He Died & Saw Multiple Heavens | Near Death Experience | NDE

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Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

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NDE Playlist:

I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh's NDE

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE

#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2021#heavenawaits
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This NDE denies the need for a savior. And claims That the creator is trying to be us. As clever as the writing is, it is still the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.


Jesus Christ is the light of the world and the only savior 🗣️❤ never forget that salvation is only thru the blood of Jesus Christ ❤ get saved by accepting the lord Jesus Christ in to your life ❤


There is so much packed into this long reading today. I like especially where he says not to reach "out" to God but go to God inwardly because God is within us. God is with us now and experiencing everything that we are, as we are experiencing it ourselves. I have tried this in prayer and find it very effective. By going inward to God, our connection becomes closer and more personal.


This concept is one I've always wished for. I'm a Christian but there are a lot of unanswered questions.


I’ve watched mellons story multiple times and each time he speaks on that place where our souls are ONE I get hit with a big heart shot of love as if this “place”of oneness is happening now whilst simultaneously being here having the human experience .


This NDE was way, way beyond my comprehension! Too complex and weird for me!


Satan can come as an angel of light. We can’t save ourselves. Only Jesus saves! He is the way, the truth and life. No one comes through Father God except through him. Seek Jesus ONLY! Not man! Not yourself! 🙌🏾❤️‍🔥🩸✝️


What an experience-heavy going at times. As our minds expand we are like a sponge asking more questions in our quest for knowledge.


When I first heard this NDE, I was not surprised at all. It was what I came up with myself, after thinking about different possibilities, about creation, galaxies, reincarnation. I never experienced it in a vision, nor do I know if it is true, it just makes sense to me as a universe that could work. I sometimes summarize it in a trinity: 1 is joy, 2 is love, 3 is creation.


We didn't save ourselves. Jesus redeemed us! Don't listen to this false "light" who tries to pose as Our Father. People too can be deceived within their NDE. Test to spirit!


I had an experience when I was very little, maybe 4-5yrs old. I was sick and snuggled against my dad with a fever. I felt myself pulled up over the earth. The profound sense that separation is an illusion; we are so deeply connected. We are the same in this way; simply having individual experiences. I do believe that this experience changed the person I became. I rarely get upset with people and feel an empathy so deeply that I’ve often missed when someone is acting harmfully. I loose perspective of my own gain and live in a reality that is about how the experience itself is effecting each part of us as a whole. This video, his testimony, so perfectly puts into words the swirling sense of reality I’ve been living inside of. I would love to sit down and converse with him. He doesn’t discuss the “side effects”, of being in this particular reality. It is a lot to process and handle day to day.


Loved this experience, so much to take in and absorb ❤ Thank you Leigh for your narration! I'm adding this one to my Heaven Awaits/Awaiting Heaven folder!
When I was in college in the early 90s, my psychic professor and I got into a fantastic discussion about Faith and God during class. We both argued about creation and "the big bang" theory. A few days after that class he pulled me aside and gave me a bumpersticker that said "GOD SPOKE AND BANG IT HAPPENED". I don't know where that sticker is now, I held onto it for years but I've never forgotten it..
Big hugs everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to y'all! ~Christy


This makes more sense, than anything I've seen or heard before.... Great video for atheists to watch, all religions for that matter.


Wow, first time I've heard this and my body is literally tingling!!! Thank you for re submitting this!!!


Multiple Heavens, now that makes sense. This sort of, ties into what I believe myself, about Souls entering into different, dimensional, planes according to their Soul Evolution. Yes, that makes all the sense in the world. My Best. Out.


Thank you for this repost Leigh. May you also 'continue to be blessed' so we can all enjoy your beautiful narrations.


At 12:00 he says: "So creation is God exploring God's self through every way imaginable in an ongoing, infinite exploration through every one of us." At 15:56 he says: "We are God exploring God's self in an infinite dance of life." If these things are true then we have more power than we think, as another NDE said. I don't mean power like walking on water, but we can and should, even by forcing ourselves, make changes in our lives to recognize that we are more important and more special than we give credit. Our existence, even as difficult as it is sometimes, is part of God experiencing our specific circumstances and therefore, we owe it to God and ourselves to examine our actions and attitude and beliefs more deeply. Very interesting and certainly very deep thoughts in this NDE. Thanks Leigh! 😊


It doesn´t seem like you love Jesus Christ. Jesus said, ¨I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.¨


That we each get a custom made experience after death makes so much sense. It explains the differences in NDEs while describing a continuity and sameness between experiences. This NDE really resonated with me.


This recounting completely rang with me. I have been studying NDE’s since the 1980s. This was a recounting of what I did not know that I already knew. Granted me further peace and clarity. Shalom……..
