How To Find Your Cognitive Function Stack

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If you’re new to Geek Psychology, my name is Matt Sherman. People call me Sherman. I'm a personality type expert, life coach, hypnotist, author, podcaster, and course creator. I help mainly INFPs embrace their unique strengths and navigate life's challenges. Through practical strategies and deep insights, I aim to help people like you live a more fulfilling and authentic live where you can wake up and feel good about who you are and your impact on the world. Wondering how to find your cognitive function stack? Maybe you recently figured out that your personality type is INFP but you don't know what that means or why people say you have "introverted Feeling (Fi)" and "extraverted iNtuiting (Ne)". Well, in this episode, I explain how to figure out which cognitive function belongs in which spot - dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, or inferior.

And when you understand where the functions go, you can then dig deeper into the MBTI theory that I've explained in my other videos. Are you ready?!

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*****FOR THE INFP "I Now Feel Positive" Masterclass*****
Hey INFPs! Do you feel lost? Do you feel like you don't know yourself? Are you having trouble making friends, dating, finding a job or maintaining relationships? If so, I want to help. I'll teach you about the strengths and weaknesses of the INFP. I've carefully designed a 30-day course to teach techniques to help you use your superpowers to the fullest as well as overcoming struggles like time-management, planning for the future, having more confidence and motivation, and sticking with habits. All of this to help reshape your mind and be more positive!

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Disclaimer: These are my opinions. If you have a serious issue, go see a doctor. I'm sharing these because I have a lot of experience and I want to do my best to help where I can and make an impact in the best way that I can.
Рекомендации по теме

"So you're not going through hours online trying to research it yourself"

Well, safe to say that ship has sailed long ago, lol!


This I already know. But how be sure to see true my biases and trust my own typing? I was kinda hoping for a way to make sure.


This is the method I teach new users as well. It seems so complex at first glance but after one or two times practicing with it it makes cognitive functions stacks so easy. Great video!


I like this explanation. The function stack has always been more descriptive of what makes the different personalities tick so this can help someone understand what each personality really means without having to look it up in a table. A valuable skill set indeed!


This was super helpful! Always wanted to to know what those little letters meant and how to quickly identify them with each type.

I'm an ESFJ (Fe-Ni-Se-Ti), that visual as a sandwich helped me out the most. Now, gonna go learn what all those letters mean and avoid just having empty knowledge! 🤗🤗🤗


This was so simple to understand. Cant believe I didn’t get this before. Ppl make it so complicated when in reality it just all makes sense. Thanks for explaining this so clearly.


I need more infp T- transition to Infp A video bro. And maybs dealin wid anxieties


Quick question. when using this how do we know if, for example, s or t is dominant?


Y’all I need help finding mine, I don’t trust my own judgement and I always relate to everything the same amount. Is there a way to know for sure? Are there questions that give it away immediately?


3:44 & 9:17 You didn't explain why you put Ne in the second slot for INFP or Fe in the first slot ENFJ for the rest of the video, when you said you would.
