15 Signs You're in the UPPER MIDDLE Class

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15 Signs You're in the UPPER MIDDLE Class

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How to tell if you're in the upper middle class?
What are some signs someone is in the upper middle class?
What are the best indicators you're in the upper middle class?
What does upper middle class mean?
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How do you define the upper middle class?
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What is something only upper middle class people do?
Which habits of upper middle-class people have?
What screams, “I'm upper middle class?”
Why do upper middle class people upgrade to rich class?
What is the advantage of belonging to a upper middle class family?
How is the upper middle class different?
What are some differences between the upper middle class and the rest?
What are some secrets of the upper middle class?

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Hello Aluxers! Which of these qualities and habits of the upper middle class do you think you could adopt, and could change your life for the better?


One more point for the upper middle class: you don't blindly and crazily stalk celebrities.


I believe I am upper middle class.... I have 6 spare rolls of toilet paper and an extra bag of dog food for the coming weeks. BOOM!


9) “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”
- “What if we don’t spend time with 5 people?”


The one thing I would slightly disagree with is #7 on credit. The upper middle class still has to take out mortgages, so they depend on credit. However, unlike the rest of the middle and lower classes, the upper middle class has learned how to properly utilize credit to get what they want. They play the credit game correctly - they build a high score and gain access to the benefits credit can offer, while also having the cash to back it up.


Upper middle class here. Very comfortable with life. 🙌🏿👏🏿💯
But striving to be better!! 🙏🏿✍🏿


Accurate, except I use my credit card for EVERYTHING for the cashback rewards and then I pay it back immediately so I don’t owe interest.


I only want to say I’m a blue collar worker and made 178k in 7 months in 2019. You don’t need a degree at all to do well and be upper middle class.


The most interesting factor is the one in which the upper middle class excels even over the rich, Cultural Capital. That is the knowledge of art, literature, music, history, geography etc.


Investing in the stock market is the best option to make a passive income. Virtually all the markets are crazy, most people pay more attention to the shiniest position on the graph, I’m keeping a diversified portfolio.


This video is spot on! I was fortunate enough to be born into the upper-middle class and I think one of the biggest differences which you described between the rich and upper-middle is the focus on being EMPLOYED or becoming the EMPLOYER. The upper-middle will usually be the best in their professions (law, medicine, engineering, executive managers) as an employee, usually from achieving top-tier education, but the rich will be those who are employing them. There are pros and cons to both. Also, I completely agree with the point about cultural capital. The upper-middle excel, probably better than the rich, at developing a broader understanding of the world and creating social movements; something I'd personally prioritize more, over only focusing on monetary goals, but it's down to what one value's in life.

As always, great video Alux!


My parents are upper middle class and everything here is true but for my parents they grew up poor and didn’t get a private education and they put me in a public school


Sign 16: you didn’t get a stimulus check


Highly educated from good universities tend to commit themselves more to their profession than starting up a business or coming up with way to generate more income.


A family of 4 making $120, 000 a year is in an entire different level than the same family making $485, 000.


"You don't buy things on credit, " for the upper middle class doesn't mean they don't use credit cards. It can mean that they use credit cards to earn rewards, but because they pay the cards off immediately, they do not have any credit card debt. In other words, they have the ability to pay for things with cash, but choose to use credit cards rather than debit cards to earn rewards while keeping credit card balances on their monthly statements at zero.


My boyfriend and I have been having lifestyle compatibility issues. I want to move for my career goals, take risks, and travel because that is what my family does. I have been living this lifestyle since in the womb. He wants the opposite. Watching this makes me realize that we grew up in different social classes. He calls me an idealist and himself a realist.


Being more cultured, there are all kinds of free learning apps that I do instead of social media. I am not upper middle class yet but I have learned more outside of school then in school.


Being good with money. Buying quality over name brands. You make smart choices.


Oddly, I share many traits with the UMC, without having the income. Grew up poor, but got a very broad education with lots of beyond the average experiences. Money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty sucks.
