Quantum Entanglement in Neurons: Unlocking the Mystery of Consciousness!

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🌟 Quantum Entanglement in Neurons: Unlocking the Mystery of Consciousness 🌟

Inside your brain, a silent symphony plays—a dance of neurons synchronizing in an electromagnetic chorus that gives rise to consciousness. But how do these circuits align their firing? Could quantum entanglement hold the key?

In a bold proposal, Shanghai University physicists Zefei Liu and Yong-Cong Chen, along with biomedical engineer Ping Ao from Sichuan University, suggest that entangled photons emitted by carbon-hydrogen bonds in nerve cell insulation might synchronize brain activity. Their recent findings challenge our understanding of consciousness and quantum effects.

🔍 Key Points:

Quantum Entanglement: This phenomenon occurs when particles become interconnected, regardless of distance. Could it play a role in our minds?

Superradiance: Another quantum phenomenon recently identified in cellular frameworks adds to the intrigue.

Penrose-Hameroff Model: A speculative theory proposes that networks of cytoskeleton tubules in neurons act as a quantum computer shaping our thinking.

🌐 Learn More: Read the full article on ScienceAlert.

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