Session 3: Instructor-led Live Training on Python full course | Python 3 basics to expert

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Free of Cost – Specialist in Python (with Flask Towards Data Science) basic to advance by World Record Holder - Mr. Vimal Daga.

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Learned about
IDE - Jupyter - notebook
Escape sequences, commenting
Using keywords If else, elif, indentation
Functions input(), int(), help().


Today's summary:
-Ide jupyter
-if else statement
-escape sequence


Session 3 summary:
- about Jupiter ide
- loops
- control statement
- escape sequence
- discussion about upcoming project


Summary of session 3:
1)Jupyter notebook-cell, tab for autocompletion and for display of functions
2)os.system() to launch media
3)2 ways of interacting with OS-GUI(mouse), CLI(using programming language)
4)How to set path of a file/software
5)How to create workspace & files in it
6)Escape sequences-\n(newline), \t(tab space)
7)raw strings-how to create
8)comments-start with #
9)help() function - to see details of any function
10)end parameter in print function
11)if-else-syntax, intendation & elif keyword


Escape sequence
If else statements


Thanks for the session. I learned in this session :

1. Installing anaconda
2. Using jupyter
3. Importing module pyttsx3
4. Loops.


I want to thank you Vimal sir for taking this initiative to create awareness for right knowledge. This is a must for having a creator mindset. It has been from 3rd September 2020, that i came across your channel and I have completed around 30 videos [RHCSA, Docker, Python] now. Its like a netflix series for me. I am hooked as I can see I am learning a lot.I wake up and tune to your channel and I do it till night. Waiting for that Idea to pop up which says, yes this is what i want to create. A big thank you for this initiative :)

Day 3 : Summary
1. Our Goal is to write a program that is a voice based technical assistant. Below are various topics:-
2. Challenge -- Various functions of python to send SMS/Whatsapp/Email.
3. Through Functions >> we instruct OS >> to perform various tasks.
4. To check the list of library -- pip list
5. Anaconda(distribution) -- Python interpretor installed -- Pre installed library.
6. Best way to program -- IDE, because it saves file like offliine and it is like live programming.
7. How to start the jupyter notebook from CMD.
8. What are cell in jupyter IDE, you can run only one cell at a time. (Shit+Enter to run a cell). ( Esc + DD to Delete the cell), Help > keyboard shortcuts.
9. No difference between double quotes and single quotes in python. You can add r before double quote or sing;e quote to make it a row and then it prints ebverything as it is.
10. Loops basic was discussed in detail and if-else statement was used to create the body of our project.
11. Importance of indentation in python and how it makes program readable. Also, it will not work without indentation.

Note:- Jupyter notebook was not launching media player at video timeline 1:10:00 because we needed to restart the jupyter and CMD as CMD was not refreshed to pick up the PATH from RAM. It worked for me when i did that.


Session 3 Summary 16.08.2020
The session was good and I learnt so many new things like:
1. the objective of this program is not only to create an app we also understand the core logic so that we can think and work like a creator.
2. no meaning of advance it is about the core then we understand about one announcement which is regarding the selection of student for the technical meet.
3. here we are going to create our own voice assistant which is a kind of voice-based program that will help in our technical journey.
4. we python is a language and to do anything here we need to code this is called programming file and then we can execute this file on some OS. The program file will instruct the OS to do something and OS will follow the instruction.
5. function is the way which tell the OS that how to perform but the functions like print or speak is not created by us and it is stored in some program file called module. So to use these function we first need to import the module. The modules or program file always come from a library.
6. to install any library we need to use pip but here we have many libraries pre-installed by ananconda. Anaconda is a distributor that also provides us python


Session summary-
1) In this session, we became familiar with multiple things like Jupiter notebook.
2) About basic cmds and their logics, about escape sequence (\n \t)
3) About how print() function works.
4) Looping concepts
5) if, elif, else statements
6) About how we can comment the code
7) How indentation works in python
8) Also we used some libraries.
Thank you for the session sir!!


IDE -Jupyter
Short cut for run: shift+enter, it will run and open new cell
Escape sequence
If, else, elif.
Print function gives new line
thank you so much sir .


1. Significance of module, pip list, tts 2. Importance of function in any language is for improving the clarity by decomposition complex codes in simpler pieces reducing the duplication of code and allowing its reuse Speak function: Pyttsx3.speak("hi") would read the text aloud, i.e conversion of written text to spoken voice 3. A module is a file consisting of python code defining function classes qnd variable Modules can be installed from libraries using pip 4. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment Jupyter is an online interpreter (ide) Where we can write a code, save it and run. 5. System commands can be run by importing the modules program is run with a single command Escape sequences are nothing but a new line or tab 7. Helps you find what a function does and what it supports


Session 3 summary-
IDE jupitar
Escape sequence
If else
Python comment
Some basic commands
Python indentation


In this lecture i learnt about:-
Jupyter notebook, escape sequence, short cut keys on notebook, python basics like loop, variables etc..


In this session I learnt,
1. Working in IDE- Jupyter Notebook
2. OS module: For running system Commands
3. About Escape sequences
4. Control statements like if else
5. Loops in python
6. Some functions like input(), help()


Summary of today's class : CGI, API, webserver, webpage, different symbols etc. Thank you so much Sir for this organised session.🙏🏻


In this session we learnt that:
-> Basic understanding of Jupyter IDE, discussion of some shortcuts
-> basic commands in python
-> Indentation for code
-> if, else, elif
-> Looping statements in python


session 3:
*IDE and types
*condition statements
*Commands to open applications
*Program to open an application of your own choice
Thank u Vimal sir!


I got from this is-->
Jupiter ide, loops, control statement, escape sequence, discussion about upcoming projects.


what i've learnt today from this video
-how to work on IDE Jupiter
- if else statment
- loops
- escape sequence


I've learnt in this class:
1: jupyter IDE
2:control statement
3:escape sequence
4: jupyter shortcuts
5: upcoming program starting
