Why I don't like the bruiser Akali build

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Short video explaining why I prefer playing burst Akali

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i love the way u talk, . especially wqhen u say "squishy"


I would agree in something like: MID akali has to play burst since would the normal source of ap dmg. TOP akali in the other hand is more versatil, where u could use burst against squishy, bruiser vs ad heavy ( deaths dance) ot even start with a tank item like bimirs and chemytech, so u can creat space for the carrys in team fights, since akali still carrys a lot of dmg even in tankier build, altho it is true that u cant kill the squishy and will be more realling on team mate ( with is always hard on solo q)


Me having 25 stacks of mejai with rift maker and having 500 AP plus 3.5khp is not bad to do bruiser if you have enemy like malp, jayce, tahm or other assassin's that can 1 hit you it's about to your enemy picks If you need to do bruiser or burst
