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This scene makes me appreciate Dr. Doofenshmirtz all the more


She had a bad life but that doesn't justify the abuse on a child


In her own twisted way, she probably thought she was motivating him through criticism. On a side note, I love how this show explored how a toxic mother can affect children in the long run. Not many tv shows that I know of do that.


instructions unclear my child now hates me and left me alone in a home


That defeated "I know" to every line of abuse just shows you how oftenbthis poor kid has probably heard stuff like that coming from his own mother


"I'm going to hide your father's heart medication"


She reminds me so much of my mother. All my life people would tell me that i shouldn’t hate my mom, because she’s my mom. When I watched this, it brought tears to my eyes bc it felt like flashbacks to what i heard growing up. And I’m glad a show finally showed what it’s like to be verbally abused by your mother and hating her for what she put you through.


Imagine watching this not knowing what Bojack Horseman was and being so confused.


*Me, who hasn't watched a single episode of Bojack Horseman:* "I feel so bad for this funky little horse man"


As a father of 3, that "you ruined me Bojack, " broke me. Like holy shit, I would never imagine saying something so horrible to my kids. For every kid out there feeling like you ruined ur parents, please know that there's at least one person out there who cares for you.


I always thought the line "Don't sit so close to the TV, it'll make you cruel" was weird, but if you think about it, Boack literally became the TV, and he is pretty cruel in some of his actions. And yeah sure, his parents play a big part in his behaviour and perspective, but just like Todd said, it's simply him. And Hollywood. The TV industry is pretty rough, so Bojack by choosing this path, he kind of played himself. Came from one abusive and unstable background and slipped straight into another one.


Narcissism in parents is the worst. It's always about them and god forbid it ever be about anyone else, even their own children.


Her story gets extremely depressing especially if you've seen season 4.


She is a straight up bully.
The way she waits for his response and narrows her eyes after every time Bojack just takes her every hit is a give away.
She didnt want to be a great mom, she wanted to hurt him and left when it wasnt entertaining anymore.
Woman, you are an ADULT you arent supposed to behave like this to ANYONE expecially a kid.And expecially your son.
Such a...i dont even know what to call her anymore.


It's very important that Bojack says "I know" instead of "I'm Sorry" because if he said "I'm Sorry" he'd have to explain himself, and you can tell with the line of questioning, he's messed up and say "I'm Sorry" instead, and Beatrice argued more.


Beatrice turned out to be like her father. Unloving and controlling to her son.
Since her childhood wasn't the greatest. Her stuffed toys and games being burned from Scarlet Fever being infectious and could spread. Her father said for her not to cry, and showing emotion is stupid. Her mother telling her to never love anybody in life as she loved her older brother Crackerjack.


I actually teared up watching this scene. It hurt to basically have my childhood on screen - having to shut yourself off as your mom verbally abuses you, being careful on what to say so you don't give them another way to attack, that feeling of fear when they stare at you... looking for a weakness. Heck, even down to the hiding the medication bit. It's surreal how on-point it is.

It hurt to watch these scenes, but it also felt so comforting to be validated. Especially because I went through so many years of hearing "But you should LOVE your mom!" or "Maybe she just needs more quality time with her kid :)" This show actually understood how bad this abuse can be.


One of the contexts I like in the series is about ''cycles'' and how they repeat themselves if the person lets the flow carry them. Bojack was a piece of shit, but we know part of that is due to his terrible childhood thanks to the abuse of his father, and especially his mother.

However, Beatrice also had a similar fate to Bojack; her mother was lobotomized, she lost her older brother in the war and her father was an absolute tyrant with no feelings, sexist and extremely insensitive, to the point of cruel and ruthless.

Hate only breeds more hate.


I like to imagine a different world sometimes. Where Beatrice looked at her father, her husband and realised she couldn’t just let this continue. She didn’t want the next link in the chain to be dysfunctional because of her. So she doesn’t believe what she says, she’s cynical but doesn’t voice it around bojack. She’s pessimistic but won’t go on rants that crush his spirits. She just raised him to be as happy and healthy as he can be. She still feels damaged from her childhood, but is happy that she could Bojack from living through something just as bad.

Sometimes it’s just nice to picture a world where things could be better


Don't worry folks. She has reincarnated into a better mom (or at least a mom figure) in The Owl House.
