'Laughter is NOT the best medicine,' says comedian | Mimi Hayes | TEDxCherryCreekWomen

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Upon receiving her terminal cancer diagnosis, my mother told to that is was okay to cry if that's how I felt. She valued my tears. She spoke about the beauty of the light that reflected off of them and shone on her feeling of darkness. She praised my tears for their haste in coming to her aid, because within them was an enormous strength, for even a single tear held the power to kill a million germs. They would cleanse my heart and cool my worried brow. She reminded me that the pendulum swings equally as far in the other direction. She'd welcome the laughter, finding humor in irony. We shouldn't feel ashamed or guilty about either. Both Joy and Sorrow ought to be welcomed, and they are meant to be shared. Whether our sobs come from laughing or crying, when we hear them coming from a place deep within, we know we have just received exactly the right dosage of "The Best Medicine, "


Laughter is just a temporary fix. The best medicine I ever learned in life is GRATITUDE.


"I would rather get hit by a train then solve this math problem" sounds like every activity I ever did in rehab.😂😂😂 too relatable!

For those of us who tend to take life a little too serious, we are blessed when you show us how to lighten up, but it's good to remember that just because someone makes jokes about life doesnt mean that deep down inside they're doing great and handling everything like a champ. Maybe its our clue that they need a hug. Good talk. Well done Mimi!


I really like the message of this TedTalk ^^ Thanks for that! It's very important that we don't just laugh of our trauma before we've even processed it.
But when I look through the comments I get the feeling that many people totally missed the message and just skipped to judgjng her performance as a comedian...


Yeah that didn't hit a bit too close for my comfort at all. Robin Williams once said something similar along the line of "if you feel bad you do all you can to make other people laugh so they don't feel the same sadness".
Stay strong you beautiful brain and rock on.


here is a doctor "joke"
Patient: does this provide immunity?
Doctor: yes but only for the manufacturer.


Let's be honest, she isn't very funny...but good on her for telling her story so brave


Proverbs 14:13
[13]Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.

Ecclesiastes 2:2
[2]I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it?

Ecclesiastes 7:3
[3]Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.


This is a *beautiful* talk! 🥰 Mimi, and anyone else listening in agreement with her, *do* *not* listen to the first few comments who mention how this is not a valid take. It absolutely is a valid one! Yes, levity and humor is a great coping skill, it can cause someone to agree with you (which is validation), but it does not solve all of your problems. Therapy and self-awareness is an amazing tool when life gets hard!


Hey Mimi,
From one comedian to another, you are totally right on the money. When I started doing StandUp in 2007, it was exhilarating and horrifying, but I totally loved the high I got from doing it, I still enjoy that high, but one thing I have noticed is that the demons I had within me years ago were bit by bit going away. In other words doing StandUp was both addictive, but more so therapeutic for me.


I think ppl don't realise stand up comedy is probably one of the hardest to draw the line between getting joke right or offending someone.


Honestly, i don't laugh alot like most do, i mean the kind of laughter that can be heard from 10 meters away or more, but still feeling happy to have smile from inside of me.
Folks, Keep smiling cause it helps you be strong and find peace.


Disabled people have dark humour as a coping mechanism to get through what we get through. I think she needs to understand the science of laughter and rename her 'talk'. She's not even funny which is sad. Some of the funniest people have major mental health issues. As long as your addressing the issue seriously as well, then laughter really is the best medicine because of the endorphins that are released. I think she could probably do a motivational talk but comedy is not her calling. Glad she's alive and well regardless of my opinion of her bad comedy/message.


“Laughter is a gateway drug” never thought of that before but ngl makes sense


I'm from the future 2170 and this girl still lives and continues to make crowds cringe.


If she'd ever produced anything besides polite or nervous laughter in an audience, she might disagree.
No mountain is too high, no river too wide, and laughing at yourself the whole way can get you over both.
If you believe it's worth the effort, that is. And only if.


Most mentally damaged comedians find validation, comfort in making ppl laugh. These woke comedians find validation in victim hood which isn't funny and nobody wins in the end


Poor girl, one day she’ll realize comedy is not meant for her


I feel that a more appropriate title would have been ‘Sometimes, laughter is not the best medicine’ because laughter can help you come up for air and stop you from becoming completely overwhelmed.


I think it just works if you want to temporarily be cheered up… it doesn’t help with years of mental health issues, unfortunately.
