Slain Idaho Student's Family Turns to Private Investigators

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The father of murdered #UniversityofIdaho student Kaylee Goncalves is reportedly working with private investigators because of concerns that Moscow police are too “inexperienced.”

His daughter and three of her friends were stabbed to death on November 13th. Police have not named a suspect.

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Patience is not something I’d expect any parent to have when their child has been murdered.


No one is walking in this man’s shoes. He’s completely devastated about his daughter being murdered. I don’t blame him. He needs to keep it in the media every single day. Praying 🙏🏼 for answers.


I look at my 20 year old son, who sleeps until 11 and eats us out of the house and my heart just break for these parents. I really hope it doesn’t go cold. Patience is the last thing anyone can expect of them. Their world has just been shattered to pieces.


I can’t even begin to understand the pain these parents and family and friends are feeling. This was a demon that had to do this.


I would be doing the same thing. These poor families…no answers and the story changes daily.


The heavy set guy at the Grub truck just did another video, he mentions that the police never contacted him he literally had to go to the police station and force them to take his statement. How is this possible LE. Then law enforcement clears hoodie guy and allows him to flee to Africa.
If I were the parents I'd be livid.


The DEA dude is the only critically thinking adult here


God bless wish my little girl had a father like this man....Great mom and dad


The police and the FBI hold back certain info to protect the integrity of the investigation. I think the Dad is not helping the investigation by announcing certain pieces of information he thinks are accurate and making accusations without any evidence of proof. He's made some pretty interesting statements. I know he is grieving and this may be his outlet for his anger in the grieving process. I do understand because I went through it with my daughter. The LE is not dragging their feet. They are being careful to protect the evidence for the purposes of a successful legal prosecution (guilty) when it goes to trial.


Vinnie is such a professional as a presenter. He speaks from the heart in my opinion and is empathetic. He is a lawyer and yet is humble and uses simple language not legalese. Thank you Vinnie.


Kaylee's dad isn't the only person who's frustrated, all of us following this are.


They cleared him within days. He said he left at 2:00 am to his parents cabin and takes 5 hours so he got home early morning maybe to sneak in.Parents lie for their kids.


Good, good!! 👏 I've been hoping someone would hire private investigators quickly! You have the world's prayers with you all. ♥️


Absolutely 100% disagree with the investigators assessment that there were two people in there and that this is definitely a serial killer. One well-prepared monster could have done this. If he stabbed them in the jugular first and they woke up, they would have been in too much pain to scream especially because they would have been stabbed in the throat area and possibly unable to. The police have also only mentioned that there was one weapon involved. If there were multiple suspects then I think it would have come out by now that there were different weapons used. Also, if this was somebody that was so enraged because he was perhaps rejected by one or more of the girls, or maybe he was a neighbor that couldn't stand the noise coming out of the house every weekend and had engaged with them and they said something nasty to him, that wouldn't make him a Serial killer. That would make him a mass murderer. But not necessarily A Serial killer.

He also said that this guy would have definitely got scratched by one of the victims and that they would have his DNA on them. Completely untrue. It was extremely cold out in Idaho when this happened and if the intruder came in from the outside, which we know he did, and was dressed for the weather, then he could have been covered from head to toe and even if they scratched at him they would not have got to his skin. The only hope that his DNA is at the scene is if a hair dropped off of his clothes or he cut himself while he was stabbing them. But not because they scratched him. This guy is full of it


Sometimes when the police drag their feet people are left with no other choice but to take control themselves.
Good on you dad🥰❤️🙏🕊️🇦🇺


Kinda growing tired of these so-called experts who all individually sat at home and wrote their own fanfiction of what happened, none of which match each other or the few known facts of the case.


I’d be the same way probably but it’s only been three weeks. That’s not even enough time to process DNA samples. You have no idea what the police are doing behind the scenes.


The guy in the hood didn't have an alibi. He said he left town and drove 5 hours to his parent's vacation home. So, he could've been anywhere. I can't believe the cops, I don't care how inexperienced, would take that for a full proof alibi. -


The neighbor guy that went on a few channels to clear his name said he was only asked a few basic questions by LE and never talked to again. I was shocked by that.


Good. From what’s being reported you can tell the police department has no idea what’s going on. The father literally told them “my daughter said she had a stalker” and instead of taking it seriously they said “no, probably not.” What!?
