A look at bacteria working in a septic tank, the proof is in the larvae! (Larvae is not bacteria)

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1 out of 75 or so septic tanks work this good, the bacteria is working awesome! You can tell by all the larvae in the tank. Never kill the sewer fly larvae! The site of larvae means the tank is working properly and the bacteria is good! Larvae is not bacteria! You can't see the bacteria! Sewer fly larvae thrives in a pure organic septic tank full of bacteria. The people that own this septic tank do not use antibacterial products such as bleach, take antibiotics, mouthwash, antibacterial soaps, that kills bacteria and larvae!
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Actually larvae from the gross sewer fly that only forms in a proper working septic system with good bacteria! I don't know how many of them I have swallowed working on septic tanks.


Imagine if he dropped his camera/ phone by accident in there..


That is so close, I can get the smell through the video.


Dang buddy… no zoom feature on that phone 😂😂😂 livin life in the edge hu bud??


100% of material cannot always be eaten away organically.. Ive heard that Yeast or Rid Ex may help in breaking down substances that cant be broke down organically. Is this true? If no whats a good treatment to do on occasion for septic health to prevent problems?


You need to pump and flush that tank out .Those are larvae or maggots from Flies and your sewage is crossing into your leaching field so I give this system only a year or so until it fails.


Do you just open up a yeast packet and flush it down your toilet once a month to help eat down the solids? Or how often should you do this? Thank you in advance for any advice!


The Earth will rumble in all the continents as the dominos fall


Starting now today the ones who denied me will be shaken they will know they have denied the wrong one


Dude, you have or soon after you shot this video a FLY problem. Cover up the tank. Nasty 🤢


Not only that have the nerve to try to kill the creator it’s going to come time when god is going to be a give take backer and take it al away from for not being appreciative for doing the opposite you will have worked very hard for that you are earning having everything taken away from you since you have forgotten who put it here and can take it away


The ones who had my back went through to hell who are in politics law military and thought I let you down I will destroy them the corrupt one who made it helll for you although you was unsure gave up a couple times I will back you now watch as thy are destroyed on so many different levels


Those who used tech to wrong us who instead of being great full that god has allowed you existence on his earth but instead you acted like you want to deny God his own creation not only that but profit off gods own creation ai t that something instead being great full and appreciating that the fact you have all these resources to build building roads cars radio for to cook a sun water oddly you tax god on his own creation


That's what nightmares are made of 🤣. Freaking sewer flies are nasty especially when they escape the sewer . Bastids were in my yard all summer.