What's the Fastest Way to Level in Pre-Patch?

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The War Within's Pre-Patch puts players in a unique situation, as there are multiple extremely fast leveling methods available at the same time. In this video I'll go over the three main ways to level during the pre-patch in order to determine which one is the best for your personal needs.

If you want additional information about MoP Remix, I'd recommend watching some of the following videos:

While this is my first main channel video discussing Radiant Echoes, I streamed myself leveling a few characters over on Twitch. I posted the stream recordings on my third channel, Harldan Stream Archive:

Lastly, while I'm still in the process of testing War Within 10-70 Chromie Time, I've already completed a few different test runs:

My Discord tag is "Harldan", and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You'll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling #Speedrun #Gaming
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Here's a few miscellaneous tips for Radiant Echoes that I left out of the video:
- Make sure you don't enter Chromie Time while doing the event. This prevents you from encountering Level 70 players, and without them the entire thing will be significantly slower.
- Try to join a raid group if your phase is empty. You still get full experience from completing objectives while in a raid group, and the event is faster with more people.
- Below level 50, you won't be able to access premade groups with the LFG tool. However, you can have a friend join a group on a level 70 and suggest invite your low level character.
- Health scaling is currently broken on low level characters. If you attack elites, you actually give them much more health than you could possibly DPS through, which causes them to die a lot slower. I'd recommend AFKing while other people burn the elite, and then you can tag it around 5% HP.
- If the objective tracker doesn't appear on the side of your screen, you won't get experience once the event finishes. If you encounter this bug, simply fly out of the objective area and then fly back in.
- If you're trying to gear up a character using this event, save your currency and don't buy the trinkets. All of them are really bad, and you can get guaranteed BiS trinkets by farming Bronze Bullion from Dragonflight content. I'll put out a guide next week which goes into more detail on this topic.

If you have other tips that you feel I should include here, let me know in the comments below.


Mop remix dungeon leveling seems to be even easier at this point in remix. It seems like I end up paired with another twink or overpowered character almost every run, making things even easier. If you don't complete any dungeon quests and catch a msv raid at 25, you can start popping your mailbox at 32 to get straight to 70. The whole process, like you said, is right around an hour.


How to not die on Hakkar, kill its adds then stand in the green zone it drops and get the debuff and when hakkar casts his spell you wont die


Couldn't say much about Chromie Time or Remix but I freggin blew through all my alts and got them to 70 in Pre-Patch. Most that weren't already 70 were just 60 but had a mage that was 50 and took only a 2-3 hours.. that's for ALL my alts not just getting just the lowest one to 70.


Honestly i watched this to see what your opinions were and as soon as you said dragonblight sucked i felt so vindicated. Im leveling tons of characters and just take a break every time dragonblight hits. I have similar times.


The gearing part after remix is something that i tend to forget
I did 2 classes boosted through remix today (needed for splits) and it was blazing fast as expected 2h30 ish but now they have zero gear
While if i did radiant echoes i would get some currency to get gear


i leveled all clases to 70 and 480 ilvl on half, conquest pvp gear on other half :D (had 80k conquest after 3000 arenas on resto druid with bonus loot for queue as heal). retail became easier to level then private servers lol


Mop remix heroic dungeons. You can do 10-70 in 2 hours MAX. You just need to have a small amount of luck finding OP carry’s in dungeon finder


TIL hogger quests are more than just bonus XP


So because Dragonblight takes a few seconds longer, you skip it? You wait an hour for the next zone? WHY!? No way!


What is "dragonflight crafted experience" ?


Great detailed info. Interestingly my criteria for levelling are generally not about speed but I come to similar conclusions to you. I value fun, learning a new class/spec and collecting transmog over speed. If I wanted last minute new character I’d use remix and collect more bronze for mog - I have a decently upgraded cloak now but no twink but I enjoy revisiting the old quest lines esp. Landfall quest line. For the stack of characters stuck in the lvl 60s from previous expansions Echoes definitely the best and great to collect currency and gear. I favour Searing Gorge too mainly because it’s more fun to take on the elites - bounce back and forth between Stitches and Hogger. Dragonblight is awful, too many boring:wood collecting, frustrating:morning brew and broken:frog kiss events. And Dustwallow, well too many trees, lol! For mid range characters or ones I’m only bothered to take to 50 for Heritage achieve, I’ve been bringing into DF and doing usual questing and dungeons - not the speediest but good way to learn the spec properly and I really just can’t take hours of grinding in the echoes event - just too dull. Thanks and see you in TWW!


Hi, I know mop is ending this evening..if I start a character rn, would it still be faster than chromie?


Pre-patch event is harder to level recently since it is largely abandoned by higher level geared players, which means a lot more lower levels with poor gear. This translates to less echoes being viable, and also taking much much longer to complete.


Instead of a lvl 20 twink can i use a maxed geared lvl 70? I want to help people level


Is radiant echo works for a beginner? Can I still fly?
Will this method be still avaliable after the WW is live? (I can't play for the next 7 days)


I have to disagree on one thing: there are some events are hidden op, especially the liver boar. But not if you are afking. If you participate, killing all these mob in a row with other players will grant way more xp than the event's reward itself. But if youw ant to afk, then yes, skip it


Coming back after not playing since legion. Which of these methods is best since I’ll be starting at lv 40? I’ve got every class to level minus evoker? Any response from anyone would be awesome!


If you level through remix can you participate in the new event radiant echoes???


In Northrend I I kiss the frogs every time its up. With a simple macro you can finish it literally 60 seconds. With flight time, to and from, 90 seconds. Cheap and easy xp.
