I bought the CHEAPEST Camper off of Facebook Marketplace

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I bought this camper a few years back off of Facebook Marketplace. It may look rough, but it was cheap...and I love cheap. There are a couple of things that need to be done before taking it out camping. I need to get it into the back of my truck, but the jacks are broken and my truck sits too high. It's also full of bees and wasps, which is super awesome. Let's see if I ever make it camping, or if it falls out of my truck going down the road.

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#CheapCamper #FacebookMarketplace #LukeMcFadden
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Dude, I am so proud of you! I dont give a shit what any hater says, you took something most people would take to the dump and put life back into it. Starting a family especially while owning your own business and creating jobs for others is no easy, OR CHEAP, task. Dont need luxury, need it to be dependable so you and your wife can have those special moments. Not enough people in the world like you anymore; hat's off to ya!


Been a welder/machinist most of my life. Your welds and designs are way better than some of the so called "trained professionals" I've seen. I would definitely trust your work.


The thoroughness of your camper repairs are admirable. Nothing at all to be ashamed of. In fact like you mentioned, the repairs you did were much stronger than original factory work.

I too have an old cheap truck camper I’ve been putting off rebuilding the back entry door that’s falling apart and doesn’t latch properly. I don’t have access to all the materials or tools (nice mag drill!) but will eventually work on it when it comes up to be it’s turn amongst all my other broken projects 😂


After watching you for half a year, I finally figured out why what my connection is to your story. My grandfather grew up in the Depression, then was at Pearl Harbor, from a poor family, a total of 8 brothers and sisters. He wasn't a craber, but evertyhing he did he did it himself, and figured it out himself. He built his own porches, garage, sheds, added a second living room to his mobile home (double wide). He did everything by himself. It is a lost work ethic in general but I'm glad you have it and work hard.


People like you are what propels these types of sales still. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Awesome work from a down to earth dude.


Dude, I love that you just do normal people stuff. It makes me want to come hang out and fix stuff with you.


You are a talented young man. Who can design and build outta scrap. Not everyone can do that. Your a MacGyver for sure.
Thanks for being you. An inspiring hard working young man.


I think your repairs are very creative and look sound to me. You took something sketchy and brought it back to life and will be able to enjoy it for more years. Respect.


While I have never restored a pickup camper, I have totally rehabbed an old coachman travel trailer.

There’s a real sense of satisfaction and rebuilding something that’s worn out or broken down and making it usable again.


Young man, you’re giving this old man hope for some of the future of this country. So good to see someone with such work ethic, such ingenuity, and such enthusiasm and willing to do things themselves and make due with what you have. We’ve become a throw it away society, good to see you salvage and repair things. KUDOS! Keep doing your thing


I love seeing u work on that camper. My brother is who sold it to you. Glad you’re bringing it back to life


Luke- please do an update on your camper! Love to see it. Off season… maybe take it on a trip if you get the opportunity!

Best wishes brother!


Your camper mounts that you built are 10 times better than anything else I’ve ever seen as far as heavy duty never gonna break. Your ambition is going to get you far in life . Thanks for sharing.


In 1980, when I was 19, I bolted my truck camper to the floor of my
1972 Ford F-250 Camper Special with a threaded rod and steel plates.


You are my hero, my kind of man. You have a good mind and see things that many folks cannot. Thank you for your inspiration for me to tackle the projects I have to do. 🤔


There is a giant pile of those campers in Williston North Dakota since 2018


I truly admire you! Like yourself, I was the guy that could "fix" almost everything with what I had in my multiple piles of stuff! My neighbors would always track me down when they needed something rigged together. We're the ones that will survive when it all hits the fan! HA!


I absolutely loved the “looks pretty good because you can’t see it from my house!” 😂😂😂


Hello Luke I'm impressed with you I've just gotta say I have a Caribou truck camper and we've had an accident with it Now you've taught me how to fix it thank you man I really appreciate it


some pretty great work honestly, it may not look the best but most people don't know how much thought and time it really took to make this work.
