Session 16: Instructor-led Live Training on Python

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Free of Cost – Specialist in Python (with Flask Towards Data Science) basic to advance by World Record Holder - Mr. Vimal Daga.

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Session 16. (6/12/20)

Summary :-

1) On this session I learned about PID process which is process ID. In system process is assigned ID, this known as process ID (PID).
2) On RAM, inside of OS has created PID directory. When we run any program in system, program will load and start processing the code. After that process get id in execution. This ID of process is directory where our processing programs will show.
3) When we go for processing then Kernel is who provides us Process ID where is all the information of process ID.
4) RAM is a memory where is stored our data of information. Inside the RAM, process ID will be stored on namespace.
5) To see path of process folder- /proc/<id of process>. And to see these process ID, we have cmd - "ps -aux" in Linux
6) When we start for process, it sends instructions which is present in code to CPU for processing the code. It is a single thread which send to the CPU in Linux shell. Limitations of process is where next instruction will not start until previous instruction is over.
7) Multi threading is a processing unit to provide multiple threads of execution concurrently, supported by the OS. Single process contain multi threads.
8) And to make program multi threads we just need to import one module, which is threading.


Summary Of Today's Session :
** In Linux RAM is mounted /proc directory
** Whenever we execute a program it first loads the code into the memory and becomes a process. Every

process in system is assigned a PID by the OS. Internally OS creates a folder where we can see all the

data or content related to this particular process. The path of the folder is /proc/<id of process>. To

find PID, we need to use 'ps -aux' command.
** Each instruction sent by the process to the CPU for execution is known as a thread
** Single thread means only one instruction going to the CPU for execution at a time. Multi-threading

means multiple CPUs work together to complete the process. To make the program multi-threading we have to

import 'threading' package.


1) whenever a process is execute in RAM, a ID is assigned, that is a folder with PID is created.
2) /usr/proc/<pid> is a folder where we can find the details of the process
3) cpu send only one instruction in one go which is known as thread
4) how we can use the thread module
5) we can also see the status of any process


✔When a program runs in the RAM it gets one id called process id. (PID)
✔we can find process details in /proc/<pid> directory
✔The process can only run one statement at a time and it sends an instruction to the CPU at a time.
✔the process will not send new instruction until the previous will get completed. this is called as single threading
✔multi-threading is enabled to run of multiple statements send at a time by the process.
✔we have to enable multithreading in python for that we have to use the 'threading' module and call Thread() in the program
✔The main thread always runs until you terminate the program


In this session learned about
1 PID concept
2 functions
3 multi threading concept
4 go inside RAM
5 threads in programming
Thank you for the session


We learn lot of things by this session.Some of keypoints are as follows:-
🔷We can pass instruction to O.S by help of interpreter
🔷Before executing Program file it is stored in storage .Once it is executing it is stored in memory and become process .Kernel ( part of O.S ) gives unique code that is process id (PID)
🔷PID is directory created once creation of process and get destroyed when process get completed . RAM is kind of place ( it is mounted to folder /proc ) . Name of folder associated process is named after PID.
🔷We have one limitation about process that it is singled thread. We can think that statement is equivalent to thread.
🔷Genearlly Process is Multi Threaded . OR we can say process is multi tasking.
🔷We have module threading that is used to implement Multi Threading
🔷For creation of thread we can use function VariableOFTHREAD= threading.Thread( ) which has argument target as reference of function
🔷VariableOFTHREAD.start() function is used to start the thread
🔷We have always one thread extra which comes from main thread which begin from execution of program


PID of a process.
Whenever we execute a program it first loads the code into the memory and becomes a process. Every process in system is assigned an ID or a number called PID by the OS. This PID is not just a number, infact it is a folder where we can see all the data or content related to this particular process over there. 
In linux, the path of such folder is /proc/<id of process>. To find PID, we need to use ps -aux command.
If you do ls, we can see so many files related to this process or program
- In which folder you can find the details of any process ?
In linux, the path of such folder is /proc/<id of process>. To find PID, we need to use ps -aux command.
If you do ls, we can see so many files related to this process or program
- Limitation of a process.
Our intention is to execute the program. So who actually does this processing is the CPU. To cpu instructions or (Program statements) have to be fed so that it can start exe

What is multi threading ?
Multi threading or multi-tasking is same. That means at a time we can feed our CPU with multiple threads for execution. This literally means that we can see multiple instructions are getting executing in same point of time.
Best example: In chrome browser, we can open multiple tabs where each tab does some job like broswing, playing youtube, downloading etc. All this is possible because the developers of Chrome web client made it to do multi-tasking or multi threading at a time.
- How to make our python program multi threading ?
For this we need to import a module called threading. after that we need to write instructions like :

These threads work beside __main__thread, hence they are coined as extra threads.


