8 Tips on Saving Tons of Money on Groceries! Easy Hacks to Save 100s!

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If you're anything like me, you are always looking for ways to save money on your grocery bill!

In this video, I share my favorite tips on how to save money on your grocery bill. I break down 8 different tips and hacks that will help you to save 100s! I know you will get at least 1 tip from the video that is new to you.

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You are the experts. I am the neophyte. Teach me; I want to learn. Keep up the great work ladies!!!


I loved all your tips! Especially the budget bites tip!


Loved your menu planning video. I do it similar and differently. Used to find menu planning difficult but these ideas made it easier. List 15 low cost dinner your family likes, try for 30, but 15 will do. Those 15 are your main go to meals. As meat eaters every meal has to have meat but not necessarily a lot of meat. Some of my go to meals are: chili, chili and macaroni, chili on hot dogs; macaroni & cheese, macaroni-cheese-ham chunks; spaghetti with red sauce + meatballs, spaghetti with red sauce+chicken topped with mozzarella cheese, spaghetti with white sauce + chicken, spaghetti with white sauce + meatballs; sausage + potatoes + vegetables, Cajun sausage + rice + red beans, tuna + mayonnaise on toasted hamburger or hot dog rolls topped w cheese wrapped in foil and warmed up in 350 degree oven, make your own pizza, quesadillas, burritos, tacos (chicken, fish, beef). Higher cost meals once a week like peel your own shrimp, salmon, steak, upside down breakfast.

Next to make it easy: Sunday expensive meal pick; Monday meatless; Tuesday’s beef; Wednesday leftovers; Thursday Chicken, Friday make your own; Saturday any meal on list or leftovers.

Make a menu for weeks 1 + 2 and then double batch cook to repeat menu weeks 3 and 4. Except for the expensive meal which is different every week.

This makes it easy and quick. This can vary based on commitments out of home. And really I keep a pantry/fridge/freezer for all meals so change as needed or wanted can happen.


Hi all I'm not a mom but a husband to a wonderful lady who has Parkinson's I love the tip video s they sorta help lol in easily distracted at the grocery store. Keep up the good work


I love ordering my groceries online! I love the tip about shopping in season.
