The Nervous System as a Recording System | Cells Inform the Brain

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Original experience occurs in the cells and fluids of the body and is then recorded and stored in the nervous system.

From this perspective, the nervous system is a recording system. It takes all the cellular fluid information and puts it into patterns.⁠

When we open the back of our brain (lower hindbrain) to receive information, the cells inform the brain. The brain can then organize this information into new patterns.

What I’m going to share next is not traditional.

When there is an injury to the brain, we can feel and work with cells to brain on the same side, as well as what is already known, that brain to cells goes to the opposite side.

In this short video, Bonnie speaks about the nervous system as a recording system and the difference between the brain informing cells and cells informing the brain.

This clip is from Bonnie's online course
Embodying Cellular Consciousness through Touch and Movement:
A Body-Mind Centering Approach®


The material in this video is presented for informational and educational purposes only. The examples demonstrated in this video are intended to be done with ease and without pain or force. However, as with any movement or exercise program, please consult your physician/health care provider as to whether the exercises and techniques in this video are suitable for you. This is especially important for people with specific concerns such as people who are pregnant, people with injuries, and those with other health or movement considerations.

Copyright © 2017 Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Рекомендации по теме

Enlightening. I wonder if I have seen the crossover in the more rudimentary sense during one of my father's occupational therapy sessions in which a mirror was used to trick the brain into thinking he was using the good side.


I wonder how to apply this knowledge to a person with damaged cerebellar cells.


this is real "Sense". . the 'brain' and mind are always the very last to 'know'., bcz they are 'recorders', not 'know-ers'. this is why what is called 'education' is assbackwards. the intelligent body already 'knows', intuition 'knows', innate 'knows', the Anima -Self 'knows'. brain and mind are like 'science' of society, , always the last to 'know', , yet feeling insecure and 'left behind, , the insecurity so needing to be noticed with fanfare and foofarah, needing to inform everything and everyone about the latest 'new' discovery. aren't we hu persuns hilarious? All Nature reflects our natural Whole-ness, our innate omniscience, , when shall we listen?, when shall we receive the Divine Reflecting, within? When shall we Re-Member Who we are? created in Love's Image as Be-ings of omniscience, taking earth-incarnation, deliberately, choice-fully, with the 'handicap' of amnesia. . We are so freaking awemazing, to even take incarnation. wowzers !