Threading, Multi threading,
Inside of RAM, Functions,
PID Concepts and others.
Thanks Vimal Sir for very
insightful session on the topics.
With regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro


Session Summary:

It was an Super Knowhow session on Threading concept.
we learnt about how CPU is given one task or thread or statement to be impleted at a time.
with help of PID we can check how OS/Ram created folder can show us the status of no. of threads running.
We learnt that by importing threading and targeting the reference, we can run multiple statements like multi-threading.

Excellent Learning. session by session I feel I didn't knew anything and I am learning all the concepts only because of Vimal Daga Sir.
VImal Daga Sir, Keep sharing your Knowledge Treasure & wish it keeps on multiplying for you too.

Thanks for the wonderful session


Today's session summary
- concept of multi threading
- to go inside ram
- PID concept
- functions
- threads in programming
Thanks for this wonderful class!!!


6 december 2020
- every program assigned a id in RAM called PID of that process
- in the /proc directory we can find the process details
- the process can execute only one statement at a time
- threads are small subprocesses Or small program
- multithreading is a way through we which we can run multiple subprocess at same time
- with the help of Tread() and start() function we can impliment thread in python


06-12-2020 -
- PID of a process.
Whenever we execute a program it first loads the code into the memory and becomes a process. Every process in system is assigned an ID or a number called PID by the OS. This PID is not just a number, infact it is a folder where we can see all the data or content related to this particular process over there.
In linux, the path of such folder is /proc/<id of process>. To find PID, we need to use ps -aux command.
If you do ls, we can see so many files related to this process or program
- In which folder you can find the details of any process ?
In linux, the path of such folder is /proc/<id of process>. To find PID, we need to use ps -aux command.
If you do ls, we can see so many files related to this process or program
- Limitation of a process.
Our intention is to execute the program. So who actually does this processing is the CPU. To cpu instructions or (Program statements) have to be fed so that it can start executing the instaruction and give the output to us.
What is multi threading ?
Multi threading or multi-tasking is same. That means at a time we can feed our CPU with multiple threads for execution. This literally means that we can see multiple instructions are getting executing in same point of time.
Best example: In chrome browser, we can open multiple tabs where each tab does some job like broswing, playing youtube, downloading etc. All this is possible because the developers of Chrome web client made it to do multi-tasking or multi threading at a time.
- How to make our python program multi threading ?
For this we need to import a module called threading. after that we need to write instructions like :

These threads work beside __main__thread, hence they are coined as extra threads.


In this session we learnt about many important things like as :
* Concepts of multithreading and PID (process id)
* uses multithreading concept
* Parallel uses of multithreading. Etc


6 dec
learnt about
-->Know about the PID
--> threading and how to convert single threading into multi threading
-->Function for multi-threading
--> learnt about multi-path
-->how to see the RAM storage and details about running program
--> extra thread i.e. __main__ function thread

Thank you sir


Today I learnt about following concept-
1. Multi-threading and what is a process thread execution wise.
2. To see inside RAM the question asked on first day.
3. Concept of PID.
4. Functions in python and it's need and implementation.


1) PID is a unique number given to every process by kernel/OS.
2) PID is a folder created on RAM whenever we execute the process.
3) In /proc we find the details of any process
4) Limitations of the process are that it can run only one thread at a time. But using the concept of multi-threading
5) Thread is a flow of control or process in an OS that performs some function.
6) Multi threading means OS can work with multiple threads or multiple processes at the same time.
7) To create multiple threads
Import threading
Def a():
While true:
Def b():
While true:
X1=thearding.Thread(target =a)//creating thread
X2=thearding.Thread(target =b)
X1.start()//staring thread


Session 16 summary:-
1. All miltithreading concepts and how to implementing miltithreading
2. To ho inside RAM
3. Threads in programming
4. PID concepts
5. Functions
Great session indeed


Session on 06-12-2020
In this class we learnt about
√ briefly about Multi threading.
And thats our main topic.
√ exact meaning of thread.
√ Processes id(PID).
√ came to know about /proc file.
√ we got answer for the error
happend in function program.
√ finally executed our simple funtion
Program using multithreading
Thankyou sir😊


6dec summary
👉In /proc/<PID> folder, we can find details of any process.

👉 Limitation of a process
Limitation of process is that it is single threaded.

👉Running multiple threads/works at same time is knwon as multi threading.

👉To enable multi threading in our python program :
import threading


-Code combines to make a program, program when executed becomes a process that is stored on ram, this process when communicates with the cpu, it is assigned a thread.
-Processes are effectively stored as folders in ram with many other additional things assigned by the kernel.
-A thread is a connection to the cpu from a process number of connections by default are only one.
-Connections may be multiple as the case requires.
-threading lib in python and .start() method of thread object.

Finally thank you sir for the guidance and expressing the true essence of technology
