Opera Singer Breaks Down Arlecchino Boss Theme LIVE Performance

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Let's Dive into this LIVE Performance of Arlecchino's Boss theme! Lot's to discuss here.

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I love the acting of the singer who perfectly embodies this father figure by surrounding her children with her arms. Beautifully shivering. ✨😮✨


Ive always disliked the whole "You like pancakes? That must mean you hate waffles!" Mentality that the internet seems to have


Oh my god thank you for saying that just because YPC is gone, the quality didn’t go down. Dislike DOES NOT mean bad quality. The amount of people I’ve heard insulting the new composers saying that genshin is doomed cause they don’t like the newer tracks is so insulting because literally 4.2 they were sobbing their eyes out.


Just for information, the pianist 's name is Yui Morishita, a famous japanese piano player for his interpretation of Alkan, one of the most virtuosic composers of piano, so it's absolutely correct that it would be imagined that the sheet music to be incredibly hard!


I think it's very much intentional that the Arlecchino boss theme doesn't have a dramatic climax and it just suddenly ends.

It ties in to the actual story moment.


I totally get your point about having to consider it even outside the context of the game. For me however, it really blew me away when I first heard it because I have never heard a woman sing so low!


"It’s a good track and in context i understand why it is the way is is, but _personally_ i don’t enjoy it and i have my criticisms"
Is basically what Marco said, it’s INSANE that people can’t understand that bruh, like Marco is allowed to give his professional critique and have his personal opinion about things, he said that’s it’s a solid track but he PERSONALLY doesn’t enjoy it and would have done some things differently and that’s totally fine, like i don’t understand the people hating on Marco, it’s not like he’s gonna come to your house and break your ankles if he doesn’t hold the same opinion as you about a song lmao
Like me personally i absolutely love the track in and out of context, that doesn’t mean that i now have to unsubscribe and hate Marco just because he doesn’t personally enjoy it lol

And AGAIN HE ISNT SAYING THAT ITS A BAD THEME, he just said that on a personal level he doesn't enjoy it, PERIOD.
(I feel like i just said the same thing over and over again but some people really aren't getting it lol)


The ending not having a climax seems to make sense to me. Every other boss we fought so far had the intention to kill us(or at least close to death) but Arlecchino just wanted to know how strong we were by showing us her true form(the edm portion) she never had intention to kill us so it kinda ends in a cliff hanger


4:00 In this part I believe that the composer's intention, with EDM, was to cause a feeling of discomfort, to the point that it transmits not only tension, which was built from the beginning of the piece, but also some horror, when facing what appears to be an unknown or "otherworldly" force, to work in the player's mind the moment they face the Boss. Or at least that's what I believe.


I honestly think that it's really great that they tried something new with Arlecchino's theme. Some people will like it, some won't, but I think that's the great thing about music - it can make us feel different emotions and that's wonderful. My sister definitely loves this piece, because she has been playing it on loop the last few days (I forced her to wear headphones!!! 😂).
EDIT: spelling!


The thing about this performance like Marco said is Arlecchino showing/giving us only a portion of her. Her snap is her taking over complete control of this situation. This whole performance is her only letting us the Guest get a small portion of her. Before in all the other battles we were going all out and fighting to the death, our enemies/foes had something to prove and were letting us see everything they had. THIS however we were just flies, Arlecchino had the entire thing in the palm of her hands. That’s rly my only rebuttal tbh.


You could tell the singer had so much fun with that performance and I love that about it so much.


The sudden cut makes sense, in the game Arlecchino cuts the fight when she has 10 or 20% HP left. You don't defeat her but she still gives you the win. Of course once you come back and fight her again the bar does go all the way to the end but her ending animation is not one of defeat like previous harbingers have, it's her going back to her default outfit.

My favourite fatui boss music is still Shoki no Kami, and my favourite boss overall is still Raiden puppet. Arlecchino's ending animation is really cool though.


I personally really like this theme, when I listen to music it is not just to hear some nice sounds, when I am listening to music it is like a canvas where I can pain using my creativity, it is not just about how it sounds, it is about a story that the music can tell by itself and what my mind can create to have an amazing experience that is my very own creation. And from that perspective I really like to listen to this theme. But I can see your own perspective and understand it.
This is not limited to game soundtracks so that's probably why my playlist that has over 200 songs has such vast range of genres, types and everything, probably there is no one else that would like that playlist, but everyone would like a part of it.

Also for the performance itself, I love the acting of Dr Huiling Zhu, she made the whole stage her stage, this is kind of connected with the main part of this comment, but she really went into the character and by being just a singer in the whole performance, she still acted with such grace and power that it was so amazing to look at and hear


The theme is kinda short and ends abruptly probably because of when fighting Arle, you get intimidated by her aura that you didn't notice that the fight has actually ended already. IMO.


I like how you explain that liking or not the EDM part is subjective and does not invalidate somebody's feelings, positive or negative, towards it. I personally do like it and I think i specifically understand why: There is a musical/rhythm game called Deemo (which I suggest you play in case you enjoy those, the story is beautiful), and the three main "story" songs (Magnolia, Myosotis and Marigold) have a similar approach in them. I think it emphasized the emotions of the song in general, and from my perspective I think it does here too. It's not the melody indeed, my ears actually go straight to focus in the organ, and I consider it adds weight to it when (from what i appreciate) the strings are not playing. It's just rhythm, a strong supportive, tense, and intimidating rhythm. That's my appreciation personally, and I respect your opinions and feedback, which I constantly learn from


I like when Marco talks about his own opinion even if someone would not like it. Completely understand and agree point about different preferences in music for different people. Comment for your support.


It's better to not always agree with what Hoyoverse pulls out. It helps build your cred and makes us trust you more!


I found a performance by this vocalist on their facebook where they sing using their upper range. It's a really beautiful performance too


The information about Mezzo Soprano was amazing, thank you! I like parts of this song, but not all of it, and I very much understand your opinion on this song. Because of curiousity I translated the lyrics and will post them here for all of you, who are interested:

Ultio irae
Ratio tuae
ecce luna rubra orta erat
Noctem exsanguem rubefecit
Nemo nisi innocentes dormire potest
Sors mors est velata
Ac sic somnia servabo liberorum
(Num unam tantum benedictionem habes, pater nostri)
(Benedicam benedic tibi etaim, pater, somnialiter)
Sors mei finiet etiamsi
(Sors immanis et inanis salubris vanitas)
Haec sors est immanis imannis etiamsi
(Semper volata dissolubilis)
Inane rubeface a luna
(Nemo nisi innocentes dormire potest)
Eccce te nepos exoci sed non quasi argentum elegi
te in patiente camino ut sis paterfamilia eum
Camino spero vos videre lucem novam
(Luce nova)

revenge of anger
your system (your reason)
behold, the red moon had risen
The bloodless night blushed
None but the innocent can sleep
The fate of death is veiled
And so I will keep the dreams of the children
(Do you have only one blessing, our father)
(Bless you, father, dreamily)
My fate will end though
(The fate of the monstrous and empty healthy vanity)
This is the fate of the giants, though
(Always flying disintegrating)
In vain blushing from the moon
(None but the innocent can sleep)
Behold, I cast you out, my nephew, but I did not choose as silver
you in the patient hearth to be the father of the family
I hope you see a new light on the way
(new light)
