Something Strange Is Happening With Animal Crossing Lately...

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I hope the next game has as many sea creatures as it does fish and bugs with more of all three types of animals being added, and I think that maybe adding a gem and mineral section to the museum would be interesting and the models that you get of fish and bugs should expand to sea creatures also and you should be able to put them in the museum next to where the animals are displayed


It's a shame that no new updates will be added to NH, since there was a good chunk of content that could have been added. Island fruits, Amiibo villagers, Gracie...


I just started playing New Horizons this year. I appreciate all the new stuff they added, but it feels like they took something away too. Compared to New Leaf, it's like most of the soul was sucked out of the game. It took a long while before villagers repeated dialogue in New Leaf, but in New Horizons, you can hear the same dialogue not only in the same hour, but even repeated from a different character as well. New Leaf also had so much charm to it. For the next game, I really hope they can being back the life into the game that Wild World and New Leaf had.


The LEGO sets being so weirdly timed is probably mostly LEGO's fault. It takes years for them to design sets, and then mass produce them.


It could also be an out of touch executive driven decision. This is our best selling title, keep advertising it, but don't actually support it. Its a shame, because at the end of the day the way ACNH is treated compared to Pocket Camp is just sad. One should not assume that business decisions always make sense. I have had to make countless products that should have never been because someone in charge feels they know better than everyone else.

I'm gonna hold off on any future console AC titles until I see they will get as much or more as Pocket Camp. And fans should send that message!


I think Nintendo was surprised by the success of ACNH. To the point that they probably decided it’s as best to take a step back and reevaluate the direction to take the franchise in. And let’s be honest, when you really start to load your island up with decorations it turns into a laggy, pop-in filled mess. I’m assuming they didn’t want to add any more to a game that already feels like its hit its breaking point on a technical level.

I’m sure we will get a proper Animal Crossing title around the launch of the Switch 2 that can take advantage of better hardware and be designed with players decorating outdoor spaces as a key feature.


Personally I feel like animal crossing dying off at least in conversation may have to do with how the game even now feels unfinished in a sense. The complete lack of varied villager dialogue, the shop only getting a single upgrade, and it is clear the island designing took center stage which resulted in stuff like engaging multiplayer just not existing resulting in the fans to make their own game modes to get anything out of the game outside of designing their own island.


I know there was an animal crossing animated movie back in the day, but I think it would be cool if they did a new anime that was a longer form series and that it should be released internationally and the best way to do that would be if the show was connected to whatever game comes next


in a perfect world

they would see any success with these "late" promotional stuff as a
"Fine ... lets put the B-Team in charge of a small DLC"
and then the B Team looks at each other uses the smirking emote

and makes a DLC that adds -
more Cranny upgrades - endgame island editor (lets say 10k miles to unlock) - adding Blanka as event character for the 1st of april (without telling anyone) - new mystery islands - 3 new themed sets of furniture - some decoration - and new mini games (such as hide and seek - and Net Tag with your villagers) - and re adding all the tropical fruits from new leaf (for balance they only sell 50 bells more then your native fruit but can be given to brewster for him to turn into syrup to add to your coffee aswell as fruit themed items from him by doing so) - all rounded up with a theme of treasure hunting on the island tours (you find treasure maps on the ticket islands and can give them to cap who then brings you to a special treasure island that has a unique piece of "treasure furniture" burried somewhere) and they call the DLC

"Fruity Treasures"

i feel like this (or something similar) would truely round up everything - it adds stuff to islands which is the entire theme of the game - it adds things most people wanted since the beginning such as more cranny upgrades - new minigames are always a delight - and new sets where you have to do special things each day to unlock the set pieces

but it isnt "too much" meaning you dont feel like you HAVE to buy the DLC


Frankly, the way they've treated us players is just disrespectful. Still playing. Just supremely disappointed. Bob's gang.


Probably just pushing animal crossing stuff so more peope get into the mobile game where they charge for almost everything. People love buying the fortune cookies in that game. The short time i played, i put a ton of money trying to get items in the fortune cookies.


Us Silksong fans and animal crossing fans waiting for any even the tiniest bit of news is so hilarious....(and sad at the same time)


I love that there’s a Bajillion villagers in animal crossing but in doing so Nintendo is sacrificing quality for quantity and I think that a game that has fewer villagers that are more flushed out as individuals would do well with some demographics although they’re probably flame wars over whoever is left out of the game


I started playing Animal Crossing on my Switch again for a few weeks now, not because of Lego, special events or anything else, I chose to play the game myself


UGH. I hate that I’ll have to buy ANOTHER new console or handheld just to play a dang game. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mr. P. D. Pie and his family showed the Animal Crossing exhibit at the aquarium, it was so neat. :). I've never seen live sand dollars before, and they even had a giant isopod on display.


It is up to use as the players to keep this game alive, I stream animal crossing every week and my whole thing is making to stuff for us to do, this will be my third island summer games and my third season of football, coming up.

This is one of the best games ever, and we have the best sandbox with 5000 items, there is still so much to do in this game.


I’m not ready to let ACNH go 😢. I love it soooo much


They never should of stopped updating this game


For the animal Crossing fans who grew up on wild world & the game cube version and the Wii version, the Nintendo switch version feels like a slap in the face. There was so much content in the Nintendo cube version it kept me busy for hours and hours and weeks and weeks after school when I was in high school and you just don’t get the same experience from the Nintendo switch version. Just like someone else said the dialogue on the Nintendo switch version is very different compared to how the dialogue was on the older versions I also liked the older versions because you paid $30 I got all the content at once no waiting years for updates you just had to unlock it in the game
