Convert UI (Qt Creator) to Python

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1) Create Qt Designer Form (ui file) in Qt Creator.

2) Using Object Inspector.
2.1) Layout and Break Layout of any Window (Widget) in Object Inspector.
2.2) Delete object.

3) Using Widget Box.
3.1) Add Widget and Stacked Widget from Widget Box.
3.2) Add Label and PushButton from Widget Box.

4) Using Property Editor.
4.1) Change objectName in Object Inspector or Property Editor.
4.2) Change Property (text, checkable, autoExclusive) of Labels and PushButtons).

5) Insert Page and Change Page Order of Stacked Widget using Object Inspector.

6) Using Signals and Slots Editor.
6.1) Add, remove, edit Signal and Slot of objects (PushButtons).

6) Using terminal commands.
6.1) Convert ui file (Qt Creator) to py file (Python).

7) Using Python.
7.1) Create python file to import converted ui and add class (signal and slot) to navigate between stacked widget pages.
7.2) Import python file with ui navigation to main python script.
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