verified by the Double-Slit experiment.


Positive and Negative Charge
Suggestion that charge is more fluid and less concrete then we thought - more shifting and switching about, and less confined to any specific location - more like a traveling magnetic field than a separate spot for negative charge and another spot for positive.

My previous posts, part of a bigger connected idea - see summary at end - is that photons, electrons and positrons, are all three the same thing in different form.

Further I add that the positron with a positive charge and the electron with a negative charge shift back and forth in the atom, like two entangled particles.

This suggests solutions for certain problems:
They include:

The electron orbital holds two electrons with opposite spin, one electron has spin up, the other has spin down. They also have a magnetic moment.
Suggestion that spin up is an electron and spin down is a positron, or vice versa. That would suggest why there is a limit of 2 per orbital. There are 2 charges.

This concerns the two slit experiment. How can one photon interfere with itself in superposition?
Suggestion that It could if that photon had converted to an electron positron pair. And the electron and positron annihilated each other and converted back to a photon energy, and back and forth.

Where is the missing anti matter?
Suggestion that it's in every atom, and that every electron has an entangled positron.
(See summary for suggestion that both protons and neutrons are made of electron positrons, instead of quarks.)

Certain wavelengths fit each electron she'll. The suggestion is that the wave of each electron is in reality a two part wave, were the crest, a positron alternates with a trough, the electron. They bounce back and forth as the wave travels the shell.

The uncertainty principle suggests we can't know both the position and momentum of an electron. The idea that electrons and positrons are entangled and switch positions at certain times would support the uncertainty


I know what it I want to know what is it composed of. 👌👀
