DNA Family Secrets: Was I lied to about my mother's death?

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91-year-old Jean was evacuated in World War two. She never saw her mother again and was told that she died before the war ended. She now wants to find out if this is true.

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Her father didn’t have time for her yet didn’t want her mother being part of her life. What a cruel thing to do. Children are not possessions.


When my mum was evacuated the family that had her didn't want to give her back. My mum said they made her work. My nan had to go and take her back. Nan was our rock xx


What a lovely woman. You can see the shock when she learns her mother died when she herself was in her 20s. She has good manners and British self-control. It must be awful to learn that what she yearned for was there, but not for her. 😢


What a lovely lady: She shows absolutely no signs of bitterness or unforgiveness toward her mom.


If only her father would have been honest, she could have had a relationship with her mum. It was a cruel thing to do, but she said her father didn’t seem to care about her. He kept his daughters just to hurt his wife.


What a lovely lady. Hearing her say " I think the one thing that I always wanted was to be the center of somebody's life. To matter to somebody" broke my heart. I bet she is an amazing mum and grandmother.


Ms. Jean seems like a very sweet lady. When she spoke, she gave off such a feeling of sincerity. Glad that she received her answer😌😌


She is a beautiful lady. She deserved better. There should be no secrets in families. These secrets and lies always come to the surface and can devastate someone.


She knew in her heart her mother wasn’t dead during the war I’m so glad you were able to give her the answer Turi you could see how much that meant to her


oh dear lady I always wanted a mother. I am happy she made a beautiful life for herself. God Bless You.


You know her father either left his wife or forced her mother to. How horrific for both women.


My hope is that Jean got to meet Dawn, and that she was able to see a photograph of her Mum. I never met my birth mum, but when I was in my late 40's I got to see a photograph. It was a scan, but it was something. She was given an opportunity to connect with me but declined to do so...


Not knowing is terrible. I wonder similarly. I don't know if my Great Grandparents were murdered by the Nazis, or what became of them. The family lost contact in of the people of their town were sent to Auschwitz, but they don't show up on any lists or websites, and I've read hundreds of lists over 24 years, and still am. I'm so glad this lady got her answer. And she was so graceful in her acceptance.


I hope they were able to provide her with a photo of her mom.


It's more often men who walk out of their children's lives and never make an effort to contact them again. My son's father passed up on the opportunity to meet him (I tried to tee it up when my son turned 18). Last year they finally met, at my son's initiative. It went OK. Now my son's father would like to keep in touch (he turns 80 this year) but my son is not planning to do so. It might be a bit mean of me, but i feel it is karma.


I’m happy for her finding out the truth but sad for her, not getting to see her mum again, or her half sister 😢I hate when parents lie to their children about such things


If you ever wondered how wisdom can be beautiful, this is it. Such a strong and sweet lady. I don't think i could tell her this about her mom without weeping. It would be so satisfying to offer her the answer to the question she's wondered about for 80 years, but heartbreaking to reveal the truth that neither of her parents gave a damn about her. How she remains so calm is admirable. My own blood is boiling!


Interesting how she had an idea that she’d been lied to. Hugs to her. I hope that the family she lived with treated her well. I’m glad that she made a better life for herself.


I'm really glad Jean got answers. Something like that is such a huge, hard thing to deal with and I hope this helps her to heal.


God bless her. All those years of worry and concern. And to know her dad didnt really care or at least had no parenting skills. So sad for her and her sister. But glad she had a family of her own and I bet she was a fantastic mom.
