Why Riot Games is Doing a Good Job...

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Current state of the game just feels good. Did you know Cassiopeia has healing on her E? Up until this patch, nobody did because nobody survived long enough for that to even matter. Now that we don't die instantly from being breathed on, I can actually hit more than 2 E's on a target, and heal more HP than a single potion tick over the course of a fight.

As it turns out, having characters not instantly kill eachother means more mechanics exist than damage, and stuns? Who would have thought?


the whole "you can type Karthus R?" will never fail to make my blood boil


Praises where praises is due, I completely agree with Azzapp. I came back to league during the second split and I saw how the damage were overturned everywhere. Having the damage nerfs brings me back a bit to old league (started league when Gnar was released, I still remember seeing Gnar during the download/loading screen, good ol' times)


People who quit the game just because damage got a bit lowered weren't really interested in the real game in the first place and shouldn't be Riot's target audience (when it comes to competitive mode at least).


Reading the recent patch notes is such a breath of fresh air. Riot balance team have become, dare I say, self aware. I feel that the "recent" controversey regarding Phreak and his holier-than-thou attittude has sparked a change. They are even admitting that they have a penchant for creating pro-skewed champs. We just might be ushering in a golden age of league balance.


a Slower but a mental game can be exhausting but it is fun seeing how it end not 1 mistake in the early can doom it all and it end within 10 mins without any comeback.


When phreak say "You can type Karthus R?" is the moment I hate someone so much that if we go to Heaven I would jump into Hell just to not be in the same realm as him


Idk i've been enjoying 45 mins games more than i thought i would. Like "full build" being an actual possible outcome before the game ends is fun.

Idk just feels more like League again.


The first durability patch I think made the wrong approach. It bloated stat numbers by increasing defense across the board. It was a very bandaid fix to a problem brewing for years. Fact is, numbers are too high. Item stats, champ damage, champ defense. Everything is too high. That's why you get these rapid shifts from everyone dies in 1 second to everyone, or nobody dies and you have 55 minute games with 20 kills max on the board. It's all too polarized, so I think downscaling the items is a good start. I think the devs could stand to learn a lot about Dota's itemization, where not every item is merely a stat stick that applies more damage. Meanwhile you look at league and items are 95% giving you more damage, or more defense, in very linear and uninteresting ways. Even tank items give more damage than defense most of the time in passives. There is no interesting purchase thoughts most of the time, unless you're a bruiser or assassin. Mages will 99% of the time build the same things every game with minimal change, and considering mage items all do the same thing = more damage, it's not like it'd be an interesting and thoughtful choice if they did something else anyway.

Having more items that have niche but important uses would be very good. Bring back the strategy to the strategy game. Having slower paced games isn't a bad thing if the design supports it. Sure if the game plays the same but its just slower it becomes an unfun slog, but if there is deliberate thought into why these games become longer and giving players more agency to express themselves outside of merely their raw stats or champ picks, maybe everyone wouldn't want to give up at 10 minutes.


And then they decided to buff yone next patch after he has 100% presence in worlds and has 53% WR in high elo


Idk, I think they should also trim tank damage, up their CDs. Recently, 1/3rd of my games had teams with 3 tanks(or off-tanks) or plus and these teams were autowinning if they weren't facing equivalent team comp. And most damage were often these tanks/bruisers. And they tanked the most. And most CCs. And most objectives/turrets damage. Maybe it's my elo, but my elo is 50-70% of player base, so it's pretty significant.
I won't be even surprised if we start seeing 5 tanks comps. Or like, 4 tanks and one burst champion to delete all hard tank-melters(like, Gwen, Vayne, etc).


This has been consistent since tencent took ownership. I remember someone said that tencent would make riot make the game more "exciting" for probably by lowering time to kill and have more emphasis on hypercarries. Largely for pro play watchability.


I will say some assassins feel miserable to play. When a champs whole identity is 'I delete 1 character at the start of the fight' is unable to do that, it's a lot less fun to play those champs.


Never hoped for league to get back to the moment where fighting wasn't based on "Cc target, one shot, repeat, snowball, win" Now team fighting actually feels engaging and fun


Only problem is assasin class being extremely unsatisfying in general rn


The issue is that like the durability patch, certain champs are giga buffed and nerfed as a result. It will probably be another 2-3 months before they find and address all the monster champs created by this patch.


They just nerf some of the item to never build zone like yuntal, rabadon deathcap, infinity edge people now has to build more flexibility with what defensive stat but % health damage item become core, now even crit ad can do better with bork build, there are no question between more ap or more mr pen since deathcap is dead. I hope they dont nerf infinity edge and deathcap too hard like this so crit adc and some high scale apc is still playable


Its a lower quantity higher quality situation with games, where people will be more invested in their games and be exhausted/satisfied after each one and not be rage queuing, the problem indeed is whether riot will only look at the quantity of games being lower and think its a bad change


what they can do is make a gamemode pretty much like aram in therm of gold generation and with lower timers to make it faster for people that just wanna play quick games but not aram and make it permanent


I honestly just disagree, it doesn’t feel like there is less damage and more skill expression. The changes are all unique and not just a general +15-25% to all durability, some items cost more, some have less CDR, some items lost damage and some all of the above. Games are not longer too, the state at which the average game ends has just changed.

I don’t think extreme snowballing is good for the game but we’re kind of getting to a point where you’re almost getting punished for playing well instead of rewarded, well that’s my opinion.
