How I got a job in Japan (NOT teaching English!!)

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“How did you get a job in Japan??”
I finally answer the question y’all always ask. And NO, it’s nOT teaching English!

I describe my thought-process when looking for a job in Japan and describe my whole experience with Japanese job-hunting.

Come say hi to me on my socials! 👋

As always, thanks for watching! 🥳
#japanese #fluent #lifeinjapan

0:00 Trying to move to Japan be like
0:37 Japan's problem
1:40 JET
2:06 Boston Career Forum
2:46 How I looked for jobs
3:22 Applying to jobs
3:32 自己PR
4:00 Entry sheets
4:12 ガクチカ
4:25 志望動機
5:38 Interviews
6:09 Don't memorize!! Or perish
7:35 Getting towards the end
7:52 Storgan arc...
9:05 The last hope
10:26 we did it lads yeet
11:17 Some bloops
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I am bACK baby!! Thank you guys so much for your patience during my lil break from Youtube.

As you may have seen from my post on Youtube or Instagram, my father passed away suddenly in November. I’ve taken the past few months to deal with all the estate processes and the emotional processing with my family.

But I’m finally ready to move forward and continue with my Youtube journey; I can’t wait to see where we go with this channel!
As of right now, the Japanese border is still closed, but I’m praying to get there by end of March 🙏 I’ll keep you guys updated on my socials!

Please take care of yourselves,


I don’t plan on working in Japan EVER, but I still sat through the whole video. Very informative and entertaining!


This seems like such a massive amount of effort and dedication, more than you'd ever need for a job in America. It almost feels like it'd be impossible for me. Mad props for all of this, you're an incredibly smart and talented person.


Can't wait for the "I quit my job in Japan" video. 😂
"It just wasn't fulfilling so I want to do jvlog videos and explore my creative side and become a mangaka." Good luck and congrats on the job.👍💯


Congratulations on getting hired!! Thank you for the job information too! Working in Japan would just be shot for me if I had to become an English teacher😭


From my experience, the majority of foreigners working in Japan (who can't speak Japanese) basically fall into these categories.
A)"Oh! Your a highly educated person in finance or IT? Here's a 5 year visa with a large salary. Don't worry, you don't need to know any Japanese."
B)"How did you get here? Oh, you transferred internally from abroad? Lucky you."
C)"So you can't speak Japanese but are a native English speaker and you have a degree in some random major. Here's a visa to teach English. It doesn't pay much but don't worry, you're young. You still have time."
D) "So you don't have a degree, you're not a native English speaker...hmm.. Well, we can always use more laborers in the factories."
E)"So you married one of ours I see... Well I guess you can have a spousal visa."

Of course there are many other categories, but the majority I believe fall into these categories.

It is kind of funny, however that I don't belong to any of these categories myself. :p


Oh woah, I never heard of the Boston Career Forum before, and it’s so close to where I live too. Super informative video, glad to see you back in my sub feed!


About 15 years ago, my company moved me to Japan. Luckily enough for me I was an expat, and honestly it was the easiest way for me to do it - I didn't need to learn Japanese before going and my company paid for me to live in a fairly nice flat with my family. That is definitely another option for those who are interested.


Bring tear to my eyes AGAIN!!! This sounds like a shounen manga where the main character fought with his full strength but not until he received supports from friends, that he finally snaged the ultimate prize.


I'm only 15 and learning japanese, yet I still watched through the whole video since when I become fluent enough I wish to move and live in Japan. Amazing video man, arigatogozaimasu!


Thank you for this video! I feel the same way about getting a job in Japan. Not just letting everyone know about this opportunity but also sharing your experience about it was very generous and I commend you for that. Also seeing your comment about your dad, I am sorry for your loss. Best of luck.


That is an amazing story of the hard work and emotional roller coaster you went through, and finally landed that job! I don't know you, but I am so happy for you! You are young and that is the best time to be living life and taking these adventures! So very sorry to read of your dad's passing, that hurts at any age and any level of 'closeness' of the relationship. Sincere condolences, and prayers for you and your family. A sudden passing can be both a blessing and devastating at the same time. My dad suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in November many years ago. As a mom to a son who is (guessing) a few years older than you, but was 8 and with my dad when he died, for what it is worth, my advice to him then and I remind him still when I notice the cloud forming over him, take it one day at a time, and when the grief wave hits out of the blue, acknowledge it, process through it and come out the other side calmer and grateful for the memories and the emotions. Try not to fight these waves out of left field, that probably is not really the best thing for one's mental health. Feeling it, acknowledging it, driving that pothole riddled road to the cross roads and choosing the right turn to embrace and hold onto something positive will really help lessen the severity and frequency of the 'sneak attacks' that grief seems to do to us all. You seem creative, maybe make a tribute webpage or scrap book/journal might be a way to process through a wave. Many blessings, and good luck in your career endeavors in Japan.


Amazing video! Thank you for all the inside information! You are keeping my hope of moving to Japan alive. I really want to get there one day. Excited to see the rest of your journey!

*Sorry for the loss of your father. You are very strong to get through all of that.*


I don't subscribe to new content recently but seeing this video, as a foreigner who also experienced the grueling Japanese-style jobhunting makes me want to support people like you! Congrats, good luck and enjoy your new life in Japan😊


I also went through a similar program to get a job in Japan as a software engineer. I know the hardship and the stress of that😵‍💫


Your videos are funny and you put big effort in your videos but i recognize, that you really are working hard in real life you have my respect for everything you got because you deserved it with your extrem hard work !!


Dude, your videos are the best! And let's take a minute and talk about HOW GOOD YOUR SPEAKING IS! As a Brazilian English teacher and a guy who loves languages I must say: YOU ROCK! I wanna be like you one day, mister!


Your video is so high quality! I hope more people can find your video mate and learn something from your great experience!


The mock interviews were hilarious, great acting! Plus you have really solid interview tips, very helpful.


Fantastic video. Great timing, delivery, information. Top quality.
