This Man Died And Saw Satan's Kingdom!

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In this video, Howard Pittman shares what he experienced at the point of death when his spirit left his body and he crossed over into the spiritual realm. While having this experience Howard was taken by angels and given a tour of Satan's kingdom in the 2nd heaven. He also came the entrance of heaven and had a life changing conversation with God. This testimony is WILD!

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I actually went to sleep & had a dream of judgement day & God warned me in His grace that if I didn’t turn from my wayward ways I would be casted into outer darkness. He called my name & His voice did sound like thunder. I thank the lord for that dream & ever since then I’ve been growing closer to Jesus.♥️


Saw Jesus once in a dream. I washed his feet and he looked up at me and said "God is most happy when you do his will". I will never forget that.


I’m a sinner and I’m not perfect but God please accept me into the the kingdom of heaven when I go. I love you Lord please forgive for my sins.


My brother died as an 18 year old, in the hospital ER. He hovered over the room and saw what was taking place, and he knew the thoughts of everyone there in the room. He was then taken through darkness into a tunnel of light. Once he got to a beautiful place of light, a being told him it was not yet his time. The next thing he remembered was regaining consciousness. He completely freaked out and told the nurses and my Dad that he wanted to go back. He was mad that, in his words, they woke him up from his dream.


Wow… may I not live for SELF but for the Lord Jesus Christ! 🙏😳


I was an Alcoholic, and one morning I had a dream, I was picked up by 1 of Jesus disciples. I was taken to a place I can only describe as Beautiful.. Beautiful colors everywhere. I was brought to a room, 2 chairs near the wall. A wooden clock set at 12 o'clock. I spoke with this guy who told me that HE was not ready to see me, so I waited. Finally I was allowed to enter.. and as I got closer to this door.. I saw this person coming at me.. I asked are you GOD.. he said NO, I am JESUS. I cried, I gave him a big hug and I said I was sorry for everything I had done in my life.. the love I felt was out of this world.❤❤❤ Thank you Jesus.. 😊😊 now I have a New born baby Girl.. living life..


Don’t just call Him Lord, make HIM LORD OVER YOUR LIFE! 📖👑🙌

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers'" (Matthew 7:21-23).

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Matthew 15:8

Don’t just acknowledge Him as Lord with your mouth, but seek and serve Him daily with your whole heart, this is when you will receive His Holy Spirit! 📖👑🙌


What a powerful testimony! I grew up in a home with parents who did not serve Jesus when I was young. I knew even as a child something was wrong with this luke warm prayer "God is good God is great let us thank Him for this food Amen".... when we ate. It didn't match all the cussing and taking the name of Jesus in vain or all the alcohol abuse my dad did and yelling and never going to church. It was confusing to me but thank the Lord He started to speak to me when I was 5 or 6 years old. I was hearing demons telling me to kill myself and voices yelling at that I was alone and no one loved me. The Lord broke in over these voices one night and said Lisa, my name is Jesus, say my name and no harm will happen to your brother or you." So, I was 7 years old and my brother and I held hands and would say Jesus, Jesus, over and over and we felt peace but could not describe it as children. My parents who were alcoholics and fought a lot and drank most of my life received the Holy Spirit like my brother and I did! Our dad died with the Holy Spirit and repented of his sins 7 months before he went home to Jesus. Mom, died and lived for the Lord for 10 years full of the Holy Spirit, and went home to Jesus. I want to encourage you all to pray for your family and never give up. I was saved first at 22 years old and next, my brother, and then we prayed for our Mom and Dad to be saved. We prayed for 17 years before Dad was saved. 5 years before mom got saved. We now have 18 family members in our family filled with the Holy Spirit, baptized in the name of Jesus and loving Him! Prayer works my friends!


I had that same experience at the age of 19. I went to play with a band and afterwards heavy drinking. I got really drunk and my friends took me to the nearest hospital, but I died for 2 seconds. I was falling and it was total darkness, I couldn't see my hands, nothing. Then as I looked up, all I saw was a bright light. I remember how beautiful it was. When I woke up I was lying at the hospital and my parents by my side.


wow the end made me cry... when he said he had dead works and was pleading out loud, then came back in a second time to be silent in front of the almighty God as he is a GOOD father... speechless.... humility and honor to God almighty.


“You weren’t doing it for me, you were doing it for the god of self.”
The impactful change of perspective this line gave me. I really need to up my game.


My kids both had a dream together where they both went to heaven and they said when God spoke it was loud” 🥰


This person came back as a messenger!!! BELIEVE HIM!!! When you ask for forgiveness…….MEAN IT!!!!


Over the past years I’ve been mentally weak. I started not liking myself, started spacing myself from people and reality even Jesus. I’ve been on a spiritual journey lately and been talking to Jesus more now. Two nights ago when I was praying I started crying but it wasn’t like an sad type cry, it just started flowing out my eyes when I was expressing my feelings to Jesus. When that had happened I really felt like I wasn’t alone and felt so relieved.


A fool in his heart will say God does not exist..but as Christians we walk by faith not by sight, so we know we are serving a living mighty God.


I watched his testimony about 10 years ago. What he said spoke to my spirit and I put my hand on the computer screen. At that very moment he said to put your hand on the screen you're watching from. I was blown away. I'll always remember that. I know what he's saying is true.


Please pray for me to find a job and a new place to live God bless you all in jesus name 🙏


A very intriguing & amazing video. I'm in the works of following my grandfathers steps in being a preacher & I can already tell I've got many years to go to quote scripture like this fine man. God bless you all this wonderful night. ❤


Ephesians 5:3-5 - Praying for divine discernment through the Holy Spirit for all watching this in these challenging times


This should be a warning to his bride, such a sobering reminder ! I definitely feel so convicted. Thank you lord for this testimony to bring us closer to you. And thank you brother for sharing this.
