28 STRANGE Sights on Google Earth

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Every year we come across bizarre and strange sightings that have been picked up by the Google camera, and today we have a look at some of the stranger sights spotted by their satellites.

13 - Refreshes like nothing on earth…
This giant Coca-Cola sign is visible from the air and was captured by Google earth in Chile. Sometimes referred to as mapvertising, this giant logo was put in place to celebrate their 100th Anniversary. Whether this was the first time mapvertising was used, I’m not sure – but we know of several companies who use giant adverts to advertise their products. The unique fact about this one though, is the sign is made from 70,000 empty Coke bottles.

12 - Free Hand…
It looks like an intriguing piece of artwork, but it’s actually an aerial shot taken by Google Earth cameras. This one is located in the middle of the desert in China. Of course, speculations ran high as to what it could possible be. Some suggested underground testing facilities, while others thought it could be military runways. The truth wasn’t quite as exciting, but not bad anyway… they are roads used for test drills.

11 - Connect the dots…
These are oil fields with connecting roads located in Rio Negro in Argentina. This is a spectacular image which we can thank Google Earth for!

10 - The dark knight rises…
Over in Okinawa in Japan they have a very special sight that can only be viewed from above. It’s the Batman symbol, and you’ll have to fly over the roof top of the Air Force’s 44th Fighter Squadron. It’s not new though, and has been around since the 80’s… it’s only come to light recently thanks to Google Earth.

9 - Look closely…
You’ll have to stretch your imagination for this one. A guy in Sweden truly believes that this obscure image from Google Earth is the real-life Nessie.

8 - Crawl back into your shell…
You’ve probably heard of the massive Japanese Spider Crab, they’re literally enormous but they’re nowhere near the size of this crab that was spotted on Google earth. It’s earned the nickname Crabzilla, and is roughly 50-feet wise. It was spotted in Kent Harbour in the UK. Legit or not, I’ll let you decide.

7 - Stranger Things…
The second season of Stranger Things sees an underground complex network of roots emerge. When I see this image that was captured by Google Earth, I think of that – and it leaves me feeling a little unsettled.

6 - All ears…
We head to Alberta in Canada and meet the Badlands Guardian. This geological marvel looks like a man with a headdress wearing an earphone. It’s obviously not that, but rather a road and an oil well that have been installed on the site. If you go and view this image on Google Earth, and you scroll further to the left, you’ll spot another face which looks like someone is yawning and waking up from a deep sleep.

5 - Shrouded in mystery…
Could this possibly be the remains of a pyramid that has not been excavated yet? Google Earth captured this image somewhere across Egypt, and reports suggest that due to the current economic situation in Egypt, they’ve limited the number of sites being excavated and researched. Others who have spotted this image believe it to just be a natural part of the landscape. I’m leaning towards pyramid, how about you?

4 - Blast from the past…
In more ways than one! This is the world’s best-preserved meteorite on earth and it’s located a few minutes from Interstate 40 and Route 66. It's’ said an asteroid hit earth at 26,000 miles per hour 50,000 years ago and those are the remains! The crater is roughly 1 mile across, 2.4 miles in circumference and 550ft deep. You’re welcome to go and visit the site yourself! Its open to tourists!

3 - Hypnotising…
These fields captured by Google Earth are seriously hypnotising, and remind me of a patchwork quilt.

2 - You decide…
Sand banks? Aliens? Wake of water? Deep sea creature? No one seems to have legitimate answers, so if you can shed some light on that bizarre image captured on Google Earth, please share it with us down below!
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My old dog Spike. He was been dead for 5 years. But I found an old satellite image of an area (public park) where I always would take him on walks. When I zoomed in, I knew it was him and me walking. RIP Spike! Miss you my brother!


I live in my Dad's old house. He passed about 5 years back. After he got his work done everyday, he'd sit out in his garage and have "cocktails" with his neighbor at his workbench. If you go to street view on Google maps and look towards my house, there he is sitting at his workbench, looking out at the street, drinking a Miller Lite. Freaked me out the first time I saw it, but now I think it's kinda cool.


This would be much better if you added WHERE these items are found, coordinates would be nice or addresses for urban sites. How can I decide what I think it is if I don't know where it is?


Up next on "Why tf am I watching this at 1:30am?"


My 6 year old son wanted me to inform everyone that the number 2 video was an elasmosaurus, you're welcome. 😀🦕🤯


7:29 There's literally nothing there.


“ sand banks? aliens? wake of water? deep sea creature? “
me: snake.


Am I the only one that didn't see anything in the picture that should have been Nessie? Would it kill them to zoom in more?


2:24 they can make a pool that big but orca's and dolphins in captivity have a pool thats like 50 feet wide wtf


Roses are red, Violets are blue. I got clickbaited, and so did you.


Him: comment down below what you think what the green spot looks like.
Me: just tell Brazil to go visit the green spot.


Imagine when you and you're girl friend doing something romantic in the field thinking that no one see you.



Title: *28 strange sights caught on Google map*
People who make 'top 10' : Wait that's illegal-


The Nessie one was so helpful! Thank you for zooming in and telling us where it is so we can check it out!! 🙄
The giant crab was debunked as photoshopped


You guys can joke all you want about how he pronounces words, my favorite part is when he says "Number Four" and "20" appears on the screen.


Lol I saw my dad on Google Earth with his car I-


As someone who spends 2 hours a day on Google Earth, I always found out of place things.


You can zoom in on a submerged car, but the krakken is a blurry thing from miles away...


1:22 gotta be a laser pointer... lmao 😂


I’ve often seen writings on fields when taking the airplane😂
