5 Unsolved Mysteries That Were Finally Solved | Solved Mysteries

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Written by: Bethonie
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I know someone who "went missing". Their parents filed a missing persons report with the police when this person was 18 years old & also implied they had serious psychological issues. They had recently graduated from highschool & left home. I knew this person was very intelligent & completely sane. I decided to stop by the police station & provide them with a bit of background information that I was certain the parents did not mention. Turns out I was too late. The police told me dozens of people had shown up to provide information on the case. The so called missing person had simply gone to a secular college that the super religious parents did not agree with. The psychological issues were diagnosed by a church psychologist because the teenager was [gasp] an athiest. The police were not amused. The parents didn't give up until they were served with legal papers of some kind (for harassment). They seriously thought the devil had stolen their child's soul. He's now surgical nurse that works with an organization that goes around the world helping babies born with facial abnormalities in poverty stricken areas.


I have a cousin Darren Guyette who has been missing for over 20 years. He was living in Keene NH but we haven't seen him or heard from him 😔 I hope someday we find out where he is 😞


Technically Steven wasn’t missing. He was an adult who chose to move away without telling anyone which is an incredibly selfish thing to do. Not only did he cause his family and friends a lot of unnecessary stress but also wasted law enforcement’s few resources. That’s a lot of time, work, resources and money that could have been used to solve actual crimes or disappearances.

Edit: *If Steven was abused, or had an awful home life, or other factors that were not mentioned in the video— then he had every right to leave and not tell anyone for his own personal safety and mental well-being. But if he was aware of the search for him he should have at least contacted law enforcement so they’re not wasting money and time on someone who isn’t truly missing.


It's nice that all of these 'missing persons' turned up alive!!


@5:40 Food for money?... 🤔🤬 What kind of people make people stranded for 70 plus days pay for sustenance??


I don't know if I would want to, "re-connect, " with someone who clearly didn't have any interest in a relationship or any concern about anyone but themselves. I can understand people sometimes become estranged from family members but to just disappear, leaving them to wonder and worry about you, for years, is beyond inconsiderate; it's extreme cruelty.


I have super respect for the father who’s son was eventually found, and he left on his own free will, but the dad continues to support and work with the missing persons network, as u would think he would stop, but he knows they need all the help they can get, and he don’t want another family feeling his pain


Okay, I don't usually judge what people do with their lives because you can't know what someone is going through, but what the hell Stuart?


Exactly why I ‘divorced’ my family.
Family can be extremely toxic to the point that one’s mental health is at risk.
I refuse to speak to my family (including my adult kids) even after finding out I am half way around the world.
They didn’t care when I was around but now they do? Lol
It got so bad I had to do what I did.
I am much happier now and my mental health is at bay.
Just because they are family doesn’t mean you have a duty to be around them if they are toxic


One of my highschool friends went missing in my town. I only knew because one of my friends told me when I was at his house. I'm like "he's just gone?" The dad was a creepy dude who some feared killed his son, and his mom was vocal on social media trying to find him, but all of a sudden went silent and wouldn't give anyone any info. I got sick of not knowing where he went, as well as everyone else, so I launched a social media effort to find where he was. I got the post to a point where "missing in Michigan" contacted me, telling me they were helping. They got back to me within a day or so saying they talked to the police, and that my friend is alive and well. my friend also asked for his privacy to be respected. Some still didn't believe he was alive. This situation still bothers me. Is it really that hard to at least let people know, your friends and family who love you dearly, that you're at least alive and well? Who ever does some shit like that, is very sociopathic and should seek help. I lost all respect for my friend after that, and so did many others.iunderstsnd wanting to escape, start over, but allowing people to think you're dead, when you're not, is completely selfish and should be illegal, due to the panic and pain it caused.

Fuck you Jose.


If people choose to go off and live their own life and do their own thing that's their right yes they should let their families know that they are ok to put their minds at ease but they are not obliged to maintain contact with someone if they don't want to or if they prefer privacy


In the case of Nial, I can relate. In my early 20’s, I decided to move away and cut off all contact with my relatives. At that time, our relationships were very toxic…Eventually, we made up and got back in contact, but there was once a period of time when I wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with my own family. People, - stay in touch with your loved ones, even if they stress you out or give you a hard time. There will come a day when you can’t pick up a phone or drive over to visit them. Cherish your family/friends- nothing lasts forever…


I can’t wait until we have an update on the boy in the box 🥺


great video. It's nice to see people reunited with their loved ones. I went crazy when my daughter was missing for two days. I can't imagine what life was like for these families. If people wnt to start a new life let your loved ones know.


I used to work for a bank in customer service. One day, a guy called in frantic, said his wife was missing and he wanted to know the last transactions on the account so he could try to trace her. My first instinct was to help, my gosh this poor man, BUT as the conversation went on, he started getting angry, not so much worried. At one point I told him I had to put him on hold and I just muted my headset. That's when I heard him talk to someone else about how he wasn't "going to let her get away". I realized this was a domestic violence situation and she was escaping. I never told him any wrong information, I just stated I did not see any charges "posted" to the account recently. I left out that there were pending charges, one for a taxi, one cash withdrawal for a few thousand, and an airline charge for a ticket. I also put him on hold a bunch of times and wasted about an hour of his time to give her more of headstart. I've never felt bad about it and I hope he never found her.


its crazy that kevin was found by loggers when he had been a tree protester, i hope they all found common ground! i was a tree protester in the 90s who ended up learning the saw and became a tree surgeon, there is good and bad in all things!


9:36 small correction: the serial killer's surname is Pickton rather than Pickerton


It was great that the loggers found the Native American called bear and brought him back to civilization. I kind of giggled at the end of the story when the narrator told us that the loggers gave him food for money. I actually had to listen to him twice to make sure I heard that part correctly. They didn't give him money for food... 😁


i live on vancouver island and the way the police were treating the PEACEFUL protesters was unbelievable and made me lose all respect for the officers


Really hope Lars Mittank gets found or at least has his body/bones found, its such a sad/weird case.
