5 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Congo Jungle That Cannot Be Explained

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5 unsolved mysteries of the Congo jungle that cannot be explained. Today, we take a look at these 5 unsolved mysteries of the Congo jungle that cannot be explained.

Every single year, scientists have been finding the existence of long since believed to be extinct species all across the world, including the existence of many marine animals that were roaming the oceans back during the time of the dinosaurs.

One location that's said to house some of these creatures is that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which seems to be earth’s real life jurassic park.

The Congo Jungle, also known as the Congo Basin or the Congo Rainforest, is a vast and dense tropical rainforest that covers a large part of Central Africa.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
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My father was a civil engineer, and in 1977 he was in Nigeria working on the construction of a road. His firm was staying in a village and would drive out to wherever they were working each day. One afternoon it was so hot that everyone stopped to take a break and rest. Since they were miles from the village my father sat down under a tree to read. After about two or three minutes some of the villagers who were working as guides for my father's firm (Amman & Whitney) started screaming and panicking. Since my father did not speak the language he just let them lead him away from the tree. This is what my father said happened next. After he was pulled/pushed away from the tree a spider the size of a large dog popped out of the branches right above where my father was sitting. The workers and villagers, who apparently were very familiar with this type of spider, proceeded to hack it to pieces with machetes, then warned my father never to go near that specific type of tree because giant spiders like to make there lairs in them. There is no evidence or proof of any kind, and I've swung from believing it to deciding my father had to have been lying many times over the years, but there you are.


After spending 2 months in the Congo, driving across the country, and patrolling in the jungle for days, I can say that it's very easy to believe that there are crazy creatures that we haven't discovered yet. The bush is so ridiculously thick that if you haven't been in it, you can't imagine it. There are places where there are no humans for miles and miles. Not hard to imagine things that are never/seldom seen by humans.


The audacity of 'researchers' telling natives they don't know what wildlife they have in their own environment.


As a guy who lives in Congo, I'm glad that people are talking about us more on the internet!


I understand that in Australia, a tree was discovered which was considered to have become extinct millions of years ago. A tree doesn't move or try to conceal itself so there's absolutely every possibility that some "Extinct" creatures are still living in remote areas and doing a very good job of staying away from humans.


As a Congolese, I can confirm this. You could have included the mystery of the Zonga Falls. When you scream when you're located near these Falls, it rains around you. Congo has more to explore!


7:02 It should also be noted that the locals were also shown pictures of animals such as Polar Bears and Pandas, to which the locals had no idea and were unable to identify them. However, when shown a picture of a Sauropod, the locals immediately said "oh that's Mokele Mbembe".


We know today that a small population of woolly mammoths managed to survive on an isolated island until about 4, 000 years ago (during the time of the ancient Egyptian empire), which is about 10, 000 years after mammoths generally became extinct throughout most of the rest of the world. And of course there's the discovery of the "living fossil" coelacanth.
While the odds of a prehistoric creature still existing today long after its contemporaries have become extinct is unlikely, there's a historical precedent for it as well.


If it’s anywhere in the world a dinosaur can still exist and not be found by Westerners it would be in the Congo. Also, as an American myself, I find it pretty damn insulting that Western scientists just assumed that the tribes living in that area off the land for thousands of years didn’t know what they were talking about and are just mistaking it for some other animal in the area. It’s insulting to the tribes because you think they don’t know the animals they’ve been living with and hunting for thousands of years and you know better because you read a book…and it’s insulting to us Westerners because you’s make us look like a-holes.


Places Like Papua Guinea, The Amazon, Antarctica, Congo and so many more remote places including our Ocean, all have been explored so minimally. There are so many hidden wonders we have yet to discover and be in awe of.


When I was a teenager, my dad had a friend who was a retired Navy SEAL who used to run operations in Africa. He told me a story about a time they were working with a local tribe walking through the jungle. He said that the man at the end of their file suddenly starts screaming and when they turned around a massive spider with a three to four foot leg span had pounced on him. It was attempting to bite him but he was holding it off with his rifle. It took almost the entire team to pull it off of him before they all started running. When they got away, the tribesman simply said that they tried to warn them about the spiders but they didn't believe them.


"They're semi aquatic reptiles resembling a triceratops"
*Shows 4000 pictures of Rhinos*


The Belgians were by far the scariest monsters in the Congo.


The comment that giant spiders wouldn't be able to breathe, therefore could not exist, ignores the fact that if they do indeed exist, they must be able to breathe. Who is to say their respiratory system isn't different than found in smaller spiders? Who is to say they are spiders at all, but a species that resembles one? If they can jump from tree to tree, that would hint at a lighter weight exoskeleton. It could also be that they don't have an exoskeleton and it's simply assumed they do. Instead of saying it cannot be, I'd rather ponder the reality that it may well be, and if so it found a way to thrive.


Does anyone else feel like a world with giant Congo spiders is far cooler than a world without giant, freaking, Congolese spiders? Especially if they stay in the Congo, of course.


For centuries the Congo Jungle has been a mystery with many tales of creatures, legends, and supernatural events told by the early explorers and the local native people,


The Komodo dragon the worlds largest lizard wasnt discovered until 1910. Before then there were just rumors of a land crocodile in Indonesia.


All the jungles in the world have weird stuff we haven't explored yet, either it be bugs, or animals, very, very dangerous in the jungle...


As an Australian I can vouch that spiders that big do exist. And they like to sit over doorways in your home and freak you out.


My mom used to tell the folks story that my grandma would tell her. One of the story was about a giant snake in Myanmar. At first never believed it, i know snakes can grow big. But a snake that can swallow an elephant is a stretch i thought. When i got introduced to titanoboa, i was quite shocked realizing animals can indeed grow larger than their current size. Whether the story was real or not, i'd like to believe it was real as it was spread through the whole town for decades. What my mom told me was that it was a rainy day midnight. People felt the ground trempling as if there was an earthquake. Skipping forward to the main point, basically multiple houses were victims to this event. Not all of them, just a few in a row as if something passed by quickly. The next day, people were talking about the strange thjng at night and what it had left behind. It was like someone was dragging a big ass log across the village. What ever the creature was, they assumed it was a big giant snake. We call it Yuu Badao, or simply put "gigantic snake".
